Will the PTI Government survive a vote of no confidence?

Will the PTI Government survive a vote of no confidence?

  • Total voters
How much did you have to google for this? Because the hardcore PPP supporter Major has dodged this question for months so if he didn't know this then I am sure you had to google for this considering all of them have been in the last month, some only weeks ago :))

5 projects in 20 years, one of which is a prototype, the others are all medical and one waste, for a population of 47 million.

1- no source
2- very good - no source
3- bone marrow transplants are excellent but target a very small section of population
4- After 20 years there is waste management now, I am glad to see a 21st century project
5- Prototype so nothing really. I can make a prototype of a spaceship

Not counting the prototype. Are 4 projects, 3 of which are identical and in very specialised medical fields (I know it as its my industry), in 19 years 11 months successful to you? If it is then fair enough. Why did PTI introduce projects quicker in only 1 term. That's one project every 5 years, I am sure we can look forward to that. And 4 even I am being generous as the first one isn't really something to be proud off, imagine saying we have introduced an emergency service after 20 years.

As that would reek of something we civilised people call: incompetence.
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Inauguration of Sindh Emergency Services (1122) - Feb 2022
Inaugration of PMC 500-Beded Surgical Complex - Feb 2022
Inaugration of 1st Center of Excellence in Robotic Surgery and Training of Pakistan at SIUT Karachi- Feb 2022
Inuagration of bone marrow transplant, cancer treatment & emergency rapid response trauma centres at GIMS Khairpur - Jan 2022
Inaugration of Solid Waste Management Project in Larkana - Jan 2022
People's Bus Service successful prototype testing - Jan 2022

oh wait... what am I doing despite knowing that you will never change your vote. :facepalm

they are not gonna change their vote, and just used old bahanay the whatabout such party.
Before going around and saying that a poster should get educated read pak studies etc... Its better to be well infirmed before making such opinions..

Moo per wapas par saktee hai....

This is why i asked who was it and your answer was expected, plz read this .

If you deny that link, read this link


Next time plz be careful before saying to ithers to get educated

No wonder you have to afd luaughing emojis. Atleast be sure with your answers

[MENTION=146141]Hermoine Green[/MENTION] funny how you did a houdini. Still waiting for you to come with the lame excuse.

Next time be careful before claiming others dont know.

Sir, I saw this pic on SM. I think you should put this in the list of achievements for PPP in Sindh.


Take out Karachi and Hyderabad and the numbers would probably drop even further.

Jiye Bhutto.
they are not gonna change their vote, and just used old bahanay the whatabout such party.

Lets go through this one by one:

I see an education program:

Why do the numbers show Sindh in lowest across:

1) number of schools
2) literacy
3) absent students

Students are only absent if they're in child labour, which happens due to poverty.

One project about some bridge being made, I mean yay?
One poster about provincial rights, where (I kid you not) their achievement is listed as 'renaming the province' :))
One poster about GDP increase from 2007 to 2013 is listed as by 86%, which doing a simple google search shows a complete lie
Poster about inflation, another complete lie. It was 7% in 2007, ballooned to 20% when they came to power and then back to 7% when they left. So not really an improvement, infact uptil their last year it stayed high it had ever been since 1974. We can excuse them due to terror attacks back then but making up a complete lie is poor
Poster about public health: some highlights: mention of random new health projects, with no further details if they have been successful or not(?), 24 food banks, vaccine program (which is excellent) MRI and CT scans (excellent again but should be expected in the 21st century). Nothing really that's not happening in all the other provinces either.
Poster about water: weren't some children literally starving and dying just a few years ago? ....Success?
Youth unemployment: a simple search shows those numbers increase very slightly, exactly same as other provinces
Electricity: says projects about megawatts, any news since?
Education poster addressed already

Is this the sum of it all? Some posters hastily googled up? :)) The best thing in all it was the vaccine programs so well done on that.

Considering how long they have ruled Sindh from the 90s to now you'd expect them to be smashing Baluchistan atleast in education, beating KPK in healthcare and so on.

[MENTION=135038]Major[/MENTION] ofcourse only an imbecilie would vote for them based on the above. You guys are really lauding all the above as success,.....after decades? And all this....'evidence' which is only brought up now copy pasted from obvious google searches, otherwise you'd brought this up ages ago :))

Shocking stuff. It really is. Maybe we can see more houses in Bilawal's portfolio in Surrey.

Sir, I saw this pic on SM. I think you should put this in the list of achievements for PPP in Sindh.

View attachment 115352

Take out Karachi and Hyderabad and the numbers would probably drop even further.

Jiye Bhutto.

Don't worry, Aqeel will post this picture as ''proof'':


Shows how much honesty and realism is in these ''projects''.

This is amazing-How come the people that live In Sindh never see these amazing achievements. lol Ask the people on here from Karachi or from other parts of Sindh and they will tell you what 15 years have done to Sindh.
Maybe this


This is amazing-How come the people that live In Sindh never see these amazing achievements. lol Ask the people on here from Karachi or from other parts of Sindh and they will tell you what 15 years have done to Sindh.
Maybe this


Read my reply, all of those posters posted are a sham, some outright lies, others just laughable.

Success of PPP's water and food banks, the posters proudly posted by Aqeel and endorsed by Major. This is just in 2022 btw, not even the mass deaths before this year.

Something for the rest of the country to look forward to!
Whats going on


The supporters of the corrupt are even more disgusting than the Corrupt

Its clear:

-Major never did not want to admit or was just not aware about any PPP improvements in Sindh hence why he always dodged the question. After Thar's children dying, massive illiteracy (worse than even Balochistan) and the constant poverty in Interior Sindh....this is all well known
-Posting pictures which brag about massive achievements as name changes :)))) of a province, I mean, what more needs to be said
-Aqeel didn't even bother to read or post whether those projects had merit or genuinely improved lives. Posting posters of food banks and water while Thar saw deaths on a mass scale from hunger and water (even in Jan 2022), and posting stuff about education when we know Sindh is at the bottom, reeks of complete lack of honesty. I'd say more stupidity than honesty. As noone even semi self-aware would post things like that which are so obviously proven to be untrue.

Its a complete lack of honesty, runs through their choice of party too
Read my reply, all of those posters posted are a sham, some outright lies, others just laughable.

We can laugh, cry or do bhangraz on PPP's achievement in Sindh. Our opinions do not matter as we don't live in Sindh. What matters is the opinion of Sindhis on PPP's governance & they have been voting them to power again and again which means they are happy with whatever PPP is doing.
We can laugh, cry or do bhangraz on PPP's achievement in Sindh. Our opinions do not matter as we don't live in Sindh. What matters is the opinion of Sindhis on PPP's governance & they have been voting them to power again and again which means they are happy with whatever PPP is doing.

