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The Middle Eastern Nightmare deserves to finish his story and win the title that Hassan couldn’t win 🤣

The Middle Eastern Nightmare - Am still laughing 🤣 @RedwoodOriginal
Bruh what are you talking about? The guy is a multiple-time X-Division Champion :ROFLMAO:

What cracks me up more is the noise of the planes in the background of his entrance theme. $hit$tain gives a new meaning to the term 'on the nose.' :ROFLMAO:
I will definitely check that out, I just think it was dumb to see how a crowd would react to him with the title by having him do an entrance with it to the confusion of the crowd. If they wanted to do a proper test, should have been in the ring, it could be overturned or something later, similar to Jericho’s first unrecognised world title win when he beat H; that pop was insane, H never got over how superior Jericho was compared to him on every level.
It was a dumb thing to do. The whole thing was badly thought out and poorly executed. The crowd had enough of Hulk Hogan. Just because you changed the colors and had someone else put on the costume, didn't mean the crowd was going to gravitate towards that. But once they put him in that position they should have gone all-in, rather than what they ended up doing, which completely buried Lex.

Lol that was one of the most pathetic examples of Vince bait and switch finishes. But I'd like to think that the pop Jericho got that night played some part in him getting that run as the Undisputed Champion.
Goldberg 's epic clear out in Elimiation Chamber some 22 years ago , Randy Orton Shawn Michaels, Big Show and Jericho mercilessly speared into glass cabin, literally stunning , HHH looked frightened
Bruh what are you talking about? The guy is a multiple-time X-Division Champion :ROFLMAO:

What cracks me up more is the noise of the planes in the background of his entrance theme. $hit$tain gives a new meaning to the term 'on the nose.' :ROFLMAO:

Need to send my apologies to Daivari, tbh he did a decent job with what he was given and him once being Angle’s manager once somehow worked as well.

I didn’t even pick up on that because of how much I was laughing 🤣🤣🤣 it plane noise makes it even more epic now lmao
I’d like to see Mustafa Ali return to the WWE, can’t recall if he was released under H though but under Shawn he worked very well
Sheikh Abdul Bashir The Middle Eastern Nightmare 🤣🤣🤣 I think 90% off Vinces most terrible ideas were probably inspired from working with sh!t stain.

You’re absolutely right, I keep thinking my memory might have failed me but no, he was 100% going to beat Batista for the title on that show. I mean we were a bit too PC for the time period, I feel like Vince should have stuck to his guns and pulled the trigger, even if it was a short reign, the nuclear heat would have meant that whoever would have beaten him, would get a mega pop.
I think the gimmick would have done a lot better if it didn't include demonising Islam in there. They could have done without that mat praying and terrorists aligning with him. Otherwise it could have been a massive heel magnet in a good way. Americans of Arab origin can be a massive gimmick even today.
Need to send my apologies to Daivari, tbh he did a decent job with what he was given and him once being Angle’s manager once somehow worked as well.

I didn’t even pick up on that because of how much I was laughing 🤣🤣🤣 it plane noise makes it even more epic now lmao
It's still funny how Vince managed to pair up a supposed Arab American with an Iranian American and sold together as a team even though arab and iranian hate each other in reality. :ROFLMAO:
I watched a 10 min review of Revolution on Wrestletalk's yt channel and i still don't get how they mark out for AEW as if its the greatest thing in the world. What's up with all these British yt channels being megamarks for AEW? i am still trying to find a yt channel who is not a megamark of AEW based on what Meltzer propagates. cultaholic, wrestletalk(apart from Oli Davis), whatculture (apart from Simon Miller) etc etc all of them love and defend AEW like they are shareholders.
Chris Van Vliet is the only one who is sorta unbiased but he doesn't do reviews.
Wrestleshorts is an awesome yt channel. He makes animation clips of matches and does Mauro Ranallo's commentary impressions over it. His clips are pretty funny.
@RedwoodOriginal @shaz619
Glad Roman is ok. Seriously Rollins can be such a bum the ways he’s reckless and injuring stars. Should have his finisher taken from him because one mistake, and as we saw, that finisher can easily cause injuries. Give him Hogan Leg Drop instead.
I watched a 10 min review of Revolution on Wrestletalk's yt channel and i still don't get how they mark out for AEW as if its the greatest thing in the world. What's up with all these British yt channels being megamarks for AEW? i am still trying to find a yt channel who is not a megamark of AEW based on what Meltzer propagates. cultaholic, wrestletalk(apart from Oli Davis), whatculture (apart from Simon Miller) etc etc all of them love and defend AEW like they are shareholders.
Chris Van Vliet is the only one who is sorta unbiased but he doesn't do reviews.
Wrestleshorts is an awesome yt channel. He makes animation clips of matches and does Mauro Ranallo's commentary impressions over it. His clips are pretty funny.
@RedwoodOriginal @shaz619
AEW marks are a different lot. They think they have to support AEW no matter what simply because its the little guy in this fight against the behemoth WWE. To play devil's advocate for a second though, I will say that Revolution was one of the better shows they have done in a long while. Besides the terrible main-event there were plenty of excellent matches on the card: MJF v Hangman Page, Ospreay v Fletcher, Omega v Takeshita. Toni Storm v Mariah May may have been one of the best women's gimmick matches I've seen - though there isn't exactly alot to choose from.

