Why anti Muslim bias is so profound among Hindutva supporters?

So I pray Fajr prayer out in the open, does that mean I have to prove to you or whoever witnessed me doing so that there is an Allah and Muhammed PBUH is His True Last Prophet?

How much sense does that make?

If a Hindu is raining bell at a Mandir, does he or she have to prove that the Bhagwan sitting inside actually heard the bell ring?

You are making no sense.

Except the conflict is never about the very simplistic scenario that you are describing. As it stands, despite literally centuries of bloody conflict EVEN the most well educated Muslims do not budge on how sacred cows are to Hindus, which explains all there is to know about why Muslims have very little tolerance for non-muslims especially the idolators. And then the same people will go on and paint the Hindus as intolerant !!! Madness galore!.

This thread is a LIVE example!
There is no such verse.

Indian Muslims clergy has voluntarily advocated that Muslims should refrain from eating beef or slaughtering since before partition.

It's your community who dithers and finds loopholes to allow it to happen.
My community is full of munafiqs. In an ideal world, I would create an Al Qaeda just to deal with munafiqs who call themselves hindu.
My community is full of munafiqs. In an ideal world, I would create an Al Qaeda just to deal with munafiqs who call themselves hindu.

Please try beef: it's delicious. Believe me, you'll start liking beef more than Modi more than India a few munches in.
Hindus don't like muslims because?

Can anybody tell me the main reasons ???
1 main reason i can think of is cows.
2nd main reason is they still blame today's muslims for the things that happened 200 years ago in Mughal dynasty.
3rd reason is bjp brainwashing them that muslim will rule india if they are not controlled and they will kills Hindus.

Cows, Mughals and BJP. Are these really your three takeaways from the thread
The next time I come to Bombay, I will knock to be your guest. Deal?

Nope. In the likes of Bombay and Bangalore, they will pass on buffalo meet under the guise of beef. Fancy restaurants also have it listed as "BeeF" to lure unsuspecting individuals.

Please visit Kerala - that's where the action is at.
Please try beef: it's delicious. Believe me, you'll start liking beef more than Modi more than India a few munches in.

I can vouch for this ..

I have a jar of pickled beef next to me right now, every time I take a bite it makes me wanna be a better man.

Hope you'll take the plunge, I don't know a hindu personally that doesn't like beef. It's their guilty pleasure.
I can vouch for this ..

I have a jar of pickled beef next to me right now, every time I take a bite it makes me wanna be a better man.

Hope you'll take the plunge, I don't know a hindu personally that doesn't like beef. It's their guilty pleasure.
I have King James Bible, which I still keep on the highest shelf on my book shelf, along with Quraan, and make sure that I don't let dust settle on it. Because I will feel guilty that I am not respecting someones Holy book, despite using it only for academic reasons.
Posters here openly mocking Hindus and offering them beef.

Will allow the same if Muslims are offered pork here?
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Posters here openly mocking Hindus and offering them beef.

Will allow the same if Muslims are offered pork here?
There is no comparison.

Pork doesn't evoke the same feeling to Muslims which beef does to Hindus.

One evokes disgust, the other evokes deep pain.
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Posters here openly mocking Hindus and offering them beef.

Will allow the same if Muslims are offered pork here?

Beef is openly consumed and legal in plenty of areas of the country, sweetheart. Kerala as mentioned above is one such place.
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Ask the mods to create an interview thread for me, so that I can take such questions. Not in this thread.

We'll do the questions later. Please make sure your next post is from a shack at a beach in Kerala.
I have King James Bible, which I still keep on the highest shelf on my book shelf, along with Quraan, and make sure that I don't let dust settle on it. Because I will feel guilty that I am not respecting someones Holy book, despite using it only for academic reasons.

That's a lovely thing to do.

But it seems you are clearly unaware of the millions of hindus in India who adore beef and consume it daily. They reply that they do not see this as a religious requirement. Perhaps you move around in social circles that are extremely orthodox and conservative.

There's a 2009 book by D.N Jha about cow and it's historical place in India. You should take a look.
That's a lovely thing to do.

But it seems you are clearly unaware of the millions of hindus in India who adore beef and consume it daily. They reply that they do not see this as a religious requirement. Perhaps you move around in social circles that are extremely orthodox and conservative.

There's a 2009 book by D.N Jha about cow and it's historical place in India. You should take a look.
I read DN Jha in 2009 itself. Want to have a debate on his book? I can rip it apart.

When you ask me to read a book, hope you are willing to have a debate on it.
I read DN Jha in 2009 itself. Want to have a debate on his book? I can rip it apart.

When you ask me to read a book, hope you are willing to have a debate on it.

No thanks .. I asked you serveral months ago to discuss this very thing (holiness of cow) when I had the time and you ran away. Not interested anymore.
No thanks .. I asked you serveral months ago to discuss this very thing (holiness of cow) when I had the time and you ran away. Not interested anymore.
Several months ago? Have I been active since several months after I resumed after. a long break?

