Narendra Modi : Mega Discussion Thread

In india rapists get punished.

In our neighborhood there are countries that require 4 male witnesses to confirm a woman was raped. Yet you will see their citizens blabbering about others.
I certainly hope Mr. Revanna is punished to the full extent of the law in India.
Why do you think he has absconded to Germany?

Why is it that under the BJP so many offenders have managed to escape to foreign countries? Why did Modi campaign for Prajwal despite knowing about the complaints. And don't even try and run from this point because Devaraje Gowda, a BJP leader and MLA contestant had written to the BJP state president warning him about Prajwal long back. I just read the letter in Kannada that has been posted on Reddit and it basically says that:

There are rumors going around that BJP might ally with the JDS. I want to warn you about Revanna and his son ... (details about the videos). Modiji has created an image of being pro-women in the hearts of all Indian women and such an alliance would be extremely damaging to this image.

So as you can see, this letter was written last last year. btw, Devaraje Gowda himself has suffered personally as his wife whom he married (love marriage) was seduced by Revanna and even put a false dowry case against him. She has been living with Revanna while this guy lives with their kids. So he had a personal reason to know the full details of what was going on. Besides, the person who first obtained the pen drive with the videos of sexual violations was Revanna's former driver and he handed it to this BJP leader probably because he knew Devaraje Gowda could be trusted, having personally suffered.

Your question doesn’t make any sense.

This is their desperate attempt to deflect. Amit Shah is busy blaming the Congress government for not taking action against Revanna earlier. The BJP are trying to claim this is a political stunt to win votes - I mean, they are ignoring the crime but focusing on the fallout and this irony is lost on them or their supporters. But the fact is, in all the seats Revanna's party are contesting in, voting has finished.

I also saw how they're desperately trying to spin this as an RSS expose lmao. Like the principled Sangh will stand for the truth hahaha what a joke. What a bunch of clowns these bhakts are.
Why is it that under the BJP so many offenders have managed to escape to foreign countries? Why did Modi campaign for Prajwal despite knowing about the complaints. And don't even try and run from this point because Devaraje Gowda, a BJP leader and MLA contestant had written to the BJP state president warning him about Prajwal long back. I just read the letter in Kannada that has been posted on Reddit and it basically says that:

There are rumors going around that BJP might ally with the JDS. I want to warn you about Revanna and his son ... (details about the videos). Modiji has created an image of being pro-women in the hearts of all Indian women and such an alliance would be extremely damaging to this image.

So as you can see, this letter was written last last year. btw, Devaraje Gowda himself has suffered personally as his wife whom he married (love marriage) was seduced by Revanna and even put a false dowry case against him. She has been living with Revanna while this guy lives with their kids. So he had a personal reason to know the full details of what was going on. Besides, the person who first obtained the pen drive with the videos of sexual violations was Revanna's former driver and he handed it to this BJP leader probably because he knew Devaraje Gowda could be trusted, having personally suffered.

This is their desperate attempt to deflect. Amit Shah is busy blaming the Congress government for not taking action against Revanna earlier. The BJP are trying to claim this is a political stunt to win votes - I mean, they are ignoring the crime but focusing on the fallout and this irony is lost on them or their supporters. But the fact is, in all the seats Revanna's party are contesting in, voting has finished.

I also saw how they're desperately trying to spin this as an RSS expose lmao. Like the principled Sangh will stand for the truth hahaha what a joke. What a bunch of clowns these bhakts are.

Revanna became MP when JDS had an alliance with congress.

DKS had access to the videos of Revanna more than 3 months back. Why didn't congress take any action?

Law and order is a state subject, so the Karnataka government had to take legal steps and notified the immigration about a look out notice, they didn't.

Congress can try to take advantage of this, but people know that if congress wins, Hindus will become unsafe and second class citizens.
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If anything, Hindus are unsafe in feku raj. Kind of atrocities in the form of tax terrorism and other type of economic and inflationary terrorism were unheard of in Independent India.

