Your prediction for Pakistan General Election 2023


Test Debutant
May 8, 2010
The past year has seen much political turmoil with widespread agitation and protests by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), the country's largest and most popular political entity.

The incidents of May 9 transformed Pakistan's political landscape forever with the PTI being subjected to state suppression resulting in thousands of its workers arrested and its leader coerced into leaving the party. It is safe to say that PTI has been dismantled and it no longer has the same political capital and following that it did barely a month back. Taking all this into account and the dwindling popularity of the PDM, what are your projections for GE 2023? Here are mine.

National Assembly

60-80 seats each for PPP, PML-N and Jahanggir Tareen's party. The rest of the seats will be shared between JUI(F), PMLQ, and ANP. I expect PTI not to win any NA seat. It will be a coalition government with the alliance of PPP, Jahangir Tareen, and PML-Q. Bilawal will be the new PM. Imran Khan may contest the election but will not even his Mianwali seat.

Punjab Assembly

Again more and less similar number of seats for PMLN, PPP and Jahangir Tareen. The CM would be of Jahangir Tareen party.

KP Assembly

Huge win by JUI-F. CM will be from JUI-F.


Huge win by PPP. CM will be from PPP like always.


BAP along with other blue-eyed parties of the military will win enough seats to form the government.

What are your thoughts?
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Tareen zindabad..on a serious note the above will not make a difference. They have to accommodate the PTI somewhere to give it a semblance of authenticity. Otherwise it'll be the same as now..
Rumours are khattak will have a party in KP.

My theory is the IPP will take the PMLN central and south punjab seats. PTI will get a smattering of seats in Central and North punjab. KP will split along three lines. JUI khattak and PTI. But khattak and PTI will form the govt.

Sindh is zardari..balochistan is also zardari. So the central govt will be a coalition of IPP PPP and independents. Hafiz is about to destroy the PMLN as they are a liability and have done the job they were asked to. Also it takes Imran narrative of choars away...the issue will always be zardari. Probably waiting for him to die then the PPP will be dealt with.

People talk about minus one. IPP is the plan B to minus one..

They will have to rig the hell out of this one..
Difficult to say who will win but for sure PTI won't after the 9th May terrorism
I can already hear PTI Supporters shouting Dhandli Dhandli Dhandli!!!!
I think you are overestimating the impact of jahangir tareens party.

They will not have enough sway to be in power in punjab or be kingmakers in the NA.
Everything could change if IK survives the army courts, disqualification attempts and is actually allowed to campaign.

The establishment wants PPP this time and it appears they have reached an agreement with Zardari this time. PPP is being accommodated in Punjab this time by the establishment and Zardari is looking to enforce the Zardari system in Punjab and eliminate PTI and PML-N from Punjab.
Everything could change if IK survives the army courts, disqualification attempts and is actually allowed to campaign.

The establishment wants PPP this time and it appears they have reached an agreement with Zardari this time. PPP is being accommodated in Punjab this time by the establishment and Zardari is looking to enforce the Zardari system in Punjab and eliminate PTI and PML-N from Punjab.

Yes. The establishment wants PPP to be in power. It is very obvious. 5 years of PPP are coming up! What a joke!
I think you are overestimating the impact of jahangir tareens party.

They will not have enough sway to be in power in punjab or be kingmakers in the NA.

The role of the Tareen group would be to cut into PTI votes and also to offer an alternative to PPP, PML N in case they step out of line with the establishment
The past year has seen much political turmoil with widespread agitation and protests by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), the country's largest and most popular political entity.

The incidents of May 9 transformed Pakistan's political landscape forever with the PTI being subjected to state suppression resulting in thousands of its workers arrested and its leader coerced into leaving the party. It is safe to say that PTI has been dismantled and it no longer has the same political capital and following that it did barely a month back. Taking all this into account and the dwindling popularity of the PDM, what are your projections for GE 2023? Here are mine.

National Assembly

60-80 seats each for PPP, PML-N and Jahanggir Tareen's party. The rest of the seats will be shared between JUI(F), PMLQ, and ANP. I expect PTI not to win any NA seat. It will be a coalition government with the alliance of PPP, Jahangir Tareen, and PML-Q. Bilawal will be the new PM. Imran Khan may contest the election but will not even his Mianwali seat.

Punjab Assembly

Again more and less similar number of seats for PMLN, PPP and Jahangir Tareen. The CM would be of Jahangir Tareen party.

KP Assembly

Huge win by JUI-F. CM will be from JUI-F.


Huge win by PPP. CM will be from PPP like always.