So noone should vote for them when it comes to general election, except Sindhis, since their 'projects' have been a sham. We finally agree on something.

Anyone who's remotely intelligent knows how voting in Sindh happens. Feudalism and low literacy (which has been proven by numbers posted above). Keep the people dumb and enjoy power.

Noones really seriously laughing, just sad why these frauds have supporters. Your....'evidence', which I went through all the pictures you posted, has shown how much disappointing it really is when you peel away the outright lies of the party.
PM surviving or not, the whole system is sickening. Pakistan being handed back over to next generation of Shareef's and Zardari's makes my gut wrench. I wish i was not from pakistan.
We can laugh, cry or do bhangraz on PPP's achievement in Sindh. Our opinions do not matter as we don't live in Sindh. What matters is the opinion of Sindhis on PPP's governance & they have been voting them to power again and again which means they are happy with whatever PPP is doing.

There are many posters that do both Urdu Speakers and Ethnics so speak for yourself. Either go to Sindh to provide a counter or accept that its corrupt hell hole run for the PPP mafia.
We can laugh, cry or do bhangraz on PPP's achievement in Sindh. Our opinions do not matter as we don't live in Sindh. What matters is the opinion of Sindhis on PPP's governance & they have been voting them to power again and again which means they are happy with whatever PPP is doing.

Thankfully your not doing an academic course- finding some brochure pictures without context and claiming that its evidence is dishonest. The problem with you Nooras is that at the moment he is your best buddy and the sun shines out of his backside but we have long memories.

Can anyone explain the NA composition to me novice?

How many seats via popular vote and how many via reservation? Do reserved seat members get to vote in a no confidence motion? If yes whats the majority mark, if not then whats the majority mark?

How is PTI and its allies placed? Are the allies still supporting Imran?

When is the no confidence motion vote?
If Imran survives this, he will become unstoppable. Would be techtonic shift in Pakistan's politics.
We can laugh, cry or do bhangraz on PPP's achievement in Sindh. Our opinions do not matter as we don't live in Sindh. What matters is the opinion of Sindhis on PPP's governance & they have been voting them to power again and again which means they are happy with whatever PPP is doing.

Both of my parents and their families reside from karachi, PPP have done absolutely nothing for sindh, karachi, their pathetic supporters are basically sell outs to keep the pathetic corrupt narrative going for billo and his father.
Can anyone explain the NA composition to me novice?

How many seats via popular vote and how many via reservation? Do reserved seat members get to vote in a no confidence motion? If yes whats the majority mark, if not then whats the majority mark?

How is PTI and its allies placed? Are the allies still supporting Imran?

When is the no confidence motion vote?

28th March (apparently). Allies are not yet clear apart from some.

Major ally if PMLQ, who is in talks with opposition as well so their chances are 50/50. They can ditch PTI party, because they want CMship of Punjab.

And mark of votes is 172.

And if IK win or not, in all honesty chances are 50/50.
[MENTION=138254]Syed1[/MENTION] [MENTION=1269]Bewal Express[/MENTION] [MENTION=21699]Pakpak[/MENTION]

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">They deserve that kind of treatment. Well done &#55357;&#56397; <a href="https://t.co/8msT1VJNcZ">pic.twitter.com/8msT1VJNcZ</a></p>— Shaziyaa (@ShaziyaaMehmood) <a href="https://twitter.com/ShaziyaaMehmood/status/1504908642734194689?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 18, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Noor Alam is hiding his face :))
Before going around and saying that a poster should get educated read pak studies etc... Its better to be well infirmed before making such opinions..

Moo per wapas par saktee hai....

This is why i asked who was it and your answer was expected, plz read this .

If you deny that link, read this link


Next time plz be careful before saying to ithers to get educated

No wonder you have to afd luaughing emojis. Atleast be sure with your answers

Hahaha, as usual you came up with CHILDISH response which was expected.

Your DAWN news paper or your favourite journo cant change the history even if they want too.

So, go and read some history books. It will be better for you kiddo.

Am sure about mine answer and its a fact :))

And lastly, i never ran away from any thing, because i am not YOU.

I will reply to each and every of your troling and am here at this forum till the voting day. So till then, you will be having tough time kiddo.
Hahaha, as usual you came up with CHILDISH response which was expected.

Your DAWN news paper or your favourite journo cant change the history even if they want too.

So, go and read some history books. It will be better for you kiddo.

Am sure about mine answer and its a fact :))

And lastly, i never ran away from any thing, because i am not YOU.

I will reply to each and every of your troling and am here at this forum till the voting day. So till then, you will be having tough time kiddo.

:facepalm: why this guy is making claims based on wikipedia and is doubting what newspaper are writing who sourced their info from the archives..

According to this poster, dawn is a lie only trust him......

Just so you know the govt examination system recommends Dawn for examinations based on Pakistan and current affairs.

But for the likes of you Wikipeddia may be referred
We can laugh, cry or do bhangraz on PPP's achievement in Sindh. Our opinions do not matter as we don't live in Sindh. What matters is the opinion of Sindhis on PPP's governance & they have been voting them to power again and again which means they are happy with whatever PPP is doing.

nahi nahi, only the opinions of foreign pakistanis matter who dont live here..

Rest of us are jahils..

Dawn is a lie, wikipedia is authentic

Throw in 3 emojis and use phrases like learn, study, kiddo.....
:facepalm: why this guy is making claims based on wikipedia and is doubting what newspaper are writing who sourced their info from the archives..

According to this poster, dawn is a lie only trust him......

Just so you know the govt examination system recommends Dawn for examinations based on Pakistan and current affairs.

But for the likes of you Wikipeddia may be referred

Am too old to use things like Wiki, i rely on historians andt heir books :) because am not 15 yr old kid dear.

On 11th of Dec, vote of no cofd was successfully passed against the then PM I.I :) Ask from any historian and you will know. Or may be, ask from your beloved Journo.

And regarding news acrhive, they have shared their resignation letter which he submitted at the night of 11th, and in evening time votings were concluded against him :)

Shabash, jao thora or perhai karo
nahi nahi, only the opinions of foreign pakistanis matter who dont live here..

Rest of us are jahils..

Dawn is a lie, wikipedia is authentic

Throw in 3 emojis and use phrases like learn, study, kiddo.....

LOL, alhamdulillah i live in Pak, and i serve mine country. Am not some DHA spoiled kid :)

So, again try to read some history Books (if it dont make you asleep after 2 pages of reading)
Am too old to use things like Wiki, i rely on historians andt heir books :) because am not 15 yr old kid dear.