The best part about watching Modi nowadays is seeing how poor an orator he actually is. He used to rely on third-class humor that only bhakts could appreciate but now even that is gone. His voice sounds crass, garbled and senile. Look at the crowd draped in saffron. Even they are struggling to pledge allegiance to this sickly fading old man.

The great orator myth has been busted. Every time he speaks, the crackles in his voice sound like he is crying hahaha.

pillionrider - remember the name :dhoni So many memorable lines to remember. Like the wheel for example.

But my favorite, and which is gonna come true is - watching salty tears roll down Modi's facelifted cheeks :love:

The best part about watching Modi nowadays is seeing how poor an orator he actually is. He used to rely on third-class humor that only bhakts could appreciate but now even that is gone. His voice sounds crass, garbled and senile. Look at the crowd draped in saffron. Even they are struggling to pledge allegiance to this sickly fading old man.

The great orator myth has been busted. Every time he speaks, the crackles in his voice sound like he is crying hahaha.

pillionrider - remember the name :dhoni So many memorable lines to remember. Like the wheel for example.

But my favorite, and which is gonna come true is - watching salty tears roll down Modi's facelifted cheeks :love:
I've always maintained this. Only bhakts call feku a great orator.

From sanghi fold, Vajpayee was an orator par excellence. Advani was a great orator too as were Sushma Swaraj And Jaitley.

Pramod Mahajan was another one who was gifted with the gift of glib.

The best part about watching Modi nowadays is seeing how poor an orator he actually is. He used to rely on third-class humor that only bhakts could appreciate but now even that is gone. His voice sounds crass, garbled and senile. Look at the crowd draped in saffron. Even they are struggling to pledge allegiance to this sickly fading old man.

The great orator myth has been busted. Every time he speaks, the crackles in his voice sound like he is crying hahaha.

pillionrider - remember the name :dhoni So many memorable lines to remember. Like the wheel for example.

But my favorite, and which is gonna come true is - watching salty tears roll down Modi's facelifted cheeks :love:

He is getting old and 74 year old man now. At his age, doing 5 rallies a day in the middle of summer and flying around nook and corner of India is not easy. It is very easy to sit around lazily in the sofa being obese with a pack of crisps and coke (beer in your case) and criticize. That is all you guys can do...criticize and criticize.

Modi is a brilliant orator in hindi. Yes he may not be the same speaker as he was around 2014-2015 but he is still very good. It is not often you get standing ouvation in US congress or in British Parliament. I was present in Wembley Stadium in Dec 2015 when he spoke for 90 straight minutes infront of then PM David Cameron and 80k NRIs. That was one of the best speeches I have ever heard.

I would also encourage you to watch his speech he gave in Allianz arena in Sydney, in Madison Square garden (when Rajdeep Sardesai got slapped 😂), his speech in Dubai Stadium or in Dhaka.

Anyone says he is not a good speaker - is clueless, jealous or trolling.

Yes, Moun Mohan was a great orator 😂😂😂
Modi's campaign reflects the disarray in the party with him at the helm. And when the tatters emerge, he will be held accountable by them and will have zero friends since he anyway never bothered to cultivate any during his 10-year reign.

First it was freebies (that he'd mocked when it came from the Congress), then development - turning India into a superpower and bringing the Olympics here hahah, whatever. Then it changed to wealth redistribution - buffaloes, mangalsutra. Then Muslims would be given or take away your everything - Hindus are once again in danger. Then Ambani-Adani have bribed the Congress.

And today, he has shifted to being pro-reservation (after saying there is no caste system in India recently hahaha). He's now harking back to the chowkidar line which he thinks was a winning slogan in 2019 and is calling himself the Chowkidar of the oppressed castes.

He has run a terrible campaign and he is solely to blame.

Modi is done.

Khel khattam dukan bandh.

Tata goodbye :dhoni
I've always maintained this. Only bhakts call feku a great orator.