BAP along with other blue-eyed parties of the military will win enough seats to form the government.

What are your thoughts?

NA would be hung assembly, but PTI will get around 25 to 30 seats. Probably PPP would be the single largest party and will form the government with help of others.
Difficult to say who will win but for sure PTI won't after the 9th May terrorism
I can already hear PTI Supporters shouting Dhandli Dhandli Dhandli!!!!

Why, all polls are clearly showing PTI has the mass support, over 70%. Or are you really fooled into believing the rubbish put out by the liars and thieves currently in power?
Why, all polls are clearly showing PTI has the mass support, over 70%. Or are you really fooled into believing the rubbish put out by the liars and thieves currently in power?

I'm sure not a fool if I know the diffrence between popularity & support lol

The poll your referring to was based on popularity not support

The poll was based on popularity sure imran khan is popular no doubt he is a worldcup winner even those who have nothing to do with pakistan or politics know imran khan for his achievement

He has been sleeping with many super models during his playboy days so he is also popular in the showbiz department too.

So he's definitely popular no doubt at all

Now if your deliberately changing the word popular to support that makes you a liar and if you didn't know the diffrence between popular and support that makes you a fool

You choose
I'm sure not a fool if I know the diffrence between popularity & support lol

The poll your referring to was based on popularity not support

The poll was based on popularity sure imran khan is popular no doubt he is a worldcup winner even those who have nothing to do with pakistan or politics know imran khan for his achievement

He has been sleeping with many super models during his playboy days so he is also popular in the showbiz department too.

So he's definitely popular no doubt at all

Now if your deliberately changing the word popular to support that makes you a liar and if you didn't know the diffrence between popular and support that makes you a fool

You choose

So you know Pakistanis support? Please enlighten us with your amazing knowledge of who 220 million Pakistanis support.

If IK does not have support amongst the people why are the swines of Raiwind and GHQ wetting their diapers at the prospect of holding a free and fair elections?
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I'm sure not a fool if I know the diffrence between popularity & support lol

The poll your referring to was based on popularity not support

The poll was based on popularity sure imran khan is popular no doubt he is a worldcup winner even those who have nothing to do with pakistan or politics know imran khan for his achievement

He has been sleeping with many super models during his playboy days so he is also popular in the showbiz department too.

So he's definitely popular no doubt at all

Now if your deliberately changing the word popular to support that makes you a liar and if you didn't know the diffrence between popular and support that makes you a fool

You choose
I think in a fair election imran will come out on top at this moment.
I'm sure not a fool if I know the diffrence between popularity & support lol

The poll your referring to was based on popularity not support

The poll was based on popularity sure imran khan is popular no doubt he is a worldcup winner even those who have nothing to do with pakistan or politics know imran khan for his achievement

He has been sleeping with many super models during his playboy days so he is also popular in the showbiz department too.

So he's definitely popular no doubt at all

Now if your deliberately changing the word popular to support that makes you a liar and if you didn't know the diffrence between popular and support that makes you a fool

You choose

Its elections, its for voting. You mention his playboy days, are you confusing general elections with Mr Universe? :afridi What is the difference between popularity as a party/leader and support for the party/leader?
I think in a fair election imran will come out on top at this moment.

This post is not directly to you I've copied it from another thread I posted a reply in

70-90% of the vote bank is online only with half of it not eligible to vote as they are not even living in the country

Imran khan has a very strong online media team
Mainly Youtubers Tiktokers Twitter users etc...
Who mainly create content on what's trending so they could get views and like to earn in reality they won't go to poll station to vote

Plus he's an ex cricketer and a world cup winner people who have nothing to do with pakistani politics or pakistan also know of him and he gets that extra popularity by people who again are not eligible to vote

That's why it seems like as if imran khan has alot of support by voters

What really matters is who turns up to vote & the ground reality is imran khan is irrelevant after the 9th May terrorism and his own people leaving him
He only has fans left who will vote him

Secondly when imran khan is giving speech he will use terms like "mere saath 22 caror awam hai" which are 100 percent fake claims and its just a tool to brainwash people

Half of those 22 caror people are not eligible to vote
And Out of 11 caror people only probably half of them will make an effort to vote

If I go in details this is an example of previous elections

Pakistan population 242,923,845
Registered voters 105,955,409
people voted in 2018 election 53,123,733

Imran khan voters : 16,903,702 that's about 30%
This was when the army was supportive of imran khan pre 9th may

Pmln voters: 12,934,589 about 25%
You can see plmn have not been far off

Last election he didn't get even 50% support
It just don't make sense he will get more than 70% support especially when people are leaving him and not joining him

220 million is the population of country and registered voters are half of that how are 220 million people going to vote him when they are not even registered
Another fact-

There is more chance of me becoming the PM of England one day than Khan becoming the PM of Pakistan ever again
Another fact-

There is more chance of me becoming the PM of England one day than Khan becoming the PM of Pakistan ever again

You are so confused you have no idea who to support. So will take this future prophecy with a hint of smirk or salt.
What I have stated is the truth though

Truth is factual. You have made a prediction or a prophecy about the future. How can a prediction be the truth ? lol.

