[VIDEO] New York Times: What's happening in Kashmir? Our cameras contradict India's official story


ODI Debutant
Nov 2, 2011

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There's also a video on the article which I have copy pasted below. I'd suggesting giving it a watch

India’s Move in Kashmir: More Than 2,000 Rounded Up With No Recourse

Asifa Mubeen was woken up by the sound of barking dogs as police officers began pouring into her yard.

Her husband, Mubeen Shah, a wealthy Kashmiri merchant, stepped out onto their bedroom balcony in the night air. The officers shouted up that he was under arrest. When he asked to see a warrant, his wife said, the officers told him there wouldn’t be one.

“This is different,” they said. “We have orders.”

It was the start of one of the biggest mass arrests of civilian leaders in decades carried out by India, a close American partner that bills itself as one of the world’s leading democracies.

Local officials say that at least 2,000 Kashmiris — including business leaders, human rights defenders, elected representatives, teachers, and students as young as 14 — were rounded up by the federal security forces in the days right before and right after the Indian government unilaterally stripped away Kashmir's autonomy.

The detainees have not been able to communicate with their families or meet with lawyers. Their whereabouts remain unknown. Most were taken in the middle of the night, witnesses said.

Critics say that even under India’s tough public safety laws this is illegal, and that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is bending the Indian legal system to cut off any possible criticism in Kashmir and go after anyone with a voice — be that a successful merchant like Mubeen Shah, a politician or a professor.

“Kashmir is silent as a graveyard,” said Vrinda Grover, a human rights lawyer.

The Indian government isn’t revealing what charges the detainees face or how long they will be held. Some were reported to have been flown on secret air force flights to jails in Lucknow, Varanasi and Agra.

On Thursday, the United Nations Human Rights Office said it was “gravely concerned.’’

Political analysts say the mass roundup was the final piece of a step-by-step plan that Mr. Modi’s government set into motion last year. This included postponing state elections in Kashmir to create a gap in local leadership. Indian officials then changed India’s Constitution and moved to erase Kashmir’s autonomy and statehood without any input from Kashmiris — though many lawyers have said that might not be legal, either.

Bringing Kashmir to heel has been a Hindu-nationalist dream. It was India’s only Muslim-majority state (it is now to become two federally administered territories) and a place where Pakistan, India’s archrival, enjoys some support. Kashmir was an obvious sore for the nationalist political movement that has flourished among India’s Hindu majority, powering Mr. Modi’s stunning rise.

But the fury is there, always.

“There is only one solution!” the crowds cheer. “Gun solution! Gun solution!”

Mr. Modi’s move instantly raised tensions with Pakistan, a Muslim-majority nation that also claims part of Kashmir. Its prime minister, Imran Khan, harshly criticized Mr. Modi on Wednesday, saying he had rebuffed Mr. Khan’s requests to talk.

Large numbers of troops have been moving on both sides of the border, fortifying positions in the Himalayan mountains, according to Western intelligence officials.

Both nations are nuclear-armed, and President Trump has urged them to reduce tensions and to avoid tipping the crisis over into war.

But Mr. Modi seems intent on digging in, and he has the Indian public firmly behind him. Many Indians see Kashmir as an integral part of India, and this move has stirred up jingoist feelings. Indian news channels have referred to the detainees being flown out of Kashmir as “Pakistani terrorists’’ or “separatist leaders,’’ toeing the government line.

The Indian Home Ministry will not answer questions about the mass arrests, including how many people have been taken into custody. The Foreign Ministry won’t say why foreign journalists continue to be blocked from setting foot in Kashmir, even when government officials insist the situation is returning to normal.

Mr. Modi has said that the state of Jammu and Kashmir, which includes the war-torn Kashmir Valley, had suffered too long and needed a change. He promised that the new arrangement would improve governance, bring peace and boost outside investment, which many Kashmiris question, especially now that business leaders have been thrown in jail.