Although I quit my job in the end of last year, I was still not free as being a director, the whole process takes a long time.
It is interesting to see the other perspective from some Hindus on a sensitive topic such as beef.
It is interesting to see the other perspective from some Hindus on a sensitive topic such as beef.

It wasn't as sensitive up to a decade ago. Since then several major states (Karnataka, Maharashtra included) have banned it.
I request all of you to post about the topic. COW and BEEF stuff is irrelevant. Read the title of this thread and then post next. THANKS
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As much hindu as Salman Rushdie is a muslim.
Islam has clear doctrines on apostasy.

In contrast you Hindus have been happy cultivating a loosely goosey anything goes image for a long time and lecturing is on open mindedness and not forcing religion on others.

So I don't think we can make a comparison with Hindu beef eaters and apostates in Islam.
Islam has clear doctrines on apostasy.

In contrast you Hindus have been happy cultivating a loosely goosey anything goes image for a long time and lecturing is on open mindedness and not forcing religion on others.

So I don't think we can make a comparison with Hindu beef eaters and apostates in Islam.
The munafiq among hindus are the result of the secularism project after independence. It is the post independence which created an army of hinduism hating hindus, who are not even culturally hindus. During mughals and british, hindus still owned their own education. After independence, education was controlled by marxists. Our grandfather generation knew Sanskrit and Urdu (read/write), our generation only knew engineering and medicine. I was quite anti hindu myself. Like putting my feet near an idol which people worshipped, to tie my shoes. I was brought up on marxist literature, because I was hungry for books, and the marxist books were distributed for free.
Islam has clear doctrines on apostasy.

In contrast you Hindus have been happy cultivating a loosely goosey anything goes image for a long time and lecturing is on open mindedness and not forcing religion on others.

So I don't think we can make a comparison with Hindu beef eaters and apostates in Islam.

Who cultivated this image? Which Dharma Guru?
there are 1.5 bl Indians, I am not here to defend actions/words of anyone else other than my own.

Do you see me bringing in terrorists in arguments with you just because you might have a common religion? Or grooming Gangs from Britain just because you might have a common country of origin?

Is that the kind of debates that you want to resort to?

Let’s discuss the topic in hand without bringing random quotes from random people who have 0 connection to this topic.
If you are not here to defend someone else then why do you jump in the debate to rescue others or comment at their behalf.

Coming back on thread topic you yourself are a epitome of anti Muslim bias as you criticize them for being rigid and unwilling for introspection without any proof while you beg other to amend their posts even when they are stating facts backed by stats.

Also you consider Hinduism to be flexible but at the same time don't condemn those guys who equate eating of cow meat to some cardinal crime. Also before lecturing others to read different books read Quran first because if you would have ever, you wouldn't have come with such misleading, ignorant posts about Muslims and Islam
What would be the incentive? Hindus are ranked according to their caste or dharma, where would a Muslim convert rank on that hierarchy?
For the nth time. You have asked the same question many time before. You do not have to accept caste system to become a Hindu.
Islam has clear doctrines on apostasy.

In contrast you Hindus have been happy cultivating a loosely goosey anything goes image for a long time and lecturing is on open mindedness and not forcing religion on others.

So I don't think we can make a comparison with Hindu beef eaters and apostates in Islam.
What will happen to apostates? Just wanted to hear it from a Muslim.
What would be the incentive? Hindus are ranked according to their caste or dharma, where would a Muslim convert rank on that hierarchy?
Will increase your spiritual portfolio. More colors, more festivals, less judgement, more deities to choose from. Islam is bit bland because it was born in the desert. You can have the best of both worlds. The discipline of Islam and the freedom of Hinduism.
Because they are probably at loggerheads with Muslims as Muslim League proceeded Hindu Mahasabha.

Credit to Hindutva supporters though, unlike Muslim League that easily got Pakistan and wins in Kerala thanks to British and Congress, Hindutva went from being banned to actually moving up at grass root levels, it’s not surprising that so many of the Hindutva leaders are doctors and professors remember what makes them strong and are patient enough to bring about change and power.

There is a reason Muslim League’s countries (BD and Pak) are bankrupt, and Hindutva leaders like N Rao, Vajpayee, Modi have stabilised the ship because patience helped.

@big_gamer007 Am i completely right wing now :viru justifying their anti-abrahamic stance.
For the nth time. You have asked the same question many time before. You do not have to accept caste system to become a Hindu.

You don't even believe in the scriptures of legendary Hindu scholars like Manusmirti, why would any self respecting hindu convert take advice from you?
I would like to also point out core RSS are more anti- Christian missionaries than anti-Muslims, at least thats what I have seen from their schools where Muslims can study but i doubt christian will get admission into but they don’t advertise that anti-bias as much due to backlash.
You don't even believe in the scriptures of legendary Hindu scholars like Manusmirti, why would any self respecting hindu convert take advice from you?
Come back to your roots. You don't have to be a practicing Hindu. Be a casual hindu. Heck, be a anti hindu hindu like some others here and taunt hindus with beef, but just convert.