From sanghi fold, Vajpayee was an orator par excellence. Advani was a great orator too as were Sushma Swaraj And Jaitley.

Pramod Mahajan was another one who was gifted with the gift of glib.

I think you are too emotional in this whole thing.

Modi is a smart politician and a great orator. There is no denying that.

He is smart enough to not give any unscripted interviews or press conferences in last 10 years so that he doesn’t get shown up.

He is smart enough to talk in a language which his audience understands.

A lot of people say Sakshi Tharoor is a great orator, but the truth is a person like him doesn’t connect with majority of the public.
Modis style of oration connects with majority of the public.

At the end of the day, the success will be measured by how many people were you able to convert your message to.
Modi has been conveying his message to majority of the people in last 25 years both in gujrat and then pan India.

Now, what tools he uses to convey his message or how toxic his messages might be or the lack of brain cells of Indian electorate are a different matter which you can challenge.

However, challenging Modi’s oration skills or political acumen makes you come across as similar to how his andh bhakts sound.
I think you are too emotional in this whole thing.

Modi is a smart politician and a great orator. There is no denying that.

He is smart enough to not give any unscripted interviews or press conferences in last 10 years so that he doesn’t get shown up.

He is smart enough to talk in a language which his audience understands.

A lot of people say Sakshi Tharoor is a great orator, but the truth is a person like him doesn’t connect with majority of the public.
Modis style of oration connects with majority of the public.

At the end of the day, the success will be measured by how many people were you able to convert your message to.
Modi has been conveying his message to majority of the people in last 25 years both in gujrat and then pan India.

Now, what tools he uses to convey his message or how toxic his messages might be or the lack of brain cells of Indian electorate are a different matter which you can challenge.

However, challenging Modi’s oration skills or political acumen makes you come across as similar to how his andh bhakts sound.
All I can say that feku is a nobody as far as oratory skills are concerned in front of erstwhile sanghi stalwarts.

Why is Modi so alone always :dhoni

Like seriously man. Sometimes he's walking on some empty road, sitting on a lonely beach, waving to no crowd. Poor empty shell of a human.

At least he has a Pariwar on twitter with all his bhakts adding it to their handles. Must make him feel wanted :ROFLMAO:
His hoarse voice alone gives everything you want to know about his oratory skills. And I have not even gone into the content of his speeches which are always alike, Nehru Gandhi, Congress, Muslims and Pakistan, blah blah.

Why is Modi so alone always :dhoni

Like seriously man. Sometimes he's walking on some empty road, sitting on a lonely beach, waving to no crowd. Poor empty shell of a human.

At least he has a Pariwar on twitter with all his bhakts adding it to their handles. Must make him feel wanted :ROFLMAO:
He is too afraid of being physical hurt of he is in a crowd. Also, he thinks himself to be above everyone and hence his solitude.
All I can say that feku is a nobody as far as oratory skills are concerned in front of erstwhile sanghi stalwarts.

Again how does one judge oratory skills?

You might judging them on the basis of facts, vocabulary, presence of mind, wittiness, baritone, quick replies, flow of speech etc etc.

I am judging it on basis of results, he has been getting results for last 25 years. Means he has been successful in spreading his message across.

Why is Modi so alone always :dhoni

Like seriously man. Sometimes he's walking on some empty road, sitting on a lonely beach, waving to no crowd. Poor empty shell of a human.

At least he has a Pariwar on twitter with all his bhakts adding it to their handles. Must make him feel wanted :ROFLMAO:

This kind of PR campaigning sells.
Again how does one judge oratory skills?

You might judging them on the basis of facts, vocabulary, presence of mind, wittiness, baritone, quick replies, flow of speech etc etc.

I am judging it on basis of results, he has been getting results for last 25 years. Means he has been successful in spreading his message across.
Just because one has great oratory skills doesn't mean you'll win too. Despite Vajpayee's great oratory skills, he lost 3 elections in his political career.

Congress didn't have too many people who had great oratory skills but they kept winning, for majority of the time in our history.