“Who will invest there?” asked Farooq Kathwari, a prominent Kashmiri and the chief executive officer of Ethan Allen, the American furniture chain.

The way Indian security officials have handled this, he said, “has taken the dignity of the people. They have created a rage, and that rage will get them to do all kinds of things.”

Mubeen Shah, a merchant, was arrested on Aug. 5, hours before Kashmir’s autonomy was declared to be over. His wife said the police gave no reason for his arrest.

Among the people who were rounded up were Mian Qayoom, president of the Jammu and Kashmir High Court Bar Association; Mohammed Yasin Khan, chairman of the Kashmir Economic Alliance; Raja Muzaffar Bhat, an anticorruption crusader; Fayaz Ahmed Mir, a tractor driver and Arabic scholar; and Mehbooba Mufti, the first woman elected as Kashmir’s chief minister.

Shah Faesal, another politician, was arrested at New Delhi’s international airport, bags checked, boarding pass in hand, heading for a fellowship at Harvard. Several prominent state politicians have also been put under house arrest; they told Indian news outlets they had been ordered not to engage in any “political activity.”

“These detentions are totally illegal and unconstitutional,” said Zaffar Shah, a Kashmiri lawyer.

In the case of Mubeen Shah, 63, the wealthy merchant, his wife is still stunned about him being taken away. He was “just a business guy,” she said, who dealt in Kashmiri curios and carpets and had tried to woo foreign investors to build new electricity plants in Kashmir — exactly what the Modi government has said it wants.

She said some of the state police officers — Kashmiris — seemed reluctant to arrest him, but that dozens of heavily armed federal officers were at their back.

All this was carefully set into motion, analysts said, in three big steps.

Step one came in June 2018, when the Kashmir branch of Mr. Modi’s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, known as the B.J.P., abruptly pulled out of a coalition government in the state assembly, leaving the leading Kashmiri political party without a majority. That meant the governor — a central government figure, part of the Modi administration — took over.

Kashmiri politicians started to get nervous. They feared that Mr. Modi was plotting to change Article 370 of India’s Constitution, which guaranteed Kashmir special land rights and a fair degree of autonomy to write its own laws. Dismantling this article was a goal stated in Mr. Modi’s campaign manifesto.

Article 370 says that any changes to Kashmir’s status must be done in consultation with Kashmiri representatives. But Kashmiri politicians knew that if the state continued to be ruled by a governor, without a state assembly, there was a risk that Mr. Modi might make changes without them.

In November 2018, Ms. Mufti, Kashmir’s former chief minister, sent a fax to the governor — which she posted on social media — saying she had found enough allies and was ready to form a new government.

But the governor suddenly dissolved the state assembly. That was step two. The governor claimed he hadn’t received Ms. Mufti’s fax. He called for fresh elections.

That led to step three: the blocking of those elections.

According to an Indian official who said he would face harassment if his name were revealed, a team of experienced civil servants appointed by the national election commission recommended that Kashmir hold elections around June.

But B.J.P. lawmakers seemed to be stalling, the official said, and came up with some curious reasons: They said that if Kashmir’s elections were held in June, militants could hide in the tall summer grass, so November would be better.

The election commission then postponed the elections to later in the year, without setting any date.

That meant there was no functioning state assembly when Mr. Modi revoked Kashmir’s autonomy on Aug. 5. His government claimed that in the absence of a state assembly, the central government had the power to do this.

“The government had to engineer some other method to gain the levers of power,” said Happymon Jacob, a political scientist in New Delhi. “They simply would not be able to do what they did had there been elections.”

The final step was the lockdown.

Shortly after midnight on Aug. 5, just hours before Mr. Modi’s government would announce that Kashmir’s autonomy was over, the Indian authorities cut internet and phone service and activated thousands of federal security officers.

As dozens surrounded Mubeen Shah, others moved house to house, across the valley, looking for specific people. At least 20 stormed the home of Mr. Bhat, the anticorruption activist, his family said.