Your roots are in Jalandhar, which was named after a demon king. Be a demon asura (they are also respected) but become a hindu, please.
I would like to also point out core RSS are more anti- Christian missionaries than anti-Muslims, at least thats what I have seen from their schools where Muslims can study but i doubt christian will get admission into but they don’t advertise that anti-bias as much due to backlash.
RSS at the fundamental level are against anyone who is affecting the demography. Demography is destiny, a proven but forgotten truth. Many people have not learnt it from history. Even those anti hindu hindus who can mock other hindus with beef, can only do it because of this demography. The moment it is about to change, it will not make any difference whether you are a kattar hindu or an anti hindu hindu.
I would like to also point out core RSS are more anti- Christian missionaries than anti-Muslims, at least thats what I have seen from their schools where Muslims can study but i doubt christian will get admission into but they don’t advertise that anti-bias as much due to backlash.

which RSS run schools are you talking about ?
What will happen to apostates? Just wanted to hear it from a Muslim.
They are excommunicated.

There is no concept of giving legitimacy to blasphemous beliefs to coexist alongside Orthodox beliefs.

In contrast you guys have lectured us on PP about Hinduism lack of rules, flexibility, open mindedness etc etc.

Yet when Hindu fellows say they enjoy eating beef mods are called and there is talk of train tickets being purchased to beat the person up.

Hardly inclusive.
They are excommunicated.

There is no concept of giving legitimacy to blasphemous beliefs to coexist alongside Orthodox beliefs.

In contrast you guys have lectured us on PP about Hinduism lack of rules, flexibility, open mindedness etc etc.

Yet when Hindu fellows say they enjoy eating beef mods are called and there is talk of train tickets being purchased to beat the person up.

Hardly inclusive.
Come on, you are being disingenuous on purpose. The poster was inviting me to have beef. You also know what he was trying to do. I did not bother, but other posters saw that he was trying to attack my faith.
Will increase your spiritual portfolio. More colors, more festivals, less judgement, more deities to choose from. Islam is bit bland because it was born in the desert. You can have the best of both worlds. The discipline of Islam and the freedom of Hinduism.

This is more intriguing, I can see genuine hindu depth to this calling. But consider my British disposition where the garish colours and noise of Bollywood trash has me running for cover. Could I really stomach a hundred festivals and dance parties a year? :unsure:

Same goes for the advice from @Varun with regard to alcohol. Where is the pleasure in something that is on tap all day every day in front and behind? There is a reason we crave the forbidden fruit remember? :genius
Finally the truth is out.

Killing cows and insulting another religion is expression of faith for Muslims.
Oh the hypocrite at his best.

If a Muslim expressed his religion, they want proof and evidence because you are supposedly making a claim that affect them.

But when Hindu makes a claim about protecting cows, they are saying it does not affect Muslims? If a Muslim kills a cow, they kill their Muslims and claim “it does not affect a Muslim?”

To top it all these religious whackjobs claim India is a secular country and an animal can be protected in a secular country, but conveniently decide to not say the cow is protected due to their perceived religious beliefs which may or may not even have any grounding in religion.

By all accounts cow has been can’t consumed in the past by Hindus.

The Hindutva is a stupid term to even give these peoples. They are not promoting any faith or religion, it’s purely an anti Muslim philosophy based on their policies and actions.

I challenge you to prove me wrong
Cows are extremely sacred to most Hindus.

Do you understand and recognize that ? A simple YES/NO answer please without resorting to rhetorical questions.
Can you prove it?

Just like you guys ask us to prove everything that supposedly impacts you guys, can you prove without reasonable doubt that cows are not supposed to be slaughtered in Hinduism?
This is more intriguing, I can see genuine hindu depth to this calling. But consider my British disposition where the garish colours and noise of Bollywood trash has me running for cover. Could I really stomach a hundred festivals and dance parties a year? :unsure:

Same goes for the advice from @Varun with regard to alcohol. Where is the pleasure in something that is on tap all day every day in front and behind? There is a reason we crave the forbidden fruit remember? :genius
At least try, no credit card required. Cancel it when you don't want to continue. No punishment for apostasy.

At least be a hindu for a day.
Oh the hypocrite at his best.

If a Muslim expressed his religion, they want proof and evidence because you are supposedly making a claim that affect them.

But when Hindu makes a claim about protecting cows, they are saying it does not affect Muslims? If a Muslim kills a cow, they kill their Muslims and claim “it does not affect a Muslim?”

To top it all these religious whackjobs claim India is a secular country and an animal can be protected in a secular country, but conveniently decide to not say the cow is protected due to their perceived religious beliefs which may or may not even have any grounding in religion.

By all accounts cow has been can’t consumed in the past by Hindus.