And they didn't lose power due to not possessing good oratory skills as compared to opposition leaders.
You might judging them on the basis of facts, vocabulary, presence of mind, wittiness, baritone, quick replies, flow of speech etc etc.
This is precisely what oratory skills are all about. One can have very poor oratory skills and still win elections after elections and vice versa.
In india rapists get punished.

In our neighborhood there are countries that require 4 male witnesses to confirm a woman was raped. Yet you will see their citizens blabbering about others.
Which countries in your neighbourhood need four witnesses?

What do you mean Pakistanis blabbering about others? Did we come and force your politician to rape and then force Modi to hold hands with him? Did we write the news article posted and are we directing the investigation into Modi's rapist buddy?

What a nonsense take on a very serious issue.
Which countries in your neighbourhood need four witnesses?

What do you mean Pakistanis blabbering about others? Did we come and force your politician to rape and then force Modi to hold hands with him? Did we write the news article posted and are we directing the investigation into Modi's rapist buddy?

What a nonsense take on a very serious issue.
This is what andhbhakts are capable of and that's why I never engage with them. I keep a safe distance from them.
This is precisely what oratory skills are all about. One can have very poor oratory skills and still win elections after elections and vice versa.

I think you are missing my core point.

I am saying a person like Sakshi Tharoor who can be considered a great orator will fail to send his message across to majority of the electorate.

If majority of the electorate fails to understand what you are saying or your message, does it still make you a great orator?

For you and me, a person like Tharoor maybe a better orator, however, for majority of the electorate someone like Modi will be a better orator since they can understand his message.

The main point is in a country like India the only thing which matters to be considered a great orator is for majority of your electorate to understand your message. Which Modi is able to do. Hence, a great orator.

People should understand these things, then attack Modi on issues where he has failed and believe me there are quite a lot of them.
Instead of just blindly attacking the guy for everything, that is what separates one from andh Bhakts else you would become an andh hater.
I think you are missing my core point.

I am saying a person like Sakshi Tharoor who can be considered a great orator will fail to send his message across to majority of the electorate.

If majority of the electorate fails to understand what you are saying or your message, does it still make you a great orator?

For you and me, a person like Tharoor maybe a better orator, however, for majority of the electorate someone like Modi will be a better orator since they can understand his message.

The main point is in a country like India the only thing which matters to be considered a great orator is for majority of your electorate to understand your message. Which Modi is able to do. Hence, a great orator.

People should understand these things, then attack Modi on issues where he has failed and believe me there are quite a lot of them.
Instead of just blindly attacking the guy for everything, that is what separates one from andh Bhakts else you would become an andh hater.
You don't get me regarding what oratory skills actually are so forget it.
I'd say only an andhbhakt will say feku's oratory skills are great especially during this election season.

Why would someone bring his past successes into judging his oratory skills is beyond me!
If abusing and lying is all you need to possess good oratory skills then yes, there is no greater orator than feku.
Just because one has great oratory skills doesn't mean you'll win too. Despite Vajpayee's great oratory skills, he lost 3 elections in his political career.

Congress didn't have too many people who had great oratory skills but they kept winning, for majority of the time in our history.

And they didn't lose power due to not possessing good oratory skills as compared to opposition leaders.
Vajpayee bjp was a small minor party relatively compared to goliath Congress. Congress had a monoply till 98 when vajpayee formed coalition government. The days of Congress getting 272 on its own ate gone forever. After 2014 when modi won- Congress will now never get a majority of its own. Thats the greatest achievement of bjp and modi.. the regional parties are way better opposition parties than Congress and thats good. Congress single party majority mukt is the biggest achievement
From calling regional parties the bane of Indian politics, bhakts have now moved to giving them credit for any unfortunate performance by IdotNdotDdotIdotA :dhoni

Congress single party majority mukt is the biggest achievement

I guess this is what you call the "blessing in disguise" moment of this election season :ROFLMAO:
From calling regional parties the bane of Indian politics, bhakts have now moved to giving them credit for any unfortunate performance by IdotNdotDdotIdotA :dhoni

