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I don't know man, I just didn't like it. It felt way too similar to pretty much every high-profile main-event match that Reigns has had this year. And I did not AT ALL dig Cena constantly going for the roll-up pin. Just felt incredibly stupid and out of place for such a high-profile main event match. Also felt that the match just didn't grip me the same way that Edge vs. Rollins did. And I agree, the Brood entrance was very very cool. Not just because that entrance music is one of the best wrestling entrance themes ever, but also because it was nostalgic without being overdone.
Yet to see TakeOver. I haven't fully caught up with NXT yet. But Joe's win excites me, because how can it not? I always considered him one of the greatest wrestlers of his generation---one that included Punk and Bryan---and its a damn shame how his career was destroyed by Russo and TNA. And from what I've heard he might be in for a long reign as WWE rebrands NXT.
Yeah. I agree. But I feel part of the reason why that is the case for WWE atleast is because they have lost the ability to create stars. Their entire company tends to be focused around 2-3 guys. And everyone else is just an idiot who can get squashed or have his push stopped on any given day when Vince wakes up on the wrong side of the bed. WWE also does not let guys be who they are. They have to micromanage, script, sanitize everything and in the process the essence of a wrestler gets lost in the scuffle.
Reigns himself is the biggest example of this. Here's a guy that WWE essentially created in a laboratory. Everything he said sounded stupid, outdated and phony. Nobody believed he was anything more than a corporate creation. And the moment he got the freedom to essentially do his own promos, he went to a level none of the fans thought he was capable of reaching. Reigns was never the problem. It was Vince's utterly outdated and deluded vision of what he thinks wrestling is.
Just look at Moxley in AEW. He's one of the most over guys in the company and regardless of what you think about his wrestling, I don't think even his harshest critics can deny that when he cuts a promo you believe every word. Could WWE not have made a star out of him? I don't think I need to remind you how they used him in his last year. I mean that Rollins feud was downright embarrassing and cringeworthy to watch.
Very intrigued by/excited for Lesnar vs Reigns Part 7 though. Have a feeling they will finally get it right this time. I reckon it'll go down at Survivor Series.
A few months ago, I would have agreed with you. But I after seeing AEW alot more frequently, I have grown to like Darby a whole lot more. I may not be his biggest fan, but I get his appeal. To a great extent he's like a smaller, watered down version of Jeff Hardy but also unique in his own way. The size aspect also doesn't bother me as much anymore because it has been normalized to a great extent by modern wrestling and I feel that the ability to be able to work should matter more. And Darby can definitely work.
As Punk's first match I don't mind it at all, eventhough my excitement will be through the roof once he feuds with MJF and Starks. I think with a small build that's focused more on Punk than both guys, it works. And I think the match even has the potential to be a great.
Rampage was all about Punk. The rest of the matches were irrelevant because the whole show was marketed and sold around Punk. And if anything, I'd even say AEW did the right thing by not hotshotting the matchcard because there was no way ANYONE was following that promo. And I think they knew that. Personally speaking, I didn't mind the Moxley match. It was good for what it was: i.e. an under 10 minute TV match. Same for Jade's match which was literally a one minute squash match. The tag match was bad. But I expect to skip atleast one match on Dynamite anyway, so not a big deal.
Overall I have loved Rampage thus far. Its only 45 minutes long which makes it a very easy watch. So far they have delivered one outstanding match/promo on both shows. Christian vs. Kenny Omega on the debut and Punk's promo on the second. So frankly I don't have much to complain about.
It wasn’t the most creative match I agree but it didn’t make me puke, there was structure and an attempt to tell a story, two legit heavyweights slugging it out before 51k people and they were going nuts on a show which probably was long winded from experience.
You know this whole script thing is exaggerated extremely to another level, there is no script or structure in AEW - who’s to say their top guys are capable of delivering a promo like Punk ? balance is key, some guys ought to do well with a few pointers or a blank page while others need that guidance and mentors, otherwise it’s pure anarchy and your top stars will want to cosplay characters from their favourite cartoon shows.
Am sorry but you know after all the criticism Ambrose had I’d have to say am vastly disappointed, he got done dirty but he hasn’t been setting the world on fire, he has been solid and that’s all, I much prefer’d his promo work in CZW, but you’re getting a watered down version, his promo doesn’t move me at all like a Punk who gave me goosebumps even after the segment ended!
Yeah sure no one could have followed Punk but to put on utter garbage after him on national television was non-sensical, I liked the Jade squash it was simple and effective; she looked a real star in the making but how can you expect the audience or guys like me tuning in for Punk to pull for Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy and that no name bloke who fought Moxley , nothing moved me, I saw nothing new or compelling, just some guys who I can’t take seriously to begin with doing some flips.
I can’t get past the fact that Darby Allin looks like a skinny little rat and regardless of how much you rate him, is this the cosplay show? Darby ripping off Sting, Starks cosplaying The Rock and I rate Ricky a great deal its not necessary and then the top champion cosplaying Ricky and Morty and Hunter’s look from the early 2000’s except he can never cut a promo to save his life. In between it all there is potential for sure but the more you watch it the more reasons you will begin to find to defend it, I am really trying hard to enjoy AEW and will give it another go due to Punk but it’s not happening, but I can see why people can be desperate to enjoy it due to the same old from WWE but that’s not enough of a motivation for me to enjoy it in the same way because am off the product in general overall tuning in and out. But Punk going from working with Brock, Rock, Cena….to Darby Allin, that’s the next big thing apparently lol I hope he gets to move on from that super quick and it may be better for Darby to, constantly living in the shadow of others.