The Hindutva is a stupid term to even give these peoples. They are not promoting any faith or religion, it’s purely an anti Muslim philosophy based on their policies and actions.

I challenge you to prove me wrong
You said that ban on cow slaughter is anti muslim. But it applies to all religions, including hindus. And muslims have no religious requirement for beef. Then how is ban on cow slaughter anti muslim?
Same goes for the advice from @Varun with regard to alcohol. Where is the pleasure in something that is on tap all day every day in front and behind? There is a reason we crave the forbidden fruit remember? :genius

Have a drink and you'll automatically stop this . Tonight, Friday night is as good a time to start. Cheers!
Can you prove it?

Just like you guys ask us to prove everything that supposedly impacts you guys, can you prove without reasonable doubt that cows are not supposed to be slaughtered in Hinduism?
Multiple verses in Vedas and Mahabharat.
Bumping this again:
Why do you and your kind have problem with Muslims expressing their faith then? You asking for evidence but when someone brings up cows the inner navy comes out screaming and whining.🤣🤣🤣🤣

Ohh the double standards here!
Show me any verse from Quraan which says that cow slaughter is a religious requirement of the muslims.
Or even a Hadith, or even a WEAK hadith.

Cow slaughter IS NOT a religious need of muslims. Preventing cow slaughter is not religious oppression of muslims.
Except the conflict is never about the very simplistic scenario that you are describing. As it stands, despite literally centuries of bloody conflict EVEN the most well educated Muslims do not budge on how sacred cows are to Hindus, which explains all there is to know about why Muslims have very little tolerance for non-muslims especially the idolators. And then the same people will go on and paint the Hindus as intolerant !!! Madness galore!.

This thread is a LIVE example!
Prove it to us that cows are scared to Hindus.

Also how is it a secular state if you impose your beliefs on others? its sacred to you, don't kill it. why should I have to live by your beliefs?
At least try, no credit card required. Cancel it when you don't want to continue. No punishment for apostasy.

At least be a hindu for a day.

This is another troubling factor. Even the apostates can't stop blathering on about Islam to earn their fortunes. They are even building their social media presence around this whole concept to have any significance. It's child bride this...love jihad that....all it does is ram the religon of Islam in my face wherever I turn, and as everyone knows I have had an aversion to scruffy bearded fellows since joining these boards.
Prove it to us that cows are scared to Hindus.

Also how is it a secular state if you impose your beliefs on others? its sacred to you, don't kill it. why should I have to live by your beliefs?
This secular state also prohibits its people from drawing cartoons of islamic holy figures. Will you apply the same logic, that why should others live by your beliefs?
Says tons of Hindus who have no caste. They just identify of caste. Ever heard of Arya Samaj?

Its the Government that wants to know everyone's caste for various reasons.
Actually govt also doesn't want to know everyones caste. They are happy to put every caste in general category as long as it is not SC and OBC.
You are asking tough questions.
Problem is that he comes when it is my time to sleep ( I sleep early and wake up by 4:30 am). Mostly he avoids answering me. Sometimes very rarely he feels confident and replies but again stops answering.
Can you prove it?

Just like you guys ask us to prove everything that supposedly impacts you guys, can you prove without reasonable doubt that cows are not supposed to be slaughtered in Hinduism?
The hymn 8.3. 25 of the Hindu scripture Atharvaveda (~1200–1500 BCE) condemns all killings of men, cattle, and horses, and prays to god Agni to punish those who kill. Prithu chasing Prithvi, who is in the form of a cow. Prithu milked the cow to generate crops for humans.
Still nobody been able to produce the HINDU religious text which prohibits slaughtering of cow?? I think I won't get its answer till eternity
Still nobody been able to produce the HINDU religious text which prohibits slaughtering of cow?? I think I won't get its answer till eternity
Multiple verses in Vedas, Bhagwat Purana and Mahabharata. Plus Lord Krishna, protector of cows.

The verse which doesn't exist, is the one which says cow slaughter and its consumption is a religious fard for muslims.
Ok then what is Manusmriti Chapter no 5, Verse 40 which allows consumption of cow meat?
The hymn 8.3. 25 of the Hindu scripture Atharvaveda (~1200–1500 BCE) condemns all killings of men, cattle, and horses, and prays to god Agni to punish those who kill. Prithu chasing Prithvi, who is in the form of a cow. Prithu milked the cow to generate crops for humans.
Ok then what is Manusmriti Chapter no 5, Verse 40 which allows consumption of cow meat?
Lets see... Below is from Manu Smriti 5.40. We don't believe in Manu Smriti. But still below is the explanation. No mention of cow. But nice try though.