If free and fair elections are held tomorrow or in 1 year, Imran Khan and PTI will win with a large majority.
Truth is factual. You have made a prediction or a prophecy about the future. How can a prediction be the truth ? lol.

If free and fair elections are held tomorrow or in 1 year, Imran Khan and PTI will win with a large majority.

Dil ko behlane ke liye Ghalib…
I believe if the elections are fair, Khan would win big time. PDM has no chance given the state of the economy and the skyrocketing inflation.
Despite ECP readiness, govt reluctant to make commitment on polls

Though the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) says it has made the necessary preparations to conduct general elections in the country at any time, it is the political parties that seem to be uncertain about the fate of polls, with the government reluctant to make any solid commitment to hold elections this year.

This was the outcome of a lengthy discussion at a for*um organised by the ******tan Institute of Legislative Development (Pildat), titled: “How prepared is the ECP to hold a free and fair general election?” held here on Tuesday, which was attended by the representatives of the ECP, major political parties, civil society, and journalists.

Law Minister Azam Nazeer Tarar seemed hesitant in giving any solid commitment on holding of general elections in October or November, while lawmakers from Sindh emphatically stated that it would be difficult for them to accept the next elections on the basis of the recently-concluded “fau*lty census” and the delimitation made by the ECP on the basis of the 2017 census.

Speaking at the occasion, the law minister expressed the hope that the country would soon go into elections.

The minister stated that the PML-N-led coalition had a “clear resolve” that the government was bound to follow the laws and the Constitution and its constitutional term was ending in August.

However, when moderator Aasiya Riaz of Pildat welcomed the law minister’s remarks, saying that it was good that the minister had made a “commitment that the government has no plan to extend its term and that the elections will be held on time,” Mr Tarar clarified that he believed that presently, there was no such situation.

Mr Tarar then asked the participants to pray that they would not have to invoke articles 232 or 234 of the Constitution, thus indicating that he was not completely ruling out the possibility of extending the term of the present government under special circumstances.

Article 232 provides for a “proclamation of emergency on account of war, internal disturbance” whereas Article 234 deals with the “power to issue proclamation in case of failure of constitutional machinery in a province.”

“As of today, there is no such situation,” he said.

PPP to have their PM, PMLN to have punjab provincial assembly, KPK to be PTI, Balochistan and sindh to be PPP/BAP.

JUIF can have their President

PTI will sit in oppositions along with JI and MQM.

PDM will continue untill next 5 years
PPP to have their PM, PMLN to have punjab provincial assembly, KPK to be PTI, Balochistan and sindh to be PPP/BAP.

JUIF can have their President

PTI will sit in oppositions along with JI and MQM.

PDM will continue untill next 5 years

Agree but I think PTI will not be allowed to win KP.
Without IK, these "elections" will be a joke. Its about time army declare it as a political party, officially .
I can't believe people on this thread are giving IPP some sort of a chance. They are a completely irrelevant party right now.

Those jokers in the party were getting votes because of Imran in the first place.

I have a feeling Bilawal will be our next PM. But let's see. I'm hoping for a strong PMLN victory.
My prediction General Election 2023 won't take place. None the less after what is going on, do elections even matter, just save the money spent on elections and offshore it as well.
PPP, PML N will blatantly and openly rig the elections and PTI will be exterminated and all PTI supporters will be told there is nothing you guys can do about it, forget about it.
PPP, PML N will blatantly and openly rig the elections and PTI will be exterminated and all PTI supporters will be told there is nothing you guys can do about it, forget about it.

Yes. The way rigging was done in Bagh, AJK last week in favour of PPP is a sign of what is coming .
Yes. The way rigging was done in Bagh, AJK last week in favour of PPP is a sign of what is coming .
Hafiz saab is having a blast and enjoying the time of his life with Zardari in bed. These thugs will take the country to no return - and I’m betting the country will cease to exist in our lifetime. Dollar will be 400 next year, 500 in 2025 and so on.

