You and your family is already supporting the murder of innocent children. You are complicit.
You live in Australia and Australia is a supporter of Israel, providing military equipment. I don’t think you are old enough to pay taxes but your parents do which means that your family has blood on their hands.
Don’t labor under the delusion that you are helping the Palestinians by not eating McDonald’s and showing solidarity over the Internet when your money is going into their pockets and the country that you live in is manufacturing weapons for them.
I live in Pakistan, a country that has no ties with Israel and in spite of the fact that I don’t think about what happens in Palestine and I have hesitation in eating McDonald’s, I still don’t have blood on my hands like you &
@topspin and others living in the west do.
Leave Australia and come back to Pakistan if you feel so strongly about Palestine, but of course you won’t do that because talk is cheap.
I am not pro or anti Israel because I don’t have a dog in this fight, but I greatly admire the contributions of Israel to the world particularly their research & development.
If we start boycotting everything associated with Israel, we will be living in caves and like Neanderthals because every single tech equipment that you use today including your smartphone and computers have been influenced by Israel in some way, so please don’t give me lectures on morality and take a good, hard look in the mirror.
Your morality, like mine and everyone else’s, is subject to terms & conditions so there is no need for acting like a saint and criticizing others for their choices.