ओषध्यः पशवो वृक्षास्तिर्यञ्चः पक्षिणस्तथा ।
यज्ञार्थं निधनं प्राप्ताः प्राप्नुवन्त्युत्सृतीः पुनः ॥ ४० ॥

oṣadhyaḥ paśavo vṛkṣāstiryañcaḥ pakṣiṇastathā |
yajñārthaṃ nidhanaṃ prāptāḥ prāpnuvantyutsṛtīḥ punaḥ || 40 ||

Herbs, animals, trees, beasts and birds, reaching death for the sake of sacrifices, attain advancements.—(40)

Medhātithi’s commentary (manubhāṣya):​

“How is it known that killing at sacrifices involves no sin?”

The answer is as follows:—‘killing’ is the greatest injury that can befall the being killed; because it involves such great evil as the loss of life, involving separation from wife, children and riches, and all the attendant evil consequences; and also because it carries the entities nearer to the fruition of their sins in the form of hell and the like. But when an animal is killed at a sacrifice, this killing becomes a great benefit conferred upon it, and it is not an injury; because it does not lead it to hell nr any such undesirable conditions. That this is so follows from the fact that those ‘reaching death’— destruction—at a sacrifice —‘attain advancements’—higher positions, in regard to caste and so forth;—being born as a God or a Gandharva, or as men born in better countries or continents—such as the Uttarakuru and the like.

The whole of this is a purely commendatory description. We do not find here any Injunction: the verb ‘attain’ being in the simple Present tense. Nor is there any justification for deducing an Injunction from the commendatory description,—as is done in the case of the passage ‘Pratitiṣṭhanti etc.’ (v ide, Mīmāṃsā-Sūtra, 4.3.17. et seq); because in the present case neither there is, nor is there any possibility of, any other Injunction (apart from those already set forth in the text).

The whole of this descriptive section is supplementary to the prohibition of the eating of unlawful meat; and the upshot of the prohibition contained in these verses is that ‘one should never seek to kill animals needlessly.’ (verse 37) As for the sanction (of killing) implied in the statement—‘animals have been created for the purpose of sacrifices’ (39),—all this is understood as involving the prohibition of eating which is going to be distinctly emphasised below in verse 48.

Nor can any Injunction (such as ‘desiring advancement, the animal shall die at a sacrifice’) be deduced from the text. Because such an Injunction could not be intended for the animals; for the simple reason that they would not understand it. And those for whom the Injunction is not intended cannot be the agent; and unless one is an agent, he cannot obtain any reward declared in the scriptures. Specially as in the present case, the result spoken of does not proceed in any perceptible manner from the nature of the thing involved; as there is, for instance, in the case of the poison, which produces its results even on ignorant persons who take it. There is no such thing in the case of things spoken of in the Veda.

Further, since the herbs and other things spoken of here ore unconscious beings, the ‘principle of the priests’ cannot apply to their case. That is to say, it is found that in the case of sacrificial performances, results are spoken of as accruing to one person (the sacrificer) from the acts that are actually done by others,—i. e., the priests officiating for him; e.g., in the case of the passage—‘he desires one to become worse etc,’ In the case of such passages we admit of an Injunction, because what is there stated is not capable of being taken as supplementary to any other Injunction, and secondly because the indication of the Injunction, is quite clear, and lastly, because the Injunction indicated is found to be one that pertains to human beings.

In the case of all scriptural statements, we are entitled to deduce just as much us may be reasonably deduced from the actual words of the text. For instance, it has been declared that the Brāhmaṇa joining in the sacrificial bath of other people should have to perform an expiatory rite [and we have to accent this, even though we fail to see any reason for it]. In the present case, however, there is no possibility of any Injunction being addressed to the beings concerned (all of which are inanimate).

Herbs,’—grass and the like.

Animate,’—the goat and other beasts (which are mentioned as fit for being offered at sacrifices).

Trees,’—such as are objects of worship.

Beasts,’—those which, though not ordinarily regarded as fit for sacrificing, happen to be mentioned, in some passages, as to be offered; e.g., ‘one shall kill partridges.’ Though at the Vājapeya and similar sacrifices, the calves are used only for the purpose of carrying loads, yet they are called ‘beasts;’ and even though these do not suffer actual death, yet the term ‘death’ in their case stands for all the sufferings that they undergo.

Bird.”—the Kapiñjala and the rest; even though these are sometimes spoken of as ‘animals’, yet, as a rule, they are not known by that name: for in such passages as there are seven tame animals and seven wild animals’, the animals meant are the cow and the rest, which are not birds; in fact the term ‘paśu’, ‘animals, denotes quadrupods; or the difference between ‘animals’ and ‘birds’ may be regarded as similar to that between the ‘go’ and the‘balvarda’ (the former term being wider than the latter) (40).

Prove it to us that cows are scared to Hindus.

Also how is it a secular state if you impose your beliefs on others? its sacred to you, don't kill it. why should I have to live by your beliefs?

Vedas and Mahabharata have multiple verses on cows.

No one asked you to live by my beliefs. You probably won't get a visa to India.

We don't allow anyone to insult any religion. That's secular for us.

Its funny that a Pakistani is talking about secularism.