Mr. Bhat’s family said he had never been arrested before, “not even for one hour.”

When his wife, Fozia Kauser, asked why this was happening, the Kashmiri police said they didn’t know. Again, the response was: orders.

Human rights activists say the Indian government may be using the Public Safety Act, which allows the authorities to hold suspects without charges for up to two years if they are deemed threats to the state. But there are still rules, including an advisory board review.

A few days after Mr. Shah, the rug and crafts merchant, was arrested, his elder brother, Niaz, tracked him down at a Srinagar jail.

Mubeen Shah asked the guards if he could hug his brother. They said yes.

The next morning, Niaz Shah came back with some spare clothes.

But guards told him his brother was gone, on a military plane to Agra.
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Only way for India to have any control over Kashmir if they commit mass genocide.
This is quite a comprehensive and detailed article with specifics being higlighted quite boldly.

Surely, if this is fake news the government of India should publicly call New York Times out for spreading of disinformation in public.
The kids who lost their mom for nothing would ofcourse thank India so much for delivering them freedom from all the maternal scolding that they would have gotten in their life later.
The kids who lost their mom for nothing would ofcourse thank India so much for delivering them freedom from all the maternal scolding that they would have gotten in their life later.

this is what the indians dont realise, do you think when these boys grow up will they love india? and their future generations will be doing the same?

India are playing are very dangerous game which they cannot win.
Indians should be ashamed of calling themselves the largest democracy in the world
The Indian government’s issue is not with average Kashmiris now. This is a systematic cleansing operation now where they are targeting rich and educated powerful kashmiris. Take them out and their businesses and move in rich Indian Hindus from elsewhere.
[MENTION=2099]Cricket[/MENTION]joshilla fake news right?

New York TImes is also anti indian
No Indians in this thread?

Is due to evidence?
[MENTION=2099]Cricket[/MENTION]joshilla [MENTION=149871]Ram Shekhar[/MENTION]
No no we want true joshilla news like Toilet of India,Arnab etc.Where is rhondy with his concentration camp ideas?
Wasn’t expecting any of our regular Indians to post in this thread. Their lies and propaganda has been laid bare here and they cannot defend this.

The international community needs to take action against human rights violations before this gets out of hand.

However as we have seen in other countries, not much will happen unfortunately
A picture is worth a thousand words.

Indian "brave" army is harassing unarmed people; killing women inside their homes and shooting at elderly. Give them medals.

From what I have perceived from the video in OP: these people have nothing but disgust in their eyes (for India). It ain't fear, they're beyond fear now.

Don't expect any good news from that valley. The swines that Indian army are, will keep on with their violence and state terrorism against the Occupied Kashmir.

Yet another sad day. Muslim killer Modi rejoices as Muslim are getting killed in 2019.
[MENTION=2099]Cricket[/MENTION]joshilla fake news right?

New York TImes is also anti indian

No Indians in this thread?

Is due to evidence?
[MENTION=2099]Cricket[/MENTION]joshilla [MENTION=149871]Ram Shekhar[/MENTION]

Hindutva extremists like these posters would obviously avoid these tags and deny such news....desh bakhti over humanity anyday for them.
Not a single Indian trying defend it ?

What’s going on?

What is there to defend? I mean honestly regardless of nationalistic views I wish rest of India had more humane views towards Kashmiris. It seems like they have submitted to a fact whereby anything that happens to Kashmiris are Kashmiris own fault and has nothing to do with Indian State or forces applied.

The funny thing is that they have a law under AFSPA which allows military to destroy property, arrest and even shoot to kill with impunity. This is what happens when apparent lawmakers turn lawless.
I think our Indian friends have all gone to audition for the new Balokot movie.
Master strategy at play. Everyone that urged Kashmiris to boycott elections year after year has been made a fool. Modi and Shah played everybody. NYT is getting emotional unnecessarily because their standards are high. Kashmir is a dump and it is a shock that there were not many casualties in 2 weeks.
Master strategy at play. Everyone that urged Kashmiris to boycott elections year after year has been made a fool. Modi and Shah played everybody. NYT is getting emotional unnecessarily because their standards are high. Kashmir is a dump and it is a shock that there were not many casualties in 2 weeks.