I guess this is what you call the "blessing in disguise" moment of this
From calling regional parties the bane of Indian politics, bhakts have now moved to giving them credit for any unfortunate performance by IdotNdotDdotIdotA :dhoni

I guess this is what you call the "blessing in disguise" moment of this election season :ROFLMAO:
No logical response.. so bhakts bane etc etc nonsense. Any democracy is strong with a strong opposition party. Which the cong is not. Regional parties are just filling the void. No blessing in moment this- actually rather unfortunate to have an incompetent Congress opponent with a pappu as its so called leader lol😂
It does. I was more chuckling over Modi's obsession with having the camera to himself that ends up cutting him unwittingly as a sad lonely figure. There are people who value solitude. Modi is not one of them.

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He has a similar presence to Amrish Puri's character in the movie 'Nayak'. After he retires from politics next year, he should consider trying his luck in Bollywood. :inti
When anti nationals are obsessed with Modi, you know he is doing something right

Forget the Indian pseudo seculars, anti nationals and leftists... When the Pakistanis and Chinese wants PM Modi removed you know he is doing everything right...
When anti nationals are obsessed with Modi, you know he is doing something right

When bhakts have nothing to add, they start repeating what you said.

I'll give you a bit more credit than Rotti though, because you at least tried to modify it :dhoni
This is from Modi's official Youtube channel. Youtuber Modi has truly gone Kim Jong:dhoni

.....term him as God

bhakts were called bhakts for this reason. But now this loser is openly suggesting this :ROFLMAO:

You don't get me regarding what oratory skills actually are so forget it.

Believe me I understand you.
But the point you are missing is that oratory skills are based on the audience.
Modi knows his audience and uses all tricks in his bag to convey his message. He has mastered the art of lying and subtle manipulation tactics.

That is what works with his audience, you bring in the world’s best speaker who speaks on just facts without any masala in his speech and the audience won’t be able to relate to him.

You are only thinking from your perspective, which is fair, however, that blinds you from seeing the bigger picture.
It does. I was more chuckling over Modi's obsession with having the camera to himself that ends up cutting him unwittingly as a sad lonely figure. There are people who value solitude. Modi is not one of them.

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Hahaha that’s funny, they did a better job with these photoshoots than a lot of Bollywood movies.

His PR team is so good man, they have done a stupendous job fooling the masses by pushing their narratives.

If BJP comes to power again, it will solely be due to the entire PR team which includes mainstream media.
Hahaha that’s funny, they did a better job with these photoshoots than a lot of Bollywood movies.

His PR team is so good man, they have done a stupendous job fooling the masses by pushing their narratives.

If BJP comes to power again, it will solely be due to the entire PR team which includes mainstream media.
While that is true it would had worked for Raga too but it didn’t, Modi has administrative background, he has been tested in political power.

Old pictures of BJP show that MODI-Amit Shah know how to win and run a well oiled machinery.

Socially BJP might be a joke but economically every corporation prefers them over Congress which can be seen with electoral bonds as well.
but economically every corporation prefers them over Congress which can be seen with electoral bonds as well.
Can't believe you think that's ok. These all are private entrepreneurs who are guided by their own interests.
If BJP comes to power again, it will solely be due to the entire PR team which includes mainstream media.

They won't :dhoni

And wouldn't that be spectacular. Despite all that PR, almost all the media, the money power, the emotive power of their religious pitch.

All these bhakts will learn that the average poor Indian whom they look down upon, has a higher IQ than them. Considering the number of bhakts who've left their janmabhoomi for their karmabhoomi in the Modi era, I think it's time to do a national IQ test. Bet we'd have gone up by a few points.
Can't believe you think that's ok. These all are private entrepreneurs who are guided by their own interests.

I don't think @JaDed has too much of an idea about the daily lives of the average Indian who is poor. So poor that in Bihar they queue up to receive a Rs 400 monthly pension.