First make Pakistan secular before giving lectures on secularism.
the calves are used only for the purpose of carrying loads, yet they are called ‘beasts;’ and even though these do not suffer actual death, yet the term ‘death’ in their case stands for all the sufferings that they undergo.
For the first time I feel lucky that you are an atheist plz explain this. As you always rely on logic what is your opinion on calves sacrifice here as compared to other 'beasts and goats sacrifice'

How sufferings = death plz explain mate.
Ok then what is Manusmriti Chapter no 5, Verse 40 which allows consumption of cow meat?
LOL. Manusmriti explicitly forbids cow consumption (4.162), and 5:40 does not allow it, it only makes generic statement, doesn't say anything about the cow.

Quote the source ( it must be english translation of the original sanskrit),
For the first time I feel lucky that you are an atheist plz explain this. As you always rely on logic what is your opinion on calves sacrifice here as compared to other 'beasts and goats sacrifice'
4.162 explicitly mentions cows.
5.40 does not mention cow.

So it is obvious that it is for other beasts.
Lets see... Below is from Manu Smriti 5.40. We don't believe in Manu Smriti. But still below is the explanation. No mention of cow. But nice try though.

ओषध्यः पशवो वृक्षास्तिर्यञ्चः पक्षिणस्तथा ।
यज्ञार्थं निधनं प्राप्ताः प्राप्नुवन्त्युत्सृतीः पुनः ॥ ४० ॥

oṣadhyaḥ paśavo vṛkṣāstiryañcaḥ pakṣiṇastathā |
yajñārthaṃ nidhanaṃ prāptāḥ prāpnuvantyutsṛtīḥ punaḥ || 40 ||

Herbs, animals, trees, beasts and birds, reaching death for the sake of sacrifices, attain advancements.—(40)

Medhātithi’s commentary (manubhāṣya):​

“How is it known that killing at sacrifices involves no sin?”

The answer is as follows:—‘killing’ is the greatest injury that can befall the being killed; because it involves such great evil as the loss of life, involving separation from wife, children and riches, and all the attendant evil consequences; and also because it carries the entities nearer to the fruition of their sins in the form of hell and the like. But when an animal is killed at a sacrifice, this killing becomes a great benefit conferred upon it, and it is not an injury; because it does not lead it to hell nr any such undesirable conditions. That this is so follows from the fact that those ‘reaching death’— destruction—at a sacrifice —‘attain advancements’—higher positions, in regard to caste and so forth;—being born as a God or a Gandharva, or as men born in better countries or continents—such as the Uttarakuru and the like.

The whole of this is a purely commendatory description. We do not find here any Injunction: the verb ‘attain’ being in the simple Present tense. Nor is there any justification for deducing an Injunction from the commendatory description,—as is done in the case of the passage ‘Pratitiṣṭhanti etc.’ (v ide, Mīmāṃsā-Sūtra, 4.3.17. et seq); because in the present case neither there is, nor is there any possibility of, any other Injunction (apart from those already set forth in the text).

The whole of this descriptive section is supplementary to the prohibition of the eating of unlawful meat; and the upshot of the prohibition contained in these verses is that ‘one should never seek to kill animals needlessly.’ (verse 37) As for the sanction (of killing) implied in the statement—‘animals have been created for the purpose of sacrifices’ (39),—all this is understood as involving the prohibition of eating which is going to be distinctly emphasised below in verse 48.

Nor can any Injunction (such as ‘desiring advancement, the animal shall die at a sacrifice’) be deduced from the text. Because such an Injunction could not be intended for the animals; for the simple reason that they would not understand it. And those for whom the Injunction is not intended cannot be the agent; and unless one is an agent, he cannot obtain any reward declared in the scriptures. Specially as in the present case, the result spoken of does not proceed in any perceptible manner from the nature of the thing involved; as there is, for instance, in the case of the poison, which produces its results even on ignorant persons who take it. There is no such thing in the case of things spoken of in the Veda.

Further, since the herbs and other things spoken of here ore unconscious beings, the ‘principle of the priests’ cannot apply to their case. That is to say, it is found that in the case of sacrificial performances, results are spoken of as accruing to one person (the sacrificer) from the acts that are actually done by others,—i. e., the priests officiating for him; e.g., in the case of the passage—‘he desires one to become worse etc,’ In the case of such passages we admit of an Injunction, because what is there stated is not capable of being taken as supplementary to any other Injunction, and secondly because the indication of the Injunction, is quite clear, and lastly, because the Injunction indicated is found to be one that pertains to human beings.

In the case of all scriptural statements, we are entitled to deduce just as much us may be reasonably deduced from the actual words of the text. For instance, it has been declared that the Brāhmaṇa joining in the sacrificial bath of other people should have to perform an expiatory rite [and we have to accent this, even though we fail to see any reason for it]. In the present case, however, there is no possibility of any Injunction being addressed to the beings concerned (all of which are inanimate).