On 11th of Dec, vote of no cofd was successfully passed against the then PM I.I :) Ask from any historian and you will know. Or may be, ask from your beloved Journo.

And regarding news acrhive, they have shared their resignation letter which he submitted at the night of 11th, and in evening time votings were concluded against him :)

Shabash, jao thora or perhai karo

Again, posting lies on the internet when the newspaper article has clearly stared it.

Thus, Inshallah, Imran Khan will be the first PM ever of Pakistan to lose the confidence of the people.

Dont worry, you can change history by going on wikipedia and making edits.

Doubting Dawns authenticity, the same paper recommended by the govt itself for exams.
LOL, alhamdulillah i live in Pak, and i serve mine country. Am not some DHA spoiled kid :)

So, again try to read some history Books (if it dont make you asleep after 2 pages of reading)

living in the county while questioning the authenticity of a newspaper which the govt itself has recommended for exams....

The only thing you serve is refering wikipedia pages
Again, posting lies on the internet when the newspaper article has clearly stared it.

Thus, Inshallah, Imran Khan will be the first PM ever of Pakistan to lose the confidence of the people.

Dont worry, you can change history by going on wikipedia and making edits.

Doubting Dawns authenticity, the same paper recommended by the govt itself for exams.

He wont be the FIRST, but may be 2nd and thats MAY BE. And if your wish come true, inshAllah in next election he will be back with majority, and you wont be able to do anything to stop him.

But first lets, wait for 28th March. It's Pakistan and our politics and we never know, what may surprise us in coming days :)

And regarding history Mr. fan of dawn, again i suggest go and read history books. Or else, ask from your favourite journo.

Haqeeqat chup nahi sakti' banawat k usoolon se
Khushboo aa nahi sakti' kabhi kaghaz k pholon se
living in the county while questioning the authenticity of a newspaper which the govt itself has recommended for exams....

The only thing you serve is refering wikipedia pages

So you mean, Hamid Mir was referring to Wikipedia page? :)) Have spine to state it?

And yeah, kids like you can get tons of info for EXAMS from said newspaper/website.
He wont be the FIRST, but may be 2nd and thats MAY BE. And if your wish come true, inshAllah in next election he will be back with majority, and you wont be able to do anything to stop him.

But first lets, wait for 28th March. It's Pakistan and our politics and we never know, what may surprise us in coming days :)

And regarding history Mr. fan of dawn, again i suggest go and read history books. Or else, ask from your favourite journo.

Haqeeqat chup nahi sakti' banawat k usoolon se
Khushboo aa nahi sakti' kabhi kaghaz k pholon se

again, doubting a newspaper just because you dont like the reality they tell.

We live in good times, anyone can label anything unrealiable because we dont like the truth.

THe Pakistani govt itself recommends the nation to read it, but nahi jee.
So you mean, Hamid Mir was referring to Wikipedia page? :)) Have spine to state it?

And yeah, kids like you can get tons of info for EXAMS from said newspaper/website.

before going around calling other kids, you really need to go and talk to some civil servants,csp officers and the federal public commission officials.

CSP officers (500 passing out of 40K each year) all reccomand DAWN news paper and claim it as authentic.

Before going on and question the reliability, its better if you have some rank to even make such a claim. Its easy for all of us just to sit behind a monitor and question the reliability of something we dont like
before going around calling other kids, you really need to go and talk to some civil servants,csp officers and the federal public commission officials.

CSP officers (500 passing out of 40K each year) all reccomand DAWN news paper and claim it as authentic.

Before going on and question the reliability, its better if you have some rank to even make such a claim. Its easy for all of us just to sit behind a monitor and question the reliability of something we dont like

I have noticed one thing in dawo, it may have good bloggers bla bla but why do they not publish comments posted agianst PDM, very biased as far posting comments are concerned.
again, doubting a newspaper just because you dont like the reality they tell.

We live in good times, anyone can label anything unrealiable because we dont like the truth.

THe Pakistani govt itself recommends the nation to read it, but nahi jee.

I am not doubting it at all :) i am clearly saying that you are wrong. I rely on historian and their books which states otherwise.

In last 3 posts, you have mentioned 3 times about Pakistani Gov, well Pakistani Gov says lots of more things, i hope you accept all of these. Or aammhh, only those which suits your point? Cherry picking eeh?

And yes, anyone can label anything, am sure you know about this skill alot as you are consistently doing it so. Even, you backtracked from your words too in many posts. LOL

So again, Hamid Mir info is wrong? :))
Recently dawn has been without a doubt against PTI and everytime I read the comments section and submit comment against those ghoons, they never published it.
before going around calling other kids, you really need to go and talk to some civil servants,csp officers and the federal public commission officials.

CSP officers (500 passing out of 40K each year) all reccomand DAWN news paper and claim it as authentic.

Before going on and question the reliability, its better if you have some rank to even make such a claim. Its easy for all of us just to sit behind a monitor and question the reliability of something we dont like

LOL, i have visited almost every small and major city of Pakistan and its mine nature of job to talk with those people which you have mentioned. So save this lecture for your self.

And yes i know they recommend DAWN (you yourself said for EXAMS) :))

But on the same hand, those all officers will recommend to read good history books. Dare to deny?
Recently dawn has been without a doubt against PTI and everytime I read the comments section and submit comment against those ghoons, they never published it.

Yes, its true. And they came up with I.I article just for the sole person even their beloved journo Hamir Mir stated something opposite.
ANyways [MENTION=138254]Syed1[/MENTION] [MENTION=1269]Bewal Express[/MENTION] [MENTION=21699]Pakpak[/MENTION] and obviously Mr. Self troller [MENTION=135038]Major[/MENTION] :))

See you after 2 days, thanks for your precious time and discussion though. I wont be able to access internet for 2 days.

Good luck.
[MENTION=138254]Syed1[/MENTION] [MENTION=1269]Bewal Express[/MENTION] [MENTION=21699]Pakpak[/MENTION]

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">They deserve that kind of treatment. Well done �� <a href="https://t.co/8msT1VJNcZ">pic.twitter.com/8msT1VJNcZ</a></p>— Shaziyaa (@ShaziyaaMehmood) <a href="https://twitter.com/ShaziyaaMehmood/status/1504908642734194689?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 18, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Noor Alam is hiding his face :))

Great, expose them, the people of his constituency has every right to ask him.
Yes, its true. And they came up with I.I article just for the sole person even their beloved journo Hamir Mir stated something opposite.