Every industry is nosediving and the Dakoo movement has no money to pay interest. I don’t know what’s their goal or how much they want to loot and plunder. I mean how much enough is enough?

Industries are closing, inflation is rampant, people are hopeless and depressed.
Hafiz saab is having a blast and enjoying the time of his life with Zardari in bed. These thugs will take the country to no return - and I’m betting the country will cease to exist in our lifetime. Dollar will be 400 next year, 500 in 2025 and so on.

Every industry is nosediving and the Dakoo movement has no money to pay interest. I don’t know what’s their goal or how much they want to loot and plunder. I mean how much enough is enough?

Industries are closing, inflation is rampant, people are hopeless and depressed.

I have strong contacts with Bagh and I can tell you that PPP is non-existent in this area. In the last election, PTI got 22,000 votes while PPPP managed only 5000. This time, PTI got 5,000 while PPPP got 22,000. What a joke!

Just so you know, in last 9 months, 40% of textile factories have closed down, laying off 7 million people - the equivalent of Hong Kong's population. This stat alone should be enough to hang all of the PDM.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I urge everyone, especially the youth, the first time voters, to verify and register their votes before the 13th of July and become part of Pakistan’s Haqeeqi Azadi Tehreek to bring about a revolution through the ballot box. <a href=""></a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="">June 19, 2023</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
ECP gets ready for timely elections
Procures election material and paper for printing ballot papers

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) held a high-level meeting on Monday, where it was revealed that the ECP is fully prepared to conduct elections in the country as scheduled. The commission has already procured election materials and paper for printing ballot papers. In addition, they have been working on preparing a draft list of polling stations.

Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Sikandar Sultan Raja chaired the meeting, attended by the ECP secretary and other senior officers of the polls supervisory body. All the four provincial members of the ECP participated in the meeting through video link.

According to a statement issued after the meeting, the ECP secretary told the participants that the polls authority is in contact with all the departments including the National Database Registration Authority (NADRA) in connection with the preparation, printing and transportation of the electoral rolls.

He said the ECP will soon issue notification with regard to appointment of district returning officers (DROs), returning officers (ROs), and assistant returning officers (AROs). The ECP has formed a database with regard to deployment of polling staff.

The secretary said the ECP had purchased election material and paper for ballot papers and stored them in secure places. The draft list of polling stations has also been prepared.

This list will be shared with the ROs once they are notified. The final list will be issued as per law after hearing the voters’ objections and suggestions.

According to the law, the final date for voters’ registration, deletion of names or correction is July 13, 2023. In this regard the ECP has launched a public awareness campaign.

The ECP is coordinating with all the provincial governments, the federal government and other related institutions in order to ensure that elections are held in time.

The meeting expressed satisfaction over the arrangements made so far. The participants laid stress on completing the process on time.

So the death of PTI is coming soon.

Cant wait for PPP and PMLN to come back to power through elections.

PTI is about to die for once and ever.
So the death of PTI is coming soon.

Cant wait for PPP and PMLN to come back to power through elections.

PTI is about to die for once and ever.

Like PPP did in Karachi recently? Btw there was another $400 million decline in remittances and exports last month.

Inflation is expected to increase or at least persist at the current level until 2024 due to PDM's failure to acquire "funds" i.e. loans.

Who would've thought lying about your country's economic condition would lead to other nations not trusting you?
So the death of PTI is coming soon.

Cant wait for PPP and PMLN to come back to power through elections.

PTI is about to die for once and ever.

There is a mechanism used in the civilised world called free and fair elections. I am not sure if you have ever heard about it? It's normally taught in schools but it seems that you have missed those lessons:)):))
There is a mechanism used in the civilised world called free and fair elections. I am not sure if you have ever heard about it? It's normally taught in schools but it seems that you have missed those lessons:)):))

crying about free and fair when your own leader was bought in through a rigged election.

So once ppp or pmln is in power, you giving up on my countrys politics?

PTI - inna lillahi wa inna lillahi rajiun
crying about free and fair when your own leader was bought in through a rigged election.

So once ppp or pmln is in power, you giving up on my countrys politics?

PTI - inna lillahi wa inna lillahi rajiun
Sorry to here about it allah di marzi bro
crying about free and fair when your own leader was bought in through a rigged election.

So once ppp or pmln is in power, you giving up on my countrys politics?

