Day 2, Test 2 Thread. Pakistan Vs England [21/11/05]

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Expensive over by Dan - 8 runs, but the good thing is Inzi has runs to play with, 462 of them.
MenInGreen said:
2 people I would like to see sledged shamelessly:

1. Bell
2. Harmison for his act of gamesmanship in getting Inzi out - shameless act by a shameless individual

MIG, it was umpires fault for not knowing the law.

Harmlessone will earn his due; at the end of the match he shall be served dodgy pakoras and spend the rest of his tour in the toilets of Faisalabad.
nafajafam said:
depends on the length it is bowled at. ideally a tossed up delivery is bowled to decieve the batsman in flight.
btw, u thinking of becoming a spinner? :20: I think I'll stick with my pace bowling, but I just wanted to know for knowledge..
Even if England score at 4 per over from here onwards they need all of tomorrow just to get to Pakistan's score.

Will they last until then?

What kind of a lead will they be able to secure?

Pakistan will be able to bat out the entire fourth day if England leads by less than 150.
Guys we want to win this test. We havn't won a test series since God knows when. This is our best chance!!!!!
Looks like a propane tank blew up or something from here
Massive Noise At The Ground. Deep Midwicket Region. Play Has Stopped. Players Still On The Field
Ace Base said:
Even if England score at 4 per over from here onwards they need all of tomorrow just to get to Pakistan's score.

Will they last until then?

What kind of a lead will they be able to secure?

Pakistan will be able to bat out the entire fourth day if England leads by less than 150.
if england bat well and pakistan bat well in 2nd inning game is definitely a draw.
but what if england get a lead(unlikely un less tresc score another 100-150) and pakistan struggle in 2nd innig...that us not very unusual for pak.
there is always a chance u never knwo..u can never afford to be oiver confident.
having said that..pakistan need to inforce a win here ..they shudnt looking for a draw
One of the spectators has been injured, still the reason for the noise has been unknown!
There has been a blast somewhere inside the ground, the noise was big, play has been stopped for the moment!
One more wicket and England will start crawling at just under 3.5 runs an over.

Whither 500?
The noise that came out was terrible, it has indeed shook the commentary box that is 100 mts away from the spot!
The news that has come up is that a gas tank that was near the ropes has bursted, it isn't anything serious!
There you go, my eagle eye is infallible. DM take note for future reference when talking about catches carrying or not ;0
Cricinfo says a cylinder went off???

Wat sort of cylinder, gas?
Maybe the players will be unfocused for a while, and gift their wicket ;-)
deadly_man said:
if england bat well and pakistan bat well in 2nd inning game is definitely a draw.
but what if england get a lead(unlikely un less tresc score another 100-150) and pakistan struggle in 2nd innig...that us not very unusual for pak.
there is always a chance u never knwo..u can never afford to be oiver confident.
having said that..pakistan need to inforce a win here ..they shudnt looking for a draw

Akhi, what you are saying is fine.

However, my point is, is there enough timne for all what you have stated to happen?

In fact, "worse case scenario" Pakistan will have to bat out 50 overs on day 4 losing at the most 3 wickets.

Even if they are all out at lunch, do you really think England can chase around 200 in 45 overs on a Day 5 pitch with Kaneria and Afridi lovin' it?
Jive Jive Pakistan said:
but wat was a gas tgank doin there

It's a propane cylinder to power the gas cookers by the boundary
There you go. Some more time wasted.

I reckon that's three overs gone.

Even harder for England.
Ace Base said:
There you go. Some more time wasted.

I reckon that's three overs gone.

Even harder for England.

If u had it ur way u wouldnt allow players to go for drink break lunch etc
6 runs off that danish over he always take hsi time settling in especillay in first innings
Kaneria cannot be expected to take a wicket yet. He has yet to concede 100 runs.
Ace Base said:
Akhi, what you are saying is fine.

However, my point is, is there enough timne for all what you have stated to happen?

In fact, "worse case scenario" Pakistan will have to bat out 50 overs on day 4 losing at the most 3 wickets.

Even if they are all out at lunch, do you really think England can chase around 200 in 45 overs on a Day 5 pitch with Kaneria and Afridi lovin' it?
u think its very unlikely what i said.
just see this link
england didnt even get the lead in first innig.
pak lost only 3 wicket on day 4
all of these are better then ur case still pak lost the match
and yes it was also a spinning track and we had 3 spinner kaneria+sqlain+afridi
I am not saying trhat wil;l happen again...but then eevrything is possible
it would be interesting to compare kaneria first innings to his secong innings stats
Breaking news: Gas problems in Faisalabad: Harmlessone succumbs to dodgy pakoras.

In recent developments, it was reported that The Shamelessone has caused a huge explosion in Faisalabad Cricket Stadium. Insiders (and Outsiders) say the explosion emanating from the posterior region of Harmlessone also known as The Shamelessone. A diplomatic cover-up ensued (together with foul odours) and the PCB blamed the explosion on a gas tank.

In other news, Inzimam has expressed his surprise at the disappearence of his pakoras which he left at the boundary ropes for later consumption. Inzi was seen earlier exchanging heated accusations with the Umpire about the disappearance of his pakoras.

The England camp has declined to comment over the incident.
Cannot believe Afridi did that, absolutely unacceptable
Belll ............The Cheater....................Belll ............The Cheater....................Belll ............The Cheater....................Belll ............The Cheater....................Belll ............The Cheater....................Belll ............The Cheater....................Belll ............The Cheater....................Belll ............The Cheater....................Belll ............The Cheater....................Belll ............The Cheater....................

Belll ............The Cheater....................Belll ............The Cheater....................Belll ............The Cheater....................

Belll ............The Cheater....................Belll ............The Cheater....................Belll ............The Cheater....................

vBelll ............The Cheater....................Belll ............The Cheater....................Belll ............The Cheater....................

Belll ............The Cheater....................Belll ............The Cheater....................Belll ............The Cheater....................

Belll ............The Cheater....................Belll ............The Cheater....................Belll ............The Cheater....................

Belll ............The Cheater....................Belll ............The Cheater.................... Inzi's fall was a mistake of the Ghauri bhai but Bell..........oh i just hope he doesn not run over the red light in front of my car Belll ............The Cheater....................Belll ............The Cheater....................
Botham crying and while he does that Sami strikes.
Wwwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwoooooooooooo Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
After all those decisions, I would have been super p*ssed had that been referred!
OMG thats is abs unacceptable wat afridi did there ...i can see a heavy ban comming up
yess important wicket.. i was about to say another wicket 2nite
would have been great for us.. now pakistan are really on top...
wohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :O :O :O :O :O Trescothick the men the rest are ..................
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