Shameful post.
Indian are claiming fake news and videos being staged. This shows how stupid most of their people are.

The video shows how angry the Kashmiris are. They also know Indian terrorist troops are wanting an excuse to kill, torture and rape them. Very difficult situation for them.
Is this really news?

Kashmir has been an utter mess since the beginning of time, or at least been this way since the 1980s.

We should build a wall around it and let the damn thing go away for good.

As for Kashmiris, they've been trampled upon for too long - by Indians, Pakistanis, Sikhs, Dogras, Mughals, and so many more civilizations. Quit playing the victim card, become proficient in some worldly skill other than playing victim and then show the rest of us how it's done. Go on.
Is this really news?

Kashmir has been an utter mess since the beginning of time, or at least been this way since the 1980s.

We should build a wall around it and let the damn thing go away for good.

As for Kashmiris, they've been trampled upon for too long - by Indians, Pakistanis, Sikhs, Dogras, Mughals, and so many more civilizations. Quit playing the victim card, become proficient in some worldly skill other than playing victim and then show the rest of us how it's done. Go on.

This is exactly what privilege sounds like.
Is this really news?

Kashmir has been an utter mess since the beginning of time, or at least been this way since the 1980s.

We should build a wall around it and let the damn thing go away for good.

As for Kashmiris, they've been trampled upon for too long - by Indians, Pakistanis, Sikhs, Dogras, Mughals, and so many more civilizations. Quit playing the victim card, become proficient in some worldly skill other than playing victim and then show the rest of us how it's done. Go on.

This is extremely sad and this is probably how most Indians think about the issue. They don't care about the people only about the land.
This is extremely sad and this is probably how most Indians think about the issue. They don't care about the people only about the land.

Both India and Pakistan care only about the land. Stop pretending otherwise.
My goodness you guys have filthy mind and you assume everyone is like you. Disgusting

Yawn. Kashmir is a war over resources (Water) + ego.

Every power that be in India and Pakistan will tell you the same.

Grow up. The world might have a filthy mind but you have a naive one.
The number of so called detained varies from 400 to 4000.As per the imagination of news outlet.

Apparently there is curfew,lockdown, etc etc, yet NYT WP Reuters all are seen reporting from Kashmir.

NYT must tell what is a federal security officer? Havent heard of it.

They took one name,Mubeen Shah and then extrapolated it to everyone.

Shah Faesal according to his own party was flying to Turkey, not Boston.

Those who demand gun solution, will be given the gun solution.
The number of so called detained varies from 400 to 4000.As per the imagination of news outlet.

Apparently there is curfew,lockdown, etc etc, yet NYT WP Reuters all are seen reporting from Kashmir.

NYT must tell what is a federal security officer? Havent heard of it.

They took one name,Mubeen Shah and then extrapolated it to everyone.

Shah Faesal according to his own party was flying to Turkey, not Boston.

Those who demand gun solution, will be given the gun solution.

Keep denying the truth and questioning reputable media outlets like the Wall Street Journal and New York Times when they report on the reality of the issues in the region.

Turning a blind eye to the atrocities committed against the people in Kashmir is what Indians have done in the past and continue to do so because they are blinded by their own biased right wing media which only reports things which help further the agenda of Modi and his cronies.
The number of so called detained varies from 400 to 4000.As per the imagination of news outlet.

Apparently there is curfew,lockdown, etc etc, yet NYT WP Reuters all are seen reporting from Kashmir.

NYT must tell what is a federal security officer? Havent heard of it.

They took one name,Mubeen Shah and then extrapolated it to everyone.

Shah Faesal according to his own party was flying to Turkey, not Boston.