Ma tulo honay wala ,Tu ghuroob honay wala, lol.Still remember his mara bazi before march by JUIF.
ANyways [MENTION=138254]Syed1[/MENTION] [MENTION=1269]Bewal Express[/MENTION] [MENTION=21699]Pakpak[/MENTION] and obviously Mr. Self troller [MENTION=135038]Major[/MENTION] :))

See you after 2 days, thanks for your precious time and discussion though. I wont be able to access internet for 2 days.

Good luck.

hope to see you after Imran Khan is gone.

No hard feelings :)
Having been a diehard PTI from 2012 till 2020, I can sense that Imran Khan is in deep trouble. He failed to achieved anything of note, he failed to reform our education system, upgrade teaching and learning in schools, hang corrupt politicians, introduce police and judicial reforms, reduce inflation and unemployment.

Currently, the average Pakistan is in a worse economic situation than they were in 2018. Beside being total flop on the economic front, Imran Khan fanned the flames of religious extremism and bowed over to appease the religious right by rejecting underage marriage, forced conversion and anti-domestic violence bills. Not to mention how he emboldened the TLP and forwarded extremist thought to the masses, called OBL a ‘Shaheed’, branded mourning Hazaras ‘blackmailers’ and his constant victim blaming remarks and morally policing of others is reminiscent of the dark era of General Zia ul Haq. Instead of opening up universities and state of the art labs, he in collusion with his wife inaugurated Sufi research centers, further promoting illiteracy, pseudo-science and backwardness.

In short, Khan promised the heavens but delivered nothing apart from brainwashing the public and making them more extreme.
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Having been a diehard PTI from 2012 till 2020, I can sense that Imran Khan is in deep trouble. He failed to achieved anything of note, he failed to reform our education system, upgrade teaching and learning in schools, hang corrupt politicians, introduce police and judicial reforms, reduce inflation and unemployment.

Currently, the average Pakistan is in a worse economic situation than they were in 2018. Beside being total flop on the economic front, Imran Khan fanned the flames of religious extremism and bowed over to appease the religious right by rejecting underage marriage, forced conversion and anti-domestic violence bills. Not to mention how he emboldened the TLP and forwarded extremist thought to the masses, called OBL a ‘Shaheed’, branded mourning Hazaras ‘blackmailers’ and his constant victim blaming remarks and morally policing of others is reminiscent of the dark era of General Zia ul Haq. Instead of opening up universities and state of the art labs, he in collusion with his wife inaugurated Sufi research centers, further promoting illiteracy, pseudo-science and backwardness.

In short, Khan promised the heavens but delivered nothing apart from brainwashing the public and making them more extreme.

Get lost- the Sehat card alone has been worth it. It will save 1000s of lives and will set the template for future improvements.
Get lost- the Sehat card alone has been worth it. It will save 1000s of lives and will set the template for future improvements.

Will imran survive this no confidence vote (mafia pushed agenda)?

What's the possibility of him calling a early General election and therefore getting a Strong majority?

Feel pakistan as a country is on a cross road, if imran goes the country will be in a catastrophic situation.
hope to see you after Imran Khan is gone.

No hard feelings :)

If he goes the criminals have won with stolen money and funds from the CIA. But Not so fast, remember the mittai after the SC decision, in the case of the PPP hold your champagne on ice.
Will imran survive this no confidence vote (mafia pushed agenda) .

What's the possibility of him calling a early General election and therefore getting a Strong majority?

Feel pakistan as a country is on a cross road, if imran goes the country will be in a catastrophic situation.

The chances are probably about 20% or less. He can't call the election because the confidence vote process has started. He must not compromise, he should not break the law. This Randi Rona group of pigmies hate each other and when tough decisions have to be made, they will.blame each other because no one will own the tough decision.
Get lost- the Sehat card alone has been worth it. It will save 1000s of lives and will set the template for future improvements.

lol the sehat card in punjab is a fraud.

as i said, its being financed by shutting down the DHQ hospitals in the poor regions where these hospitals are free.

Also, the card is only valid for operations, not for check ups etc. Even a simple check up costs RS.500 and medicine has become expensive aswell.
nahi nahi, only the opinions of foreign pakistanis matter who dont live here..

Rest of us are jahils..

Dawn is a lie, wikipedia is authentic

Throw in 3 emojis and use phrases like learn, study, kiddo.....

Talking about Jahils- what is hyper inflation? You said yesterday that the PPP dealt with hyperinflation? So tell us when this happened
lol the sehat card in punjab is a fraud.

as i said, its being financed by shutting down the DHQ hospitals in the poor regions where these hospitals are free.

Also, the card is only valid for operations, not for check ups etc. Even a simple check up costs RS.500 and medicine has become expensive aswell.

Off course it is. Major Sahib ask the people that have used and that is running into 1000s. Remember it's a start and not the end. Your badniyaati comes through with each post- can an honest person ever support AZ and his family.:)):)):)):))
The chances are probably about 20% or less. He can't call the election because the confidence vote process has started. He must not compromise, he should not break the law. This Randi Rona group of pigmies hate each other and when tough decisions have to be made, they will.blame each other because no one will own the tough decision.

Watch Nawaz (Mohdi lapdog) come running back in a flash.
lol the sehat card in punjab is a fraud.

as i said, its being financed by shutting down the DHQ hospitals in the poor regions where these hospitals are free.

Also, the card is only valid for operations, not for check ups etc. Even a simple check up costs RS.500 and medicine has become expensive aswell.

What has zardari done for sindh
What has zardari done for sindh

We had this conversation last night. The PPP has had absolute power for 15 years and they have achieved nothing. One of the Nooras came on and put on some pictures from a brochure and apparently those were achievements. Lol
Lol those not living in Sindh giving us lectures how PPP has transformed Sindh in 15 years.

Come live in Sindh then bark
lol the sehat card in punjab is a fraud.

as i said, its being financed by shutting down the DHQ hospitals in the poor regions where these hospitals are free.

Also, the card is only valid for operations, not for check ups etc. Even a simple check up costs RS.500 and medicine has become expensive aswell.

You are more than welcome to give up your cushy home in DHA Rawalipindi and move to Sukkur, Karachi, Larkhana. Also make sure to not use the fraud Sehat card.
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PTI's attack on Sindh House sign of 'fascist mentality', says Shehbaz

Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) President Shehbaz Sharif on Saturday said the attack by PTI supporters on Sindh House was a sign of "fascist mentality and of defeat" as the party resorted to throwing stones and breaking windows instead of contesting the opposition in the National Assembly.

In response to the attack on the Sindh House yesterday, Shehbaz – who serves as Leader of the Opposition in Parliament – said PTI’s 'attack' on the Sindh House and on its own party members – who were present at the premises – was proof that the no-trust motion against the incumbent government would be successful and Prime Minister Imran Khan 'was admitting defeat'.