I generally bury them for their mistakes but have to credit them for putting on PPV card with a proper build this time. Even the terrible main-event with Mox and Edge had been built-up for a good couple of months. After a long time, they were able to deliver their USP, which is a high-quality PPV wrestling card with minimum fluff.

As for YT wrestling channels, I'll check that one out. Currently, I only follow OSW Review and Cornette.
@shaz619 I love ripping on AEW, but as JC would say, sometimes even a blind squirrel finds a nut.

Check out this hype video for MJF v Hangman Page. You might recognize the song Tony licensed here from all your hours of playing Smackdown v RAW 2007.

I wish WWE would license more nu metal songs instead of the contemporary rap crap they use on all their PPVs. This video for instance just hits different and reminds me of some of the best hype packages from the Ruthless Aggression era.
AEW marks are a different lot. They think they have to support AEW no matter what simply because its the little guy in this fight against the behemoth WWE. To play devil's advocate for a second though, I will say that Revolution was one of the better shows they have done in a long while. Besides the terrible main-event there were plenty of excellent matches on the card: MJF v Hangman Page, Ospreay v Fletcher, Omega v Takeshita. Toni Storm v Mariah May may have been one of the best women's gimmick matches I've seen - though there isn't exactly alot to choose from.

I generally bury them for their mistakes but have to credit them for putting on PPV card with a proper build this time. Even the terrible main-event with Mox and Edge had been built-up for a good couple of months. After a long time, they were able to deliver their USP, which is a high-quality PPV wrestling card with minimum fluff.

As for YT wrestling channels, I'll check that one out. Currently, I only follow OSW Review and Cornette.
I don't get how it is even a fight vs WWE. WWE is a global empire while AEW is only held in select few arenas in US. Isn't Dynamite and Collision held in one fixed arena every week in Florida? They don't have a developmental system, house shows etc. Even their PPV aren't as much as what WWE does which is roughly 1 ppv every month. I have watched a few angles and promos from Mox in last few months and I still don't get his word salad or what he's trying to do. I feel his work was a lot better when Bryan was around. Edge is still pretty sharp in the ring still.
I don't get how it is even a fight vs WWE. WWE is a global empire while AEW is only held in select few arenas in US. Isn't Dynamite and Collision held in one fixed arena every week in Florida? They don't have a developmental system, house shows etc. Even their PPV aren't as much as what WWE does which is roughly 1 ppv every month. I have watched a few angles and promos from Mox in last few months and I still don't get his word salad or what he's trying to do. I feel his work was a lot better when Bryan was around. Edge is still pretty sharp in the ring still.
They definitely shouldn't be deluding themselves into thinking they are even in the same stratosphere as WWE. Especially in the last couple of years, when WWE has reached new heights; creatively and financially. That said, there is definitely room for them to be an alternative brand. Problem is, bad booking has damaged that prospect too.

No they run a different arena every week, generally. Sometimes they'll tape Collision the same night as Dynamite.

Mox is doing some of the all-time worst work of his career. What he is doing is basically his version of The Bloodline with Claudio, PAC, Marina Shafir and Wheeler Yuta. Only, he is not Roman Reigns and while alot of this crap may sound good in his head, in execution, it is absolute death. It's a long-term storyline that has been going on since October of last year that is killing viewership and interest in the company. Even the AEW diehards are in agreement now that it is really bad. Edge is guilty by association because he has been heavily involved in it for the past couple of months.

Besides that are a few good things going on in AEW right now like Hangman Page v MJF. But sadly, alot of it is overshadowed by this Death Riders storyline that dominates the show.

This press conference reinforced why I hate The Rock so much now and think he is a complete phony.

It was an all-time great angle and The Rock was great in it. But let's be honest, Cena was still going to turn heel whether The Rock was going to be there or not.

What's funny to me is his justification for that schizophrenic promo on SmackDown, where he kept bouncing back and forth between being a heel and a babyface- that I thought was absolute trash. His justification is basically that 'I want to be liked as person while playing a cool persona on-screen.'

There's also no doubt about the fact that he is the one responsible for letting that idiot Travis Scott bust up Cody's eardrum.

