Oh dear certain clueless poster make excuses about competition for places. This stupid way of thinking is why Arsenal can't compete on all fronts. Also why they have been trophyless for 4 seasons.
We heard the same rubbish before.
But but Jesus has come to Arsenal not to be starting all the time..
But but havertz will be expecting to start every game...
Small minded stupid mentality to say the least.
Why do you think Man city and Real Madrid regular win multiple trophies in a season or compete on all fronts. Because if their is a better player out there they will signed them.
Why has Madrid signed mbappe, when they have vinny junior who plays Same position.
Why have man city got Diaz, stones, ake, Akanji and gavardiol? Because its called having healthy competition
No player has a given right to be a starter every game yet havertz who went missing in the Liverpool cup game, villa league game and Bayern CL game is now number 1 striker for season

If the manager can't rotate his squad and keep a core of 16-17 players motivated, show trust in them and manage them then just shows how poor a manager he is.
Facts are Arteta can't effectively manage a squad across a season in all competitions. If he did the team wouldn't be trophyless nor without a final in 4 season. Exactly the same flaws will be exposed again when team fails to win the PL or CL in 24/25.
But the sake excuses will be rolled out.
But but I expect Arteta to win next 2 out of 4 PL
But but I expect him to win 2 out of next 5 PLs
Just kicking the can down the road with nonsense excuses.
Yet certain cheerleaders think Arsenal are going to dominate / golden era like wenger or GG by using players who have had a few decent games and are now world beaters.