PTI - inna lillahi wa inna lillahi rajiun

After the 2018 elections, old Khus complained about the rigging. So surely it went to the ECP and the complaints were lodged, investigations were held and re runs were ordered. So thanks in advance, can you post the links to all the rigging cases and the reruns. Forget the reruns, just tell us about which seats were rigged and investigations held.Maybe Rana's or Khawaja Asifs:)):)):)):))

At this point you will tell us that your uncles cook heard from his wife's auntie that it was rigged.
After the 2018 elections, old Khus complained about the rigging. So surely it went to the ECP and the complaints were lodged, investigations were held and re runs were ordered. So thanks in advance, can you post the links to all the rigging cases and the reruns. Forget the reruns, just tell us about which seats were rigged and investigations held.Maybe Rana's or Khawaja Asifs:)):)):)):))

At this point you will tell us that your uncles cook heard from his wife's auntie that it was rigged.

Old khus?
U mean charsi imran
Old khus?
U mean charsi imran

If you had any self respect at all, you would stop commenting here. From your posts, you sound like a typical ganwaar Pakistani who has no self awareness whatsoever. You should read books to raise your level of intelligence. Your posts are so low quality, it brings the level of this forum down.
Sorry if it sounds like a personal attack on you but I find it amusing how vigorously you defend crooks just like you’re getting paid to do it. You don’t have anything to say when your hypocrisy is exposed.
If you had any self respect at all, you would stop commenting here. From your posts, you sound like a typical ganwaar Pakistani who has no self awareness whatsoever. You should read books to raise your level of intelligence. Your posts are so low quality, it brings the level of this forum down.
Sorry if it sounds like a personal attack on you but I find it amusing how vigorously you defend crooks just like you’re getting paid to do it. You don’t have anything to say when your hypocrisy is exposed.

a pti fan calling others gawar.

yes i should read pti suppoters articles and i will become an intellectual.
a pti fan calling others gawar.

yes i should read pti suppoters articles and i will become an intellectual.

Is that your comeback? Labelling someone as PTI supporter when you have nothing smart to say?
Old khus?
U mean charsi imran

You can call him Charsi and anything that makes you feel good but let's get back to the issue of why you guys are running from elections. If the PTI is finished then what is the wait? Are you so scared of a dead party that you had smash the constitution, arrest 10,000 and still can't sleep? What kind of cowards are you?
With the results of the digital census yet to be formally notified, conducting the upcoming general polls on the basis of the latest delimitation is out of question, a senior official of the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) said on Wednesday.

“The general elections 2023 for the national and provincial assemblies will be conducted as per the limits of the constituencies published by the Commission on August 5 last year,” he told Dawn.

The remarks come ahead of a post-enumeration survey scheduled to start on July 8, and plans to submit a report to the Council of Common Interests (CCI) by July 31, amidst claims by various federal ministers that the forthcoming polls will be preceded by a fresh delimitation exercise.

He said that under Article 51(5) of the Constitution and Section 17 (2) of the Elections Act, the final published data was required for the purpose of delimitation of constituencies, and the commission was bound to start the delimitation process once the census was officially published.

You can call him Charsi and anything that makes you feel good but let's get back to the issue of why you guys are running from elections. If the PTI is finished then what is the wait? Are you so scared of a dead party that you had smash the constitution, arrest 10,000 and still can't sleep? What kind of cowards are you?

Elections will happen on time and PMLN will win comprehensively.
Elections will happen on time and PMLN will win comprehensively.

Yes and pigs will fly. I think you haven't seen the memo from the Generals where Billo is the selected one and will be PM. Our 1st ever LGBQT PM. If the elections happen and are free the PML will be wiped out. Your more deluded than ever, you don't destroy an economy, lock up 10,000 and still win. You have no support and the failure to hold the Punjab elections would tell any one why.
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Being a PTI critic, if elections are free and fair, Khan would easily get 2/3 majority. The public support he has now is mammoth.
Being a PTI critic, if elections are free and fair, Khan would easily get 2/3 majority. The public support he has now is mammoth.
That’s why the 13 party tola, the dollar army and the whole bureaucracy can’t compete against him. If IK doesn’t win majority, he will gather the most seats.

Winning majority in a country like Pakistan is not easy because when the establishment senses one party is forming a majority, they rig the results and form a hung parliament. A hung parliament is way easier to control.

If fair elections are held, Khan should sweep the country. Or at least capture 80% of the country.
Being a PTI critic, if elections are free and fair, Khan would easily get 2/3 majority. The public support he has now is mammoth.
If fair elections are held - the Noon league will be the worst party to perform. I don’t think they will be able to gain more than 20-30 seats. PPP at best will be restricted to rural Sindh. The rest of the pie will be eaten by PTI.
The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on Thursday decided to conduct fresh delimitation of constituencies, making it almost certain that general elections may not be held within the constitutionally stipulated limit of 90 days.

