What/How many grips do you use?

Quick Single

Local Club Star
Jan 10, 2011
I myself use snake grip on my Kook, with the Adidas Incurza grip underneath, but on top of the Adidas grip, I use a half grip so that my bottom hand is holding on to something a bit bigger. Does anyone else use this method? I have seen quite a few pro's doing, well if you count Imran Farhat as a pro:)).

Anyways what grips do you guys use, and how many?
i've often wondered if there is a way to determine how many grips is "correct". i've so far only used 1 grip, mainly because an extra grip adds about 1lb 7oz of extra weight to the bat, and i'm under the impression that this may inhibit my batting.
One grip with a load of elastoplast down the bottom half of the back of the handle.
well i use 1 grip, but for the bottom hand i went to a cricket store and told them to put extra thread(the thing under the grip) onto the bottom half
I have different grips on my bat and has different for each bat. For my MB LE I have Lekka Extrax Combi grip which is have spiral and have regular normal grip.

Rest depends on the handle's thickness, if the handle is really thin (like Bubber Sher) then I have double grip (technically three) and if handle is thin then one thick grip or one normal chevron grip.

i've often wondered if there is a way to determine how many grips is "correct". i've so far only used 1 grip, mainly because an extra grip adds about 1lb 7oz of extra weight to the bat, and i'm under the impression that this may inhibit my batting.

Good question, I would say it would depend on your hands and on your bat's handle. Bigger hands and thinner handles will result in more numbers of grips.
And ohh I don't use octopus grips although I like them is because I have heard they damage your gloves palm.
^^ i have used octopus grip for the last 2-3 years and they're not doing damage
octopus the best and i use double grip on my gray nicolls powerblade coz its handle is little bit thin as compared to my gray nicolls xiphos
I've noticed a lot of pro's using chevron grip. Personally I hate them and have always wondered why they used them?
I play without the grip because my hands are not that big even though am tall and big my hands are small so if i have a good grip i can't play, i use grip only wen am playing without gloves
I've noticed a lot of pro's using chevron grip. Personally I hate them and have always wondered why they used them?

They are really good yaar :) I like them as well

I play without the grip because my hands are not that big even though am tall and big my hands are small so if i have a good grip i can't play, i use grip only wen am playing without gloves

Doesn't it slip out of your hands?

I use one and a half grips. Extra half grip is for the bottom hand.

Which grips do you use? Chevron? I heard Amplus is made like this as well, will probably try this with my bats as well.
One drawback with Chevron grip is that they are out of there life very quickly from both inner side and outer side.
Doubt it's much of a problem for pros, they probably replace the outermost grip as often as tennis players do with overgrips.
Of course they do and I have no doubt about that.

Mate, how are these GM grips ? These Shock Absorba', any good ?
Some people, including myself, believe that your bottom hand grips bigger stuff better, therefore you will have more control with your bottom hand. And I must say, for me it is working very well, and I have noticed a considerable difference.
I thought it was more to do with the bottom hand NOT gripping the handle as much.
interesting...i might give it a try. do you put the half grip under the full grip?

SempreSami, i think what you're referring to is the "textbook" technique of keeping the bottom hand loose, which shouldn't change even with the extra grip. What QS bhai is suggesting is that when you do have to use your bottom hand, the extra thickness makes it easier.
Doesn't it slip out of your hands?

Nah it doesn't for me anyway i don't play real loose shots either soo All is gd but my hands are growing so no worries
same.. this may sound a bit silly, but after checking out some of my friends' equipment i realized that a lot has to do with the type of gloves you wear. wearing gloves that are slightly less flexible, makes it difficult to bend your fingers and grip a thinner handle/grip, and so two grips feel better. but wearing gloves (i borrowed my friend's kook kahuna 1000) that allow maximum mobility for your fingers makes it very easy to grip a thin handle and so one grip feels quite good.
I always ALWAYS use a thin grip underneath my GM Shock absorba grip. just love the feel and ive stuck with it ever since
I use Aero Bat grip on top of MB batting grip. It makes the bat feels 2 ounce lighter. And you apply it like hockey tape, you wrap it around the handle.
I use three grips as its just feels 'right' however my hands are relatively small
3 Altogether..

1 - standard Octopus grip that comes with CA Plus 12000

2 - Middle grip is a slazenger Octopus grip

3 - Outer grip is a GM - regular.

To me, the thicker the handle, the better i feel.

Moreover, having a thicker handle by extra grips, makes the bat pick feel lighter..
Donno if that's the case with others, but have felt that way.

By the way, i use 3 grips on my badminton rackets as well :)
I live in canada, so there's not much selection of grips here. Went out and bought a new bat a few weeks back after a long time, ended up getting a gm hero 707 (classic style) at a real discount. it came with a single thick spiral grip. What I ended up doing was taking that grip off and putting on a regular chevron style first, then keeping the thick spiral one as the outer grip.
so i just bought a new gm hero 707 classic style bat. it came with a single thick spiral grip. i've also got an octopus grip and 2 other chevron grips, for a total of 4 grips. my question is that i have two bats, the gm one being the main one and a reebok one for practice. which combination of grips should i use for both? thanks in advance guys