So yeah, The Rock can STILL go to hell as far as I'm concerned.
That was a pretty fantastic main-event. Nice way to
give Rollins a win, without hurting Punk, while setting up the three-way at WrestleMania.

The last 5 mins of so of the post-match was just pure cinema lol. I think this could be an interesting storyline going into Mania.
@shaz619 I love ripping on AEW, but as JC would say, sometimes even a blind squirrel finds a nut.

Check out this hype video for MJF v Hangman Page. You might recognize the song Tony licensed here from all your hours of playing Smackdown v RAW 2007.

I wish WWE would license more nu metal songs instead of the contemporary rap crap they use on all their PPVs. This video for instance just hits different and reminds me of some of the best hype packages from the Ruthless Aggression era.

Great throwback video package tbh MJF looks hungry, I can’t take dumb phuck seriously however and in a company which is obsessed with owning names of wrestlers and everything else, they wont go back to such music and stick to the generic content and random mumble rap. If MJF ever does jump ship I hope he protects his brand.
He was released 1 or 2 weeks before he was scheduled to win a title in NXT i remember.

Vince had a good relationship with Mustafa, just had odd ideas with his push. He did punish him at times but H just released him altogether because he’s a racist & Islamophobe.
I watched a 10 min review of Revolution on Wrestletalk's yt channel and i still don't get how they mark out for AEW as if its the greatest thing in the world. What's up with all these British yt channels being megamarks for AEW? i am still trying to find a yt channel who is not a megamark of AEW based on what Meltzer propagates. cultaholic, wrestletalk(apart from Oli Davis), whatculture (apart from Simon Miller) etc etc all of them love and defend AEW like they are shareholders.
Chris Van Vliet is the only one who is sorta unbiased but he doesn't do reviews.
Wrestleshorts is an awesome yt channel. He makes animation clips of matches and does Mauro Ranallo's commentary impressions over it. His clips are pretty funny.
@RedwoodOriginal @shaz619

I will never have the bandwidth for AEW after what happened with Punk, but my trusted sources suggest it was a good event, ruined by cluster F off a finish during the main event, you never want to send a crowd home like that, or those who still buy PPV’s.

This press conference reinforced why I hate The Rock so much now and think he is a complete phony.

It was an all-time great angle and The Rock was great in it. But let's be honest, Cena was still going to turn heel whether The Rock was going to be there or not.

What's funny to me is his justification for that schizophrenic promo on SmackDown, where he kept bouncing back and forth between being a heel and a babyface- that I thought was absolute trash. His justification is basically that 'I want to be liked as person while playing a cool persona on-screen.'

There's also no doubt about the fact that he is the one responsible for letting that idiot Travis Scott bust up Cody's eardrum.

So yeah, The Rock can STILL go to hell as far as I'm concerned.

I’m not as off about it as yourself but I understand your POV, I think The Rock is treating the WWE like he’s making a movie, that has its pro’s and cons but he should know better, because he wasn’t bought up in the business like this.
That was a pretty fantastic main-event. Nice way to
give Rollins a win, without hurting Punk, while setting up the three-way at WrestleMania.

The last 5 mins of so of the post-match was just pure cinema lol. I think this could be an interesting storyline going into Mania.

What a cage match, it built up so well, MSG is a tough crowd as you know and they were up for this more then anything else during the show. Punk’s ring IQ is simply on another level to everyone he works with and he has an uncanny ability of squeezing the best out of his opponents. Proper old school cage match, used the environment well and it was more about the violence then the win, but then when things got heated it became more and more about the victory to. I love nothing more then a clean finish in a cage match (I pray every day that I may get one in the WWE in this era), but I understand the overbooking; ultimately, Reigns stole that W from Rollins, he might have won, but he didn’t really win, and nothing will hurt Rollins more than his moment being taken away when he had the man he hates with a passion on the ropes. When I saw the scuffle after RR, I was excited; I think they can sell this and I know you disagree but I hope this is the main event on Night 1.
Do you guys remember when H thought CM Punk was going to agree a match with 4/10 at WM 30, so he decided to book a handicap match where Punk went over clean against the friggin Shield.

I am excited for Stephanie Vasquer vs Gulia at the Theatre @ MSG, it is a bit rushed but I fear it’s because H is poaching on Shawn’s success and all his good work
Do you guys remember when H thought CM Punk was going to agree a match with 4/10 at WM 30, so he decided to book a handicap match where Punk went over clean against the friggin Shield.

It's funny since Punk wanted to lose that match.

Vince told him that's he's suppose to win the match but he needs to sell roman and make him look extremely OP.

And punk was like, Why don't I just let roman win and pin me? And vince was like no,

Win the match, embarras the shield but make roman look good 🤣