Earlier this month, the Council of Common Interests (CCI) approved the results of the 2023 digital census, making it compulsory for the ECP to conduct fresh delimitation — a process that will take nearly four months.

The development was followed by the dissolution of the National Assembly and the farewell of the Shehbaz Sharif-led coalition government on Aug 9.

Article 224 of the Constitution binds the electoral body to conduct general elections within 90 days of the dissolution. Meanwhile, Section 17(2) of the Elections Act reads, “The commission shall delimit constituencies after every census is officially published.”

Earlier, an ECP official told Dawn that the requirement of Article 224 and the legal obligation of conducting delimitation were being thoroughly examined by the body.

He was of the opinion there would be implications if polls were held without fresh delimitation, but had little apprehensions about any implications if the constitutional requirement of holding polls within 90 days was not met.

According to a schedule issued by the ECP today, a copy of which is available with, the electoral watchdog will complete the delimitation exercise by mid-December.

As a first step, the boundaries of administrative units across the country will be frozen by Aug 17 and delimitation committees for all the provinces and the federal capital will be formed by Aug 21.

The ECP said administrative arrangements for delimitation, including the requisition of maps along with other necessary data, description of districts and tehsils from provinces, obtaining district census reports etc, would be completed between Aug 22-Aug 30.

Training will be provided to the delimitation committees between Sep 1 to Sep 4. District quotas for national and provincial assemblies will be shared with delimitation committees by Sep 5-Sep 7. Preliminary delimitations of constituencies will be prepared by committees from Sep 8 to Oct 7.

Preliminary delimitations will be published on Oct 9 after which people will present their objections and recommendations to the ECP on the initial delimitation from Oct 10 to Nov 8. The ECP will hear and decide all objections from Nov 10 to Dec 9 and the final list of constituencies will be published on Dec 14.

Dawn News
PML-N urges elections after delimitation, PPP wary of delay

As the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) consults the political parties for a consensus on general elections, PPP and PML-N, the two allied parties in the previous Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) led government, were seen not on same page over the polls.

On Friday, Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) backed the ECP decision to go for fresh delimitation based on new census, knowing that the process could cause a delay in elections.

However, Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) emphasised on timely elections, within 90 days, saying the polls should not be delayed on the pretext of new delimitation.

“There is no need to unnecessarily take the country towards a political and constitutional crisis,” PPP leader Sherry Rehman said, while addressing a press conference after the meeting of the PPP’s central executive committee.

A PPP delegation will meet the ECP chief on August 29, in which as per Rehman, they will put the same demands as discussed in Friday’s meeting.

Meanwhile, a delegation of PML-N on Friday met Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Sikander Sultan Raja and other ECP officials on an invitation by the ECP for consultation on elections.

The delegation put forward the party’s stance of having general elections on the basis on new delimitation. It also backed the delimitation schedule issued by the election watchdog, according to the ECP.

Low women turnout a pressing challenge ahead of polls

With the general elections just around the corner, the low turnout among female voters remains a persistent challenge as Pakistan has suffered from an endemic low voter turnout in general and women voter turnout in specific, casting a shadow over efforts to enhance women’s engagement in the electoral process.

Experts and researchers point to societal, economic, and mobility-related factors as they call for a renewed push to encourage women’s active participation in politics, saying the ongoing challenge raises vital questions about representation and inclusivity within the nation’s political sphere.

Research shows that overall turnout rates for the elections in 2008, 2013, and 2018 have been 45 per cent, 54 per cent, and 50 per cent, respectively.

According to the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), it was reported, that the women voter turnout in the 2018 general elections stood at 40 per cent with 21 of 46 million registered women voters participating in polling.

“Pakistan suffers from an endemic low voter turnout in general and women voter turnout in specific,”

Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency (PILDAT) President Ahmed Bilal Mehboob said, “Only 40% of women vote on the average. A lot needs to be done at a societal level to address these issues.”

Democracy, elections in Pakistan stalled for return of one person: Bilawal

In an apparent reference to PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif, PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari on Wednesday said Pakistan’s Constitution, democracy and elections have been stalled “for the return of one person”.

Nawaz left for London in the middle of his seven-year jail term in the Al-Azizia corruption case on “medical grounds” in 2019 after the Lahore High Court granted him bail for four weeks. Over these four years, he was declared a proclaimed offender in Al-Azizia and Avenfield graft cases for his continuous absence from the proceedings.