The PML-N president maintained that doing politics in such a manner was “negative, criminal and unconstitutional thinking”.

Shehbaz added that the premier had entered "container mode", referring to the 2014 storming of the Parliament and the Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV) building.

He alleged that the attack on members of the National Assembly was a conspiracy by PM Imran to push the country towards a "civil war".

“The government should refrain from lawlessness,” he warned, adding that Imran would be held accountable for damage to any government building or political workers and leaders.

The ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) lawmakers and workers on Friday stormed the Sindh House in Islamabad in protest against the dissident members of the ruling party, who were staying inside the building.

The PTI lawmakers and workers forcibly entered the building located in the Red Zone of the federal capital just days before the voting on the joint opposition’s no-trust motion against Prime Minister Imran Khan.

PTI MNAs, Faheem Khan and Ataullah, along with a group of charged party workers entered the Sindh House, knocking down a gate and shouting slogans and holding Lotas (spouted globulars) in their hands to symbolise turncoats.

Nearly a million people in Punjab alone have already benefitted from this 'fraud' Sehat card

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="ur" dir="rtl">پنجاب میں اب تک ہیلتھ کارڈ کے زریعے 783،000 مریض مستفید ہو چکے ہیں۔ 110,000 ہزار مریضوں کے آنکھوں کا آپریشن جبکہ 56,000 زچگی کے آپریشن ہو چکے ہیں۔ اب تک پنجاب میں 700 کے قریب ہسپتال پینل پر آچکے ہیں جس میں سے 70% نجی ہسپتال ہیں۔ <a href="https://twitter.com/Dr_YasminRashid?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@Dr_YasminRashid</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/%D8%B5%D8%AD%D8%AA_%DA%A9%D8%A7%D8%B1%DA%88_%D8%B3%D8%A8_%DA%A9%DB%92_%D9%84%DB%8C%DB%92?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#صحت_کارڈ_سب_کے_لیے</a> <a href="https://t.co/D2E16rnkL7">pic.twitter.com/D2E16rnkL7</a></p>— PTI (@PTIofficial) <a href="https://twitter.com/PTIofficial/status/1496394581952409601?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 23, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Maybe [MENTION=135038]Major[/MENTION] before barking as usual should have educated himself of all the facts. What has his beloved Billoo Rani and daddy 10% have done in Sindh in 15 years. Moh chalana ata hai bus. Ghar tak chor kar aonga is loser ko.
I think IK will survivie as long as he removes Buzdar. Should cut a deal with the JKT group and let them have the Punjab CM of their own choice. And then move to create a South Punjab province and let Buzdar be the CM their
Nearly a million people in Punjab alone have already benefitted from this 'fraud' Sehat card.

Which is why PML N is wants to have early elections as soon as possible. Their is a chance they can lose Punjab forever if they dont get rid of IK asap.
so major bhai when will be you visiting larkana. :)))

This guy is proper hypocrite. Lives in DHA but curses army all day. Lives in Rawalpindi, Punjab but gives us actually living in Sindh bashan of how PPP has transformed Sindh.

[MENTION=135038]Major[/MENTION] are all liberals hypocritical beghairats or is it a special trait just in you?

Funny how this guy slits wrists for even minute corruption in cricket but is happy to support generational corruption of the Bhutto clan due to personal benefits.
I think IK will survivie as long as he removes Buzdar. Should cut a deal with the JKT group and let them have the Punjab CM of their own choice. And then move to create a South Punjab province and let Buzdar be the CM their

Buzdar is too quiet to be CM and the other candidates are dodgy. It's not the worst idea to make him S Punjab CM.
Nearly a million people in Punjab alone have already benefitted from this 'fraud' Sehat card

Maybe [MENTION=135038]Major[/MENTION] before barking as usual should have educated himself of all the facts. What has his beloved Billoo Rani and daddy 10% have done in Sindh in 15 years. Moh chalana ata hai bus. Ghar tak chor kar aonga is loser ko.

ur the one who is made to wear a muzzle around here.

Shutting down govt DHQ HOSPITALS being celebrated..... nice
just because you dont like the truth that is told does not make the news paper unreliable.

as i said, even the govt recommend this paper for current and pak affairs..

First, learn how to type in correct English.

Secondly, when will you accept you lied about ex-CJPs tape being authentic?

Moeed Pirzada is the most respected Pakistani journalist. He is respected in international circles for his views. He has more credibility than millions of you thief supporters.
First, learn how to type in correct English.

Secondly, when will you accept you lied about ex-CJPs tape being authentic?

Moeed Pirzada is the most respected Pakistani journalist. He is respected in international circles for his views. He has more credibility than millions of you thief supporters.

and selectively ignored what was said.

so not voting pti makes a person thief...... shabash
Opposition threatens to stage NA sit-in, disrupt OIC moot if no-trust resolution not tabled on Monday

Opposition leaders warned on Saturday that if the resolution calling for a no-confidence vote against Prime Minister Imran Khan was not presented in the NA on Monday — which is the deadline for tabling the resolution — they could stage a "sit-in" in the lower house, thereby hampering an Organisation of Islamic Cooperation summit that is scheduled to take place there on the same day.

The opposition — primarily the Pakistan Democratic Movement and PPP — had filed the no-trust motion against the premier with the NA Secretariat on March 8.

The opposition had submitted two sets of documents, one under Article 54 of the Constitution to requisition the NA because it was not in session at the time, and the other a resolution calling for a no-confidence vote against the prime minister.

According to Article 54, a session of the National Assembly can be requisitioned if at least 25 per cent of the members sign it, following which the speaker has a maximum of 14 days to summon a session.

After the National Assembly is in session, the rules of procedure dictate that the secretary will circulate a notice for a no-confidence resolution, which will be moved on the next working day.

From the day the resolution is moved, it "shall not be voted upon before the expiry of three days, or later than seven days," according to the rules.

Therefore, the speaker must call the lower house in session by March 22, while voting on the no-confidence motion must take place between three and seven days after the session is summoned.

However, PPP Chairperson Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari said today that he had been receiving reports of the NA speaker intending to go against the Constitution, law and rules of the house regarding the no-trust move.

Speaking to the media alongside other opposition leaders in Islamabad, Bilawal noted that the law and rules dictated that proceedings on the no-confidence motion filed against the prime minister must start by Monday with the speaker calling a session for the same on the next day.

"But if the speaker's non-democratic thinking [comes in the way] ... and he doesn't move the no-confidence resolution by Monday, then I will propose within in my party and to other opposition parties as well not to leave the hall," he warned. "Then we will see how you hold your OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) conference", which is scheduled to be held in the NA on March 21 and March 22.