The professionals in cities aren't India. Pure capitalism can never work in a country like India.
They won't :dhoni

And wouldn't that be spectacular. Despite all that PR, almost all the media, the money power, the emotive power of their religious pitch.

All these bhakts will learn that the average poor Indian whom they look down upon, has a higher IQ than them. Considering the number of bhakts who've left their janmabhoomi for their karmabhoomi in the Modi era, I think it's time to do a national IQ test. Bet we'd have gone up by a few points.

Just don't dissappear on 4th june like you did after last set of assembly elections. That is my only reuqest. Not sure from where all that smugness coming from but that will be erased very soon. Just a matter of few more days buddy.
I don't think @JaDed has too much of an idea about the daily lives of the average Indian who is poor. So poor that in Bihar they queue up to receive a Rs 400 monthly pension.

The professionals in cities aren't India. Pure capitalism can never work in a country like India.
That's true.

These guys are oblivious of real India which lives in villages. They think if the SENSEX is at its all time high then all must be well.
Results are not out but he's already started crying.

The greatest sight on planet earth right now. Aurora is nothing in comparison to hot salty tears rolling down Modi's facelifted cheeks :dhoni


Not been following this clown much recently but just realized that he's now changed his pitch again.

Modi's campaign reflects the disarray in the party with him at the helm. And when the tatters emerge, he will be held accountable by them and will have zero friends since he anyway never bothered to cultivate any during his 10-year reign.

First it was freebies (that he'd mocked when it came from the Congress), then development - turning India into a superpower and bringing the Olympics here hahah, whatever. Then it changed to wealth redistribution - buffaloes, mangalsutra. Then Muslims would be given or take away your everything - Hindus are once again in danger. Then Ambani-Adani have bribed the Congress.

And today, he has shifted to being pro-reservation (after saying there is no caste system in India recently hahaha). He's now harking back to the chowkidar line which he thinks was a winning slogan in 2019 and is calling himself the Chowkidar of the oppressed castes.

He has run a terrible campaign and he is solely to blame.

Modi is done.

Khel khattam dukan bandh.

Tata goodbye :dhoni

In interviews he's been talking of how he could never do Hindu-Muslim politics :ROFLMAO:, how he had a Muslim neighbour with whom he celebrated Id, how poor Hindus have a lot of children and it's so rude of bhakts to assume he was talking about Muslims when he said people with lots of children. Hahaha this guy is falling apart even better than I expected. This is the greatest time to be alive :love:
It is coming from your nervousness. 😆 :inti

BJP will win easily on 4th June and India will win easily on 9th june.

Atleast for brother @pillionrider he can enjoy on 9th June.

For you double pain on that terrible week. 😂

Probably need to go for a hiding again away just like after 14th Oct.

Just few more days

Results are not out but he's already started crying.

The greatest sight on planet earth right now. Aurora is nothing in comparison to hot salty tears rolling down Modi's facelifted cheeks :dhoni

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Not been following this clown much recently but just realized that he's now changed his pitch again.

In interviews he's been talking of how he could never do Hindu-Muslim politics :ROFLMAO:, how he had a Muslim neighbour with whom he celebrated Id, how poor Hindus have a lot of children and it's so rude of bhakts to assume he was talking about Muslims when he said people with lots of children. Hahaha this guy is falling apart even better than I expected. This is the greatest time to be alive :love:
Lol, what has gotten into this bigot. He was never like this.

Will his andhbhakts even accept him in this form? His greatest USP for them was his downright hate for Muslims. If even he has mellowed down then what hope so his andhbhakts have. That's why I said the other day, feku is rattled in these elections.
Lol, what has gotten into this bigot. He was never like this.

Will his andhbhakts even accept him in this form? His greatest USP for them was his downright hate for Muslims. If even he has mellowed down then what hope so his andhbhakts have. That's why I said the other day, feku is rattled in these elections.

The fear of losing does strange things even to the seemingly invincible.