Those who demand gun solution, will be given the gun solution.

The biggest concern in all this is that someone like you probably sleeps well at night.
The U.N. Can’t Ignore Kashmir Anymore: The New York Times Editorial


Pakistan’s prime minister, Imran Khan, was a man on a mission at the United Nations, imploring members last week to persuade India to lift its siege of Kashmir, a longtime flash point between the two nations, which both have nuclear weapons.

Failure to do so, he warned in a speech before the General Assembly on Friday, could result in war between the neighbors if Kashmiris push back against the suffocating presence of thousands of Indian troops.

Since Narendra Modi, the Hindu nationalist prime minister of India, revoked the semiautonomous status of the Muslim-majority state on Aug. 5, his government has imposed a curfew and detained nearly 4,000 people, including lawyers and journalists. There have been serious allegations of torture and beatings. India cut phone and internet service, leaving millions of people isolated.

While Mr. Modi didn’t address the issue in his United Nations speech, at a rally in Houston a few days earlier he said that revoking the constitutional clause on Kashmiri autonomy meant “people there have got equal rights” with other Indians now. That’s an absurd assertion to make about a state in the world’s largest democracy that’s essentially under martial law.

“If the U.N. doesn’t speak about it,” Mr. Khan told The Times editorial board the day before his speech, “who is going to speak about it?”

He may need to keep looking. Resting any hopes on the United Nations seems futile, given the approach it has taken to the dispute in recent decades.

At one time, the United Nations made an effort to play peacekeeper in Kashmir. The Security Council tried to mediate tensions between India and Pakistan within months of their independence and partition in 1947.

While the United Nations still has an observer group to report on cease-fire violations in Kashmir, it has stepped back since the 1970s, when, after the two nations went to war, they agreed to take care of future differences through bilateral negotiations.

Pressure from India — which has long resisted outside intervention in Kashmir — helped keep Kashmir off the Security Council’s agenda until August, when China backed Pakistan‘s request for a discussion of Mr. Modi’s power grab. The session, held out of view of the media and public, accomplished little, though. The Council couldn’t even agree afterward on a common message.

The United Nations’ lack of resolve is a sad sign of the dysfunction in international diplomacy as American leadership declines and divisions among world powers grow. President Trump has offered to mediate, but his warm relations with the increasingly autocratic Mr. Modi — Mr. Trump attended the Houston fan fest — hardly make him an honest broker.

Countries are unwilling to risk crossing Mr. Modi and losing access to India’s huge market. Pakistan is economically weak. It also damaged its standing, and its position on Kashmir, by supporting militant groups that have attacked Indian troops, stirring a conflict that has torn Kashmir apart for decades.

Mr. Modi claims his clampdown would resolve that conflict and bring normality and development to Kashmir. But it seems more likely that it will only heighten tensions and make life more miserable for Kashmiris.

He could avoid disaster by lifting the siege, relaxing movement across the border between zones of the Kashmiri region that are held by India and Pakistan, releasing political prisoners and allowing independent investigators to look into alleged human rights abuses. Perhaps India’s Supreme Court, responding to various legal petitions, could even order him to reinstitute autonomy.

Those hopes are almost certainly in vain.

At least, in their last few crises, India and Pakistan demonstrated restraint. But it is easy to see how ***-for-tat actions can begin to escalate.

The Security Council should make clear that it opposes Mr. Modi’s brutal tightening of India’s control on Kashmir. While Mr. Modi may think he can control this volatile conflict on his own, he almost certainly cannot.
Looks like IK's mission has brought some dividends in terms of sympathetic voices in USA.
The UN knows if there is a chance of a nuke war it is in Kashnir dispute.
Salient point from that article

Countries are unwilling to risk crossing Mr. Modi and losing access to India’s huge market. Pakistan is economically weak. It also damaged its standing, and its position on Kashmir, by supporting militant groups that have attacked Indian troops, stirring a conflict that has torn Kashmir apart for decades.