Bilawal continued, "If they threaten us by not following the law, the Constitution and rules of the NA, then it is my stance that we will continue sitting on that floor until we are given our right."

He added, "We also want the OIC [summit] to take place. The entire country wants it to take place. But in order for it to happen in a proper manner without any problems, the only way is that the speaker plays his due role."

"He should not become a member of the PTI ... and think about the country, the democracy and the OIC," Bilawal said. "If he starts the no-confidence proceedings on Monday, there would be no issues in the way of the OIC and we, too, would not have any objections as the no-trust clock would be running in accordance with the law and Constitution."

PML-N President and Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly, who also spoke on the occasion, gave his consent to Bilawal's proposition and said that if the speaker does not call the session within the stipulated time and uses "delaying tactics, we will then be compelled to stage a sit-in in the assembly hall".

Those coming to attend the OIC summit are the guest of the entire nation, he said, adding, "But we will not allow you to go against the law and Constitution under the garb of this [OIC conference]. We will stage a sit-in then."
'Dissident MNAs must be allowed to exercise their right to vote'

Earlier in the press conference, Shehbaz lashed out at PM Imran for levelling allegations of horse-trading against the opposition.

"He himself is ready to exceed all limits for staying in power but call them [defecting lawmakers] mules and donkeys," Shehbaz said referring to the accusations. He further highlighted that even the PTI's allies had refuted the allegations.

The opposition leader maintained that PTI lawmakers who had parted ways with the ruling party did so out of their own will and on the "voice of their conscience".

Moreover, Shehbaz recalled instances from the past, in which, according to him, the PTI had been guilty of horse-trading.

"They should first look at themselves," he commented, adding, "Let us proceed in line with the law and Constitution and they (dissident PTI lawmakers) should be allowed to exercise their right to vote.
Speaker's role

Shehbaz also urged the NA speaker to play his due role in carrying out the no-confidence proceedings.

Else, he warned, "You will be remembered in bad words in the history."

"There is still time ... Don't become Imran Khan's tool. Don't let this democracy derail," Shehbaz said. "Otherwise, this nation and history will not forgive you".

In this connection, Shehbaz also warned the Islamabad inspector general of police, commissioner and deputy commissioner, as well as the capital's administration, against placing hurdles in the way of the "parliamentary process" of the no-confidence vote and "becoming Imran Khan's tool".

Otherwise, he said, the "law will take its course, and it will take you in its grip".

"Don't complain to us when this happens," he added.
Bilawal warns against giving 'third force a chance'

Later, Bilawal also warned the government against "creating a constitutional crisis so that a third force gets a chance".

Referring to a recent police raid at the Parliament Lodges and the storming of Sindh House in Islamabad by PTI members yesterday, Bilawal said, "PM Imran, after seeing his [impending] defeat, is now resorting to non-democratic actions."

"After expletives, he is now using force ... He is threatening that if he is unable to play, he will not let anyone else play," said Bilawal. The prime minister, he added, was trying to stop lawmakers from exercising their right to vote through the use of violence and a "conspiracy".

"He is trying to create a situation that will lead to a constitutional crisis so that a third force gets a chance," he said, adding that political parties and every citizen were warning the premier against it.

"Don't even think about it ... show some sportsman spirit. Don't do ball-tampering in your last innings. Either show the [support of] 172 [lawmakers] or go home," the PPP chief said.

Bilawal further commented that the PTI government had lost its majority and met its end.

When it was his turn to speak, PDM chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman expressed the confidence that PM Imran, whom he called a "national culprit", and his government would suffer defeat in the no-confidence fight and be sent packing in a disrespectful manner.

He also criticised the premier for using disrespectful and demeaning language while addressing public meetings.

"The words that are coming from his (PM Imran's) mouth apply to him," Fazl said, adding that "we have won this war."

Balochistan National Party-Mengal (BNP-M) president Sardar Akhtar Mengal also condemned the storming of the Sindh House on Friday and said if such an incident could take place in the capital, "imagine what is happening in the country's remote regions".

He also lamented that charges framed against the protesters who stormed the Sindh House were not as harsh as the charges of "treason framed against our students who staged a protest in Islamabad for the recovery of one of their peers".

"Law is different for the rulers and opposition in this country," he said.

Mengal, who was an ally of the PTI before breaking ranks with the ruling party recently, said, "Prime Minister sahib, you will neither be clean bowled nor catch out. You will neither be run out ... [Your dismissal will be a result of] hit wicket. You will give away your wicket yourself."

In reply to a question about the PTI seeking the disqualification of dissident lawmakers prior to the no-trust vote, Shehbaz maintained that Article 63 (A) of the Constitution dictated that no action could be taken against defecting MNAs until they cast their vote.

When asked about reports that the PTI was planning to achieve this through a presidential ordinance, Shehbaz said "there is no room for a presidential ordinance in this regard".

"If they go ahead with this, we will use all the legal and constitutional weapons at our disposal," he added.

To another question about the possibility of PTI supporters attending a public meeting at D-Chowk stopping lawmakers from reaching the NA on the day of the no-confidence vote, he said, "We don't want a ruckus. But if the PTI insists on holding a rally at D-Chowk ... we will make sure that our supporters reach the NA, cast their votes and return."

When asked about reports of a meeting held at Banigala on Friday, Bilawal said he had no knowledge of any such meeting.

"But Imran Khan has lost and the bureaucracy should not follow any instructions issued by him," he added.

To a question about the possibility of PM Imran "taking a measure to change the leadership of state institutions, a move not in line with ethical values", Fazl said, "He does not have any such right after the no-confidence".

And Shehbaz added that there was no room for any such action.
PTI leaders, Sheikh Rashid respond

Reacting to the opposition's threats of disrupting the OIC summit, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said in a statement that the conference "was an event of the state and not the government".

Particularly referring to Bilawal's statements on the matter, he said the PPP chairperson's comments were not sensible.

The minister said invitations for the conference were sent to foreign dignitaries on December 27 last year and they would start arriving in Islamabad from tomorrow (Sunday).

"As the foreign minister, I want to inform the nation that India wants to sabotage this conference," he said, adding, "I hope Bilawal will not become a part of the Indian agenda."

He assured that no lawmaker would be restricted from exercising their right to vote and commented that the opposition now seemed "worried".

Meanwhile, Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid said while speaking to ARY News that opposition parties did not have it in them to prevent the OIC summit from taking place.

"This is a matter of national security," he said, adding that foreign dignitaries arriving in Pakistan to attend the conference were the "guests of Pakistan and the Pakistan army is their guarantor".

He challenged the opposition to stop the OIC summit from taking place if they had the courage to go ahead with their threat.