You know what I'm looking forward to apart from his tears? On swearing-in day, the opposition sits around and the new party leaders stroll past them shaking hands, like you do at the end of a match. You think Modi will attend this. And shake hands with Kharge, Rahulg, Akhilesh, Kejriwal, Stalin, Mamata, Uddhav :ROFLMAO:
BJP will win easily on 4th June and India will win easily on 9th june.

Atleast for brother @pillionrider he can enjoy on 9th June.

For you double pain on that terrible week. 😂

Probably need to go for a hiding again away just like after 14th Oct.

Just few more days

See I told you it was your nervousness. :ab

This is my post in India vs Pakistan match thread on 14th Oct 2023.

This is on 15th Oct 2023

While I have the ability to share content from other dates as well, considering your familiarity with it as a member of the BJP IT Cell. 😆 :inti
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u know what I'm looking forward to apart from his tears? On swearing-in day, the opposition sits around and the new party leaders stroll past them shaking hands, like you do at the end of a match. You think Modi will attend this. And shake hands with Kharge, Rahulg, Akhilesh, Kejriwal, Stalin, Mamata, Uddhav :ROFLMAO:
Would love to see this even ahead of us winning CWC!

But that's not going to happen, how much you and I want that to happen.
See I told you it was your nervousness. :ab

This is my post in India vs Pakistan match thread on 14th Oct 2023.

This is on 15th Oct 2023

considering your familiarity with it as a member of the BJP IT Cell. 😆 :inti
That was brutal, man!
See I told you it was your nervousness. :ab

This is my post in India vs Pakistan match thread on 14th Oct 2023.

This is on 15th Oct 2023

Another day, another beizzati for @Rajdeep 😆

While I have the ability to share content from other dates as well, I'll leave the task of engaging in "online mazduri" to you, considering your familiarity with it as a member of the BJP IT Cell. 😆 :inti

Beizzati runko ki hoti hai...mai to raja hoon. Team jeete mera, party jeete mera...aur beizzati bhi mera? Shabash 😂

I will never get beizzat as I speak the truth and my ideology is the biggest constant for me. I don't call Rahul Gandhi pappu one day and take 360 turn the very next day. I am no snowflake or fair weather type person and my ideology which is driven by truth is the biggest asset for me. So none of you guys can beat me unfortunately.

I know everything what happened during world cup, who got beizzat, when and who went for hiding, after which match they came out of hibernation etc etc. Nothing hidden from me.

However, forget the past...lets look forward to the upcoming humiliations.


The fear of losing does strange things even to the seemingly invincible.

You know what I'm looking forward to apart from his tears? On swearing-in day, the opposition sits around and the new party leaders stroll past them shaking hands, like you do at the end of a match. You think Modi will attend this. And shake hands with Kharge, Rahulg, Akhilesh, Kejriwal, Stalin, Mamata, Uddhav :ROFLMAO:

Nice dream 😂

Btw...Who you think will take the oath?

Khadge or Pappu?
Beizzati runko ki hoti hai...mai to raja hoon. Team jeete mera, party jeete mera...aur beizzati bhi mera? Shabash 😂

I will never get beizzat as I speak the truth and my ideology is the biggest constant for me. I don't call Rahul Gandhi pappu one day and take 360 turn the very next day. I am no snowflake or fair weather type person and my ideology which is driven by truth is the biggest asset for me. So none of you guys can beat me unfortunately.

I know everything what happened during world cup, who got beizzat, when and who went for hiding, after which match they came out of hibernation etc etc. Nothing hidden from me.

However, forget the past...lets look forward to the upcoming humiliations.


Your response mirrors Feku's typical reaction when faced with something he doesn't comprehend. 😆 :inti
Nice dream 😂

Btw...Who you think will take the oath?

Khadge or Pappu?
I know you and that Rotti fellow read my posts religiously every day like they were typed out by Lord Ganesha.

Don't have time to repeat myself just because.

Go re-read in case you're not pretending to have forgotten :dhoni