Herbs,’—grass and the like.

Animate,’—the goat and other beasts (which are mentioned as fit for being offered at sacrifices).

Trees,’—such as are objects of worship.

Beasts,’—those which, though not ordinarily regarded as fit for sacrificing, happen to be mentioned, in some passages, as to be offered; e.g., ‘one shall kill partridges.’ Though at the Vājapeya and similar sacrifices, the calves are used only for the purpose of carrying loads, yet they are called ‘beasts;’ and even though these do not suffer actual death, yet the term ‘death’ in their case stands for all the sufferings that they undergo.

Bird.”—the Kapiñjala and the rest; even though these are sometimes spoken of as ‘animals’, yet, as a rule, they are not known by that name: for in such passages as there are seven tame animals and seven wild animals’, the animals meant are the cow and the rest, which are not birds; in fact the term ‘paśu’, ‘animals, denotes quadrupods; or the difference between ‘animals’ and ‘birds’ may be regarded as similar to that between the ‘go’ and the‘balvarda’ (the former term being wider than the latter) (40).

@CricketCartoons check this and Manusmriti ch 5 verse 40 too as follow:
40. Herbs, trees, cattle, birds, and (other) animals that have been destroyed for sacrifices, receive (being reborn) higher existences.
@CricketCartoons check this and Manusmriti ch 5 verse 40 too as follow:
40. Herbs, trees, cattle, birds, and (other) animals that have been destroyed for sacrifices, receive (being reborn) higher existences.
first of all no one cares about Manu smriti. It is a terrible book. It is not an authority for Hindus. No one refers to Manu Smriti when questioned on Hinduism. It is either Vedas or Geeta.

Secondly, there is no mention of cows. Buffaloes are part of cattle. Even today buffaloes are sacrificed in some temples as offerings to the Deity.
Lets see... Below is from Manu Smriti 5.40. We don't believe in Manu Smriti. But still below is the explanation. No mention of cow. But nice try though.

ओषध्यः पशवो वृक्षास्तिर्यञ्चः पक्षिणस्तथा ।
यज्ञार्थं निधनं प्राप्ताः प्राप्नुवन्त्युत्सृतीः पुनः ॥ ४० ॥

oṣadhyaḥ paśavo vṛkṣāstiryañcaḥ pakṣiṇastathā |
yajñārthaṃ nidhanaṃ prāptāḥ prāpnuvantyutsṛtīḥ punaḥ || 40 ||

Herbs, animals, trees, beasts and birds, reaching death for the sake of sacrifices, attain advancements.—(40)

Medhātithi’s commentary (manubhāṣya):​

“How is it known that killing at sacrifices involves no sin?”

The answer is as follows:—‘killing’ is the greatest injury that can befall the being killed; because it involves such great evil as the loss of life, involving separation from wife, children and riches, and all the attendant evil consequences; and also because it carries the entities nearer to the fruition of their sins in the form of hell and the like. But when an animal is killed at a sacrifice, this killing becomes a great benefit conferred upon it, and it is not an injury; because it does not lead it to hell nr any such undesirable conditions. That this is so follows from the fact that those ‘reaching death’— destruction—at a sacrifice —‘attain advancements’—higher positions, in regard to caste and so forth;—being born as a God or a Gandharva, or as men born in better countries or continents—such as the Uttarakuru and the like.

The whole of this is a purely commendatory description. We do not find here any Injunction: the verb ‘attain’ being in the simple Present tense. Nor is there any justification for deducing an Injunction from the commendatory description,—as is done in the case of the passage ‘Pratitiṣṭhanti etc.’ (v ide, Mīmāṃsā-Sūtra, 4.3.17. et seq); because in the present case neither there is, nor is there any possibility of, any other Injunction (apart from those already set forth in the text).

The whole of this descriptive section is supplementary to the prohibition of the eating of unlawful meat; and the upshot of the prohibition contained in these verses is that ‘one should never seek to kill animals needlessly.’ (verse 37) As for the sanction (of killing) implied in the statement—‘animals have been created for the purpose of sacrifices’ (39),—all this is understood as involving the prohibition of eating which is going to be distinctly emphasised below in verse 48.

Nor can any Injunction (such as ‘desiring advancement, the animal shall die at a sacrifice’) be deduced from the text. Because such an Injunction could not be intended for the animals; for the simple reason that they would not understand it. And those for whom the Injunction is not intended cannot be the agent; and unless one is an agent, he cannot obtain any reward declared in the scriptures. Specially as in the present case, the result spoken of does not proceed in any perceptible manner from the nature of the thing involved; as there is, for instance, in the case of the poison, which produces its results even on ignorant persons who take it. There is no such thing in the case of things spoken of in the Veda.