The interior minister then warned that if the opposition would make any such attempt, "they would be dealt with in a manner that their future generations would not dare to meddle in the matters of national security".

Separately, Sindh Governor Imran Ismail said during a press conference in Islamabad that "Bilawal said he will see how the OIC [summit] takes place. My reply is that I, too, will see who stops the OIC [summit] from taking place."

He said the OIC would take place as planned and in a peaceful manner.

"The state knows how to deal with those who will hamper the summit and they will be dealt with [accordingly]," he warned.

Opposition threatens to stage NA sit-in, disrupt OIC moot if no-trust resolution not tabled on Monday

Opposition leaders warned on Saturday that if the resolution calling for a no-confidence vote against Prime Minister Imran Khan was not presented in the NA on Monday — which is the deadline for tabling the resolution — they could stage a "sit-in" in the lower house, thereby hampering an Organisation of Islamic Cooperation summit that is scheduled to take place there on the same day.

The opposition — primarily the Pakistan Democratic Movement and PPP — had filed the no-trust motion against the premier with the NA Secretariat on March 8.

The opposition had submitted two sets of documents, one under Article 54 of the Constitution to requisition the NA because it was not in session at the time, and the other a resolution calling for a no-confidence vote against the prime minister.

According to Article 54, a session of the National Assembly can be requisitioned if at least 25 per cent of the members sign it, following which the speaker has a maximum of 14 days to summon a session.

After the National Assembly is in session, the rules of procedure dictate that the secretary will circulate a notice for a no-confidence resolution, which will be moved on the next working day.

From the day the resolution is moved, it "shall not be voted upon before the expiry of three days, or later than seven days," according to the rules.

Therefore, the speaker must call the lower house in session by March 22, while voting on the no-confidence motion must take place between three and seven days after the session is summoned.

However, PPP Chairperson Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari said today that he had been receiving reports of the NA speaker intending to go against the Constitution, law and rules of the house regarding the no-trust move.

Speaking to the media alongside other opposition leaders in Islamabad, Bilawal noted that the law and rules dictated that proceedings on the no-confidence motion filed against the prime minister must start by Monday with the speaker calling a session for the same on the next day.

"But if the speaker's non-democratic thinking [comes in the way] ... and he doesn't move the no-confidence resolution by Monday, then I will propose within in my party and to other opposition parties as well not to leave the hall," he warned. "Then we will see how you hold your OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) conference", which is scheduled to be held in the NA on March 21 and March 22.

Bilawal continued, "If they threaten us by not following the law, the Constitution and rules of the NA, then it is my stance that we will continue sitting on that floor until we are given our right."

He added, "We also want the OIC [summit] to take place. The entire country wants it to take place. But in order for it to happen in a proper manner without any problems, the only way is that the speaker plays his due role."

"He should not become a member of the PTI ... and think about the country, the democracy and the OIC," Bilawal said. "If he starts the no-confidence proceedings on Monday, there would be no issues in the way of the OIC and we, too, would not have any objections as the no-trust clock would be running in accordance with the law and Constitution."

PML-N President and Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly, who also spoke on the occasion, gave his consent to Bilawal's proposition and said that if the speaker does not call the session within the stipulated time and uses "delaying tactics, we will then be compelled to stage a sit-in in the assembly hall".

Those coming to attend the OIC summit are the guest of the entire nation, he said, adding, "But we will not allow you to go against the law and Constitution under the garb of this [OIC conference]. We will stage a sit-in then."
'Dissident MNAs must be allowed to exercise their right to vote'

Earlier in the press conference, Shehbaz lashed out at PM Imran for levelling allegations of horse-trading against the opposition.

"He himself is ready to exceed all limits for staying in power but call them [defecting lawmakers] mules and donkeys," Shehbaz said referring to the accusations. He further highlighted that even the PTI's allies had refuted the allegations.

The opposition leader maintained that PTI lawmakers who had parted ways with the ruling party did so out of their own will and on the "voice of their conscience".

Moreover, Shehbaz recalled instances from the past, in which, according to him, the PTI had been guilty of horse-trading.

"They should first look at themselves," he commented, adding, "Let us proceed in line with the law and Constitution and they (dissident PTI lawmakers) should be allowed to exercise their right to vote.
Speaker's role

Shehbaz also urged the NA speaker to play his due role in carrying out the no-confidence proceedings.

Else, he warned, "You will be remembered in bad words in the history."

"There is still time ... Don't become Imran Khan's tool. Don't let this democracy derail," Shehbaz said. "Otherwise, this nation and history will not forgive you".

In this connection, Shehbaz also warned the Islamabad inspector general of police, commissioner and deputy commissioner, as well as the capital's administration, against placing hurdles in the way of the "parliamentary process" of the no-confidence vote and "becoming Imran Khan's tool".

Otherwise, he said, the "law will take its course, and it will take you in its grip".

"Don't complain to us when this happens," he added.
Bilawal warns against giving 'third force a chance'

Later, Bilawal also warned the government against "creating a constitutional crisis so that a third force gets a chance".

Referring to a recent police raid at the Parliament Lodges and the storming of Sindh House in Islamabad by PTI members yesterday, Bilawal said, "PM Imran, after seeing his [impending] defeat, is now resorting to non-democratic actions."

"After expletives, he is now using force ... He is threatening that if he is unable to play, he will not let anyone else play," said Bilawal. The prime minister, he added, was trying to stop lawmakers from exercising their right to vote through the use of violence and a "conspiracy".

"He is trying to create a situation that will lead to a constitutional crisis so that a third force gets a chance," he said, adding that political parties and every citizen were warning the premier against it.

"Don't even think about it ... show some sportsman spirit. Don't do ball-tampering in your last innings. Either show the [support of] 172 [lawmakers] or go home," the PPP chief said.

Bilawal further commented that the PTI government had lost its majority and met its end.

When it was his turn to speak, PDM chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman expressed the confidence that PM Imran, whom he called a "national culprit", and his government would suffer defeat in the no-confidence fight and be sent packing in a disrespectful manner.

He also criticised the premier for using disrespectful and demeaning language while addressing public meetings.

"The words that are coming from his (PM Imran's) mouth apply to him," Fazl said, adding that "we have won this war."

Balochistan National Party-Mengal (BNP-M) president Sardar Akhtar Mengal also condemned the storming of the Sindh House on Friday and said if such an incident could take place in the capital, "imagine what is happening in the country's remote regions".

He also lamented that charges framed against the protesters who stormed the Sindh House were not as harsh as the charges of "treason framed against our students who staged a protest in Islamabad for the recovery of one of their peers".

"Law is different for the rulers and opposition in this country," he said.