The elder Sharif is currently staying in Saudi Arabia and is scheduled to return to the country via Dubai on October 21. According to the PML-N, Nawaz will address a public gathering at Minar-i-Pakistan upon his arrival.

Addressing a gathering in Karachi today, Bilawal, without naming Nawaz, said: “The 16-month tenure of the previous government has shown that the country cannot be run from London, and it is imperative for everyone to be physically present among the people and be accountable to them.”

“As far as this return is concerned, it is better late than never,” he added.

Bilawal demanded that the Election Commission of Pakistan should promptly announce the election date.

“If the PPP has to swallow the bitter pill of a delay in elections beyond the 90-day period, then we hope that all democratic parties will stand behind the PPP’s demand for an immediate announcement of the election schedule,” Bilawal said.

The delay in elections, he went on to say, was “not a show of respect for the vote but rather a disrespect for it.”

The PPP chairman further emphasised the need for everyone to contribute to Pakistan’s development and denounced “politics of hatred”.

“People have lost interest in your politics,” he claimed, adding that the only way to solve Pakistan’s problem was unity among the people.

Bilawal added that the PPP would initiate a nationwide electoral campaign with the sole objective of advocating for an election date and allowing the people to decide who to vote for.

nothing much.
baby bhutto gt sidelined becoz Ganja is black mailing the Gen.
So Ganja will return and crowned as the next PM of Pak .
next few years, the same Gen will kill the Ganja in BB style , becoz he dont know what establishment can do to him this time . they wont let him go back . no matter what guarantee he will have from anyone .
Becoz this Gen is on Steroids .
ECP allots eagle as election symbol to Istehkam-e-Pakistan Party

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has allotted election symbol of ‘Eagle’ to newly-floated Istehkam-e-Pakistan Party (IPP), reported 24NewsHD TV channel.

Giving its nod to the IPP request, the ECP on Thursday pronounced its reserved verdict allotting Eagle symbol to the party.

On Monday last, the ECP had reserved its decision on the allocation of the electoral symbol ‘eagle’ to the IPP. A three-member ECP bench headed by Chief Election Commissioner Sikandar Sultan Raja heard the legal representative of the Istehkam-e-Pakistan Party.

The IPP counsel had appealed to the Commission to allot the party the election symbol of ‘eagle’. Upon this, the CEC asked him to provide alternative preferences.

Earlier, the IPP central executive committee meeting had decided to reapply for ‘eagle’ as their party’s election symbol. The newly-formed political party’s plea for the eagle symbol was rejected by a four-member bench of the ECP, headed by Sindh Member Nisar Ahmad Durrani.


ECP ‘likely’ to set January 28 for general elections​

ISLAMABAD: The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) is considering fixing January 28 as the date to hold the general elections 2024 across the country.

According to the details, the Election Commission has proposed to hold the general elections in the country on January 28, 2024, however, sources stated that the ECP is consulting to fix Sunday as the day for polling.

The sources within the ECP stated that the Supreme Court will be informed regarding the election schedule, after the completion of delimitation of constituencies which is expected to conclude by November 30.

Please keep it after India’s elections or atleast after April so we can rub it in. Absolute bonkers last 2 years of Pakistani institutions.

Announcing election date rests with ECP: PM Kakar​

LAHORE (Dunya News) - Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar has emphasised that the mandate of announcing the election date rests with the election commission, not with the caretaker government. The government’s responsibility is to provide support to the election-conducting body only, he added.

In an interaction with LUMS students in Lahore on Monday, Kakar highlighted the importance of the student stage as a valuable asset in one's life. “Youth are the future of our nation, and our expectations from them are high,” he added.

PM Kakar stressed that making sound decisions is crucial for personal progress and success. He also commended LUMS for its role in promoting quality education in the country. He expressed a willingness to engage with students in the future as well.
ECP unveils constituencies for general elections 2024

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on Thursday released the final list of constituencies for the general elections 2024.

The final constituencies include 266 National Assembly (NA) seats and 593 Provincial Assembly (PA) seats.

The delimitation process was completed under the Digital Census, conducted earlier this year.

According to the ECP, the number of general seats in the NA will be 266.

The number of general seats in the Punjab Assembly will be 297, the Sindh Assembly will have 130 seats, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Assembly will have 115 seats, and the Balochistan Assembly will have 51 seats.

The distribution of NA seats among the provinces is as follows:

Punjab – 141 seats, Sindh – 51 seats, KP – 45 seats, Balochistan – 16 seats, and Islamabad – 3 seats.