Further, since the herbs and other things spoken of here ore unconscious beings, the ‘principle of the priests’ cannot apply to their case. That is to say, it is found that in the case of sacrificial performances, results are spoken of as accruing to one person (the sacrificer) from the acts that are actually done by others,—i. e., the priests officiating for him; e.g., in the case of the passage—‘he desires one to become worse etc,’ In the case of such passages we admit of an Injunction, because what is there stated is not capable of being taken as supplementary to any other Injunction, and secondly because the indication of the Injunction, is quite clear, and lastly, because the Injunction indicated is found to be one that pertains to human beings.

In the case of all scriptural statements, we are entitled to deduce just as much us may be reasonably deduced from the actual words of the text. For instance, it has been declared that the Brāhmaṇa joining in the sacrificial bath of other people should have to perform an expiatory rite [and we have to accent this, even though we fail to see any reason for it]. In the present case, however, there is no possibility of any Injunction being addressed to the beings concerned (all of which are inanimate).

Herbs,’—grass and the like.

Animate,’—the goat and other beasts (which are mentioned as fit for being offered at sacrifices).

Trees,’—such as are objects of worship.

Beasts,’—those which, though not ordinarily regarded as fit for sacrificing, happen to be mentioned, in some passages, as to be offered; e.g., ‘one shall kill partridges.’ Though at the Vājapeya and similar sacrifices, the calves are used only for the purpose of carrying loads, yet they are called ‘beasts;’ and even though these do not suffer actual death, yet the term ‘death’ in their case stands for all the sufferings that they undergo.

Bird.”—the Kapiñjala and the rest; even though these are sometimes spoken of as ‘animals’, yet, as a rule, they are not known by that name: for in such passages as there are seven tame animals and seven wild animals’, the animals meant are the cow and the rest, which are not birds; in fact the term ‘paśu’, ‘animals, denotes quadrupods; or the difference between ‘animals’ and ‘birds’ may be regarded as similar to that between the ‘go’ and the‘balvarda’ (the former term being wider than the latter) (40).

Well you provided this yourself @Champ_Pal , now plz explain that calves mean cow's young ones or someone's else?
Vedas and Mahabharata have multiple verses on cows.

No one asked you to live by my beliefs. You probably won't get a visa to India.

We don't allow anyone to insult any religion. That's secular for us.

Its funny that a Pakistani is talking about secularism.

First make Pakistan secular before giving lectures on secularism.
prove it. like you asked me tio furnish some evidence about Islamic influence on Sikhism. also how you asked me to prove if someone of my claims affect you or others. your claim affects Muslims. whether I am Pakistani or American and not Indian, is immaterial to this debate.

you have already set a precedent for holding each other accountable for our claims so don't chicken out now that I am holding you responsible for your claims.

prove to me that cow is sacred to Hindus and cannot be killed. and prove to me in light of your claim how India is a secular nation if it imposes its stature of cows being sacred on others by restricting them from eating it.

If you cannot prove any of it, simply apologize and we can move on.
The hymn 8.3. 25 of the Hindu scripture Atharvaveda (~1200–1500 BCE) condemns all killings of men, cattle, and horses, and prays to god Agni to punish those who kill. Prithu chasing Prithvi, who is in the form of a cow. Prithu milked the cow to generate crops for humans.
I thought we had agreed that modern Hindus don't put any stock in vedas and upanishads were really the books of guidance for modern Hindus. there is all sorts of referenced to killing men in rig veda and because of that most Hindus don't care for it.

or am I misremembering stuff? Hindus keep flip flopping and its hard to keep track of what they are following on the day.
first of all no one cares about Manu smriti. It is a terrible book. It is not an authority for Hindus. No one refers to Manu Smriti when questioned on Hinduism. It is either Vedas or Geeta.

Secondly, there is no mention of cows. Buffaloes are part of cattle. Even today buffaloes are sacrificed in some temples as offerings to the Deity.
Is this reliable source or not in Hinduism?
Well you provided this yourself @Champ_Pal , now plz explain that calves mean cow's young ones or someone's else?
Manu Smeiti is not an authority on Hinduism. It is widely criticized and not accepted by majority of Hindus.

The laws are made taking Hindu scriptures into account. Cow meat is banned and that’s about it.

Next time try from Vedas or Upanishads or Geeta. I will give it a serious response.
I thought we had agreed that modern Hindus don't put any stock in vedas and upanishads were really the books of guidance for modern Hindus. there is all sorts of referenced to killing men in rig veda and because of that most Hindus don't care for it.

or am I misremembering stuff? Hindus keep flip flopping and its hard to keep track of what they are following on the day.
They don’t. No one refers to Vedas to support their faith. Many Hindus don’t even know how many Vedas are there let alone their names. Only scholars refer to it.

Hindus go by Indian secular laws. They can pray to any Gods they want or choose to.
Well you provided this yourself @Champ_Pal , now plz explain that calves mean cow's young ones or someone's else?
Buffaloes have calves.

No one cares about what Manu Smriti says. This is like me pointing to some Zaif Hadiths to prove something regarding Islam. I am sure you will not accept it.