Mengal, who was an ally of the PTI before breaking ranks with the ruling party recently, said, "Prime Minister sahib, you will neither be clean bowled nor catch out. You will neither be run out ... [Your dismissal will be a result of] hit wicket. You will give away your wicket yourself."

In reply to a question about the PTI seeking the disqualification of dissident lawmakers prior to the no-trust vote, Shehbaz maintained that Article 63 (A) of the Constitution dictated that no action could be taken against defecting MNAs until they cast their vote.

When asked about reports that the PTI was planning to achieve this through a presidential ordinance, Shehbaz said "there is no room for a presidential ordinance in this regard".

"If they go ahead with this, we will use all the legal and constitutional weapons at our disposal," he added.

To another question about the possibility of PTI supporters attending a public meeting at D-Chowk stopping lawmakers from reaching the NA on the day of the no-confidence vote, he said, "We don't want a ruckus. But if the PTI insists on holding a rally at D-Chowk ... we will make sure that our supporters reach the NA, cast their votes and return."

When asked about reports of a meeting held at Banigala on Friday, Bilawal said he had no knowledge of any such meeting.

"But Imran Khan has lost and the bureaucracy should not follow any instructions issued by him," he added.

To a question about the possibility of PM Imran "taking a measure to change the leadership of state institutions, a move not in line with ethical values", Fazl said, "He does not have any such right after the no-confidence".

And Shehbaz added that there was no room for any such action.
PTI leaders, Sheikh Rashid respond

Reacting to the opposition's threats of disrupting the OIC summit, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said in a statement that the conference "was an event of the state and not the government".

Particularly referring to Bilawal's statements on the matter, he said the PPP chairperson's comments were not sensible.

The minister said invitations for the conference were sent to foreign dignitaries on December 27 last year and they would start arriving in Islamabad from tomorrow (Sunday).

"As the foreign minister, I want to inform the nation that India wants to sabotage this conference," he said, adding, "I hope Bilawal will not become a part of the Indian agenda."

He assured that no lawmaker would be restricted from exercising their right to vote and commented that the opposition now seemed "worried".

Meanwhile, Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid said while speaking to ARY News that opposition parties did not have it in them to prevent the OIC summit from taking place.

"This is a matter of national security," he said, adding that foreign dignitaries arriving in Pakistan to attend the conference were the "guests of Pakistan and the Pakistan army is their guarantor".

He challenged the opposition to stop the OIC summit from taking place if they had the courage to go ahead with their threat.

The interior minister then warned that if the opposition would make any such attempt, "they would be dealt with in a manner that their future generations would not dare to meddle in the matters of national security".

Separately, Sindh Governor Imran Ismail said during a press conference in Islamabad that "Bilawal said he will see how the OIC [summit] takes place. My reply is that I, too, will see who stops the OIC [summit] from taking place."

He said the OIC would take place as planned and in a peaceful manner.

"The state knows how to deal with those who will hamper the summit and they will be dealt with [accordingly]," he warned.

'Crooks and traitors of our country are falling in a trap,' PM Imran Khan tells supporters

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan said Saturday "crooks and traitors" had fallen into a trap after they filed a no-confidence motion against him.

Taking to Twitter, the premier shared a quote by the famous Persian poet, Shams Tabrizi, and urged his workers and supporters to "not worry about tricks and cheaters.""If some people are trying to trap and hurt you, Allah is also trapping them. Hole diggers will always fall in their holes. No bad remains unpunished, and no good remains without being awarded, so have faith in justice and let the rest be."

The prime minister's statement comes after around two dozen PTI MPs sought "refuge" in the Sindh House and expressed reservations against PM Imran Khan.

The premier termed the incidents at the Sindh House as "illegal" and has repeatedly vowed to foil all attempts of the Opposition to oust his government.

With the National Assembly session for voting on the no-confidence motion against PM Imran Khan just days away, the government is trying to woo its allies for supporting it during the voting.

The Opposition is also attempting to cajole the PTI allies and seeking to break the government alliance in the lower house — by holding back-to-back meetings with them.

Although PM Imran Khan has said that he is ready for everything that the Opposition plans to throw his way, he has also intensified meetings with allies ahead of the no-trust motion session.

The government's ally in the Centre, the Grand Democratic Alliance (GDA), has assured PM Imran Khan of complete support ahead of the no-trust motion, while other allies — BAP, MQM-P, and PML-Q — are still indecisive.

The joint Opposition had submitted a no-confidence motion against the prime minister on March 8.

Can anyone explain the NA composition to me novice?

How many seats via popular vote and how many via reservation? Do reserved seat members get to vote in a no confidence motion? If yes whats the majority mark, if not then whats the majority mark?

How is PTI and its allies placed? Are the allies still supporting Imran?

When is the no confidence motion vote?

272 seats via popular vote + 70 reserved seats (women & minorities) make up total of 342 seats in NA. You need 172 seats to form govt. Current Govt is a coalition govt which had 179 seats (PTI 155 + 24 allied parties seats).
In current scenario, atleast 14 members of PTI have revolted & joined opposition's camp. Three leading govt coalition parties (17 seats in total) are also considering to move out of govt coalition but they have not made any announcement yet.
NA session will begin on 21st march & vote must be held within 7 days (i.e. on or before 28th march) according to the law.
So many parhe likhe jahil in our country and one can clearly see they are all so visible on this forum as well. They would rather vote for leeches and vote for corrupt to core m*rons who treat democracy and government like their baap ke jaageer by rotating PM post among their family members. Like seriously how can you even think of siding with people who only bring up their own khandaan, kids and siblings as the next leaders? That right there is such a flawed pathetic approach for country's progress and it really says a lot about these educated jahil sad beings, who no matter how hard they present their case, it only speak volume about their low scaled brain cells. People like you are the reason why countries don't change under democracy, your types need a leader like Saddam and Kim Jun, "laato ke bhooth, baaton say nahin maante" saying comes to mind for them :)
We can laugh, cry or do bhangraz on PPP's achievement in Sindh. Our opinions do not matter as we don't live in Sindh. What matters is the opinion of Sindhis on PPP's governance & they have been voting them to power again and again which means they are happy with whatever PPP is doing.

I live in Sindh specifically in Karachi. The ppp is a total failure here. The only reason they are winning the elections in Sindh is because they just buy the voters either for a plate of biryani or some amount of money. Also please dont post some random posters from Google and count them as achievements. If you are die hard ppp supporter, come to Karachi and see their performance. I cannot name a single big thing this party has done for our province except for appointing Jahils and illiterate people over higher government posts. More than half of Karachi is deprived of fresh water and you are posting some random banners about their achievements. Do not misguide the people here if you do not live in this province.