The ECP had earlier received 1,324 objections from 109 districts across the country on the preliminary delimitations, which were released on September 27, 2023.

These objections were dealt with by the commission from November 1 to November 22, 2023.

With the release of the final list of constituencies, the ECP has completed a major milestone in the preparation for the general elections.

The next step will be the announcement of the election schedule, which is expected to be made in the coming weeks.

ECP ahead of its schedule for elections, says CEC

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) is ahead of its scheduled deadline in achieving its various tasks for holding the general elections in the country on Feb 8, 2024, Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Sikandar Sultan Raja said.

Talking informally to media persons here on Friday, CEC Raja stressed that every step towards the election would be taken on time. “The constituencies have been published and everything else will happen in due time,” the CEC said.

“We are doing everything before our scheduled time, the announcement of the election schedule, as well as the appointment of DROs (District Returning Officers) and ROs (Returning Officers) will also be made on time,” Raja told reporters.

When asked about the specific date of the announcement of the election schedule, he said the voting would be held on Feb 8, adding that they could subtract 54 days from that date, a reference to the mandatory 54-day period for the election process.

CEC Raja declined to give any reply to a question, when asked whether the DROs and the ROs would be taken from the judiciary or the bureaucracy. “No comment,” CEC Raja told the reporter with a broad smile.

On Thursday, the ECP released the final list of constituencies completed under the fresh delimitation based on the 7th Population and Housing Census 2023, in which the representation of the newly merged districts in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) in the National Assembly was reduced from 12 to 6.

An ECP spokesperson explained on Friday that the 25th Constitutional Amendment in 2018 resulted in the merger of the erstwhile Federally Administered Tribal Areas with K-P, which eliminated the 12 seats allocated to the former tribal region.

Now, the spokesperson added that the K-P representation in the lower house of parliament had been increased from 39 to 45 seats after the addition of six seats from the newly merged districts.

Similarly, the K-P Assembly also saw an increase in the general seats from 99 to 115, marking a rise of 16 seats.

The ECP statement came in response to a criticism from Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Babar Awan. Talking to reporters, Awan termed the reduction in the number of K-P’s National Assembly seats an attack on the province’s autonomy.

“I would like to ask the Election Commission under what authority the six seats of [erstwhile] Fata were abolished. It is written in the Constitution that there will be a 342-strong National Assembly. This is a direct interference in the provincial autonomy,” he said.

The ECP spokesperson underlined that the authority to determine seats in the national and provincial assemblies lied within the purview of parliament, and the Election Commission had defined the constituencies based on the constitutionally designated number of seats.

The spokesperson deemed Awan’s assertion an ineffective effort to sow confusion among the public. He said that in his capacity as a legal professional, Babar Awan should adhere to constitutional and legal constraints.

Sirajul Haq sees JI 'best option' for votersSirajul Haq

Jamaat Islami (JI) Emir Sirajul Haq said on Thursday that his party was the "best option" for the masses to cast votes in the forthcoming elections.

Expressing his thoughts in Lahore, Haq took a jibe at the political opponents, saying, "The former ruling parties had embraced the politics revolving around the foul language. The rule in this country merely revolves around staging dynastic politics."

"The corrupt rulers cannot be bearable in democratic countries. It has been a long time since the politics of the country revolved around the NRO. The politics could have been cleansed if Articles 62 and 63 had been followed," Haq lamented.

– Country bears brunt of former ruling parties’ ‘flawed’ policies: Sirajul Haq –

Few days back, Haq said that the country was bearing the brunt of the former ruling parties’ “flawed” policies.

Expressing his thoughts in Lahore, Haq reiterated the need to uplift the democracy in the country. “The country can only move forward with the continuation of the democratic process in the country. The JI wants the supremacy of the law rather than the rule by some individuals.”

He bemoaned “dynastic” politics, saying, “With the exception of the JI, other political parties are merely promoting dynastic politics.”

Source : Samaa News
ISLAMABAD: Shortly before its secretary proceeded on ‘medical leave’, the Election Commission of Pakistan apprised the Supreme Court that more than 76 per cent of the nomination papers submitted by the PTI aspirants for the 2024 general elections had been accepted.

According to, the ECP response was furnished on a PTI petition seeking contempt of court proceedings against the election watchdog and other stakeholders for the alleged violation of the apex court’s Dec 22 orders — in which the SC had directed the ECP to attend to the PTI’s grievances urgently and resolve these expeditiously — and lack of level playing field for the party in the lead-up to elections.
