Test Star
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Tbh, I think Mox's promo work has come a long way from "I'm a Sick Guy". He has alot more bass in his voice and what I really like about his promos is that he can get his point across really well even when he is alluding to stuff and deliberately trying to not be direct. One of the best examples in recent times was right before he went to rehab and he was teasing a heel turn in his promos without outright doing or saying something heelish. And then ofcourse its the delivery too...that slightly unhinged Jake/Mankind way of talking. So for me, he is still one of the best promos in the business because nobody does promos like him. But its like he just can't move out of that minor league, indie, deathmatch mindset.
Just look at him right now. He is AEW's World Champion at a time when guys are literally dropping like flies because of injuries. He is pretty much the only major name left standing right now that they can draw big matches and ratings off. And later this month he's going to be back at Garbage Championship Wrestling defending their title. What happens if he gets injured going through a glassdoor or mutilating himself? Back in the day the World Champion of a major promotion had a responsibility to try his best to not get hurt. This feels like going out of your way to do so. And for what? A f***kin' two bit deathmatch promotion that draws 200 people in a barn....on a big show!
Terry was atleast himself through and through. Chris has seemingly gotten rid of all the best aspects of his personality that made him a wrestling genius for years and years. It's like all those instincts are just gone. His stuff usually feels like a watered down version of Attitude Era WWE. I had high hopes from this Jericho Appreciation Society stable because for the first couple of weeks it was fairly good. But now even this has basically become a rehash of Inner Circle.
He’s ok but not as good as he could be imo I rarely will go out of my way to listen to what he has to say, I did when he came back and that was good, but again he diminishes himself with his antics. I find Jericho less offensive but if he is as bad as what you say, then he is plagued by the same issue as the others, not everyone can consistently produce the goods when given a blank page. He has been there a while so perhaps just isn’t as inspired as his first 18 months or so.