[VIDEOS/PICTURES] IHC grants Imran bail for 2 weeks in Al-Qadir Trust case

Rana, you know there is absolutely no love lost between us..
But I will nonetheless explain in very simple terms that I hope you'll understand.

There is a poster who is continuously trolling British Pakistani's, why? Probably because he has no other line of argument.

He then asks me a set of questions related to why I support PTI.
So my response was an ironic reply.

No one here knows where I or others on PP have been all day today... nor do they know what I or others do for the poor of Pakistan in the form of schooling, flood relief charity etc etc. So unless this poster is a mind reader then I think my reply was quiet poignant with, as I said earlier, more then a large helping of irony.

Meanwhile that same poster had continually run away from questions posed to him, has backed crooks and has exposed himself here on PP.

That's all.

Fair enough. Apologies for misunderstanding your post.
In 1971 Pakistan managed to lose 55% of its population thanks to the conduct of the Pakistan Army.

Now the former East Pakistan - Bangladesh - has a per capita GDP of $2469 compared with Pakistan’s $1658, placing Pakistan below the likes of Cameroon and Zimbabwe.

I don’t understand why any country’s army has any role in domestic affairs. Surely they exist only to protect you against foreign invasion.

The issue here isn’t Imran Khan. It’s why Pakistan has been run into the ground, with a lower per capita GDP than Haiti or the Congo, and why the people who actually control the country can’t even be questioned.

But if the only questions that you can ask are things like “should Imran Khan be arrested?” then you simply can’t address the problem, let alone fix it.

How low does Pakistan have to sink? It now has the 157th highest standard of living out of 192 countries. How much lower is it going to be allowed to go before real change can be discussed?

The issue is Pakistan like other nations needs to be independent and not a client state of America. The Generals over the years have sold out Pakistan for a bag of French fries. No nation will improve or be prosperous until it first attains freedom.
VONC was legal and PDM took over the govt legally.

Same happened in UK.

You can whine about that all you want, or you can ready how the VONC works

This was a coup and today proved it to all and sundry. Latif said last year we were forced to take power by Bajwa. Nani told is the same and the same was said by the PPP senator. You claim they are the govt and at the same time you want the army out of politics. Well who is stopping you, your in power.:)):)):))
I don’t have much knowledge of the Pakistani legal system. Can people assist me with the following please:

- is it actually true that a law was recently created by Imran Khan / PTI that doesn’t allow you to criticise the army?

- if the above is true, who can approve a new law? Is it a percentage of MNAs that have to vote or can the PTI introduce a new law unchallenged?

- if this law actually exists then who can arrest? Is it Pakistani police or were the military given any powers to arrest civilians for treason / criticising the army?

- are we aware of the SSG / Rangers arresting any other civilians in recent times and for what crimes?

- what is the official policy / law on torture on arrested citizens? I presume officially it is illegal?

Finally can I have some gut instinct and opinions on:

- Assuming Imran Khan won’t be released anytime soon, do you feel believe he will be:

1) kept in custody unharmed
2) tortured / injured
3) killed

1. Yes it is absoluelty true. Search PECA
2. PTI tried to buldozz the law. Basically one day they called up all the mnas and senators and passed 81 laws. Laws they couldn't pass, they got a presidential ordinance on it.
3. This is a bit vague, not sure, but usually what happens is that some random people in civilian clothes come to your house and pick you up and take you to a safehouse.
4. SSG did not make an arrest, it was rangers. Rangers are a paramillitary force, not sure if they can arrest or not
5. Yes torture is illegal

He will most likely be kept in custody unharmed. When political leaders are arrested they are not really harmed, their dignity is maintained. People will post all sorts of rumors. But they are kept unharmed.

No important figure in custody has been killed and torture happens to the smaller politicians with no back. Forces are reluctant to torture because they know the same guy can be in power one day

But yes torture does happen, one such case was when Nawaz Sharif had Zardaris tongue cut or maybe burned when he was in jail. He was placed in solitary confinement on bogus charges

I want to apologise for my comment earlier. I wanted to have a light hearted moment because everyone has telling me or making it seem like it's "Qiyamat" in Pakistan.

At this moment in time, we all need to put our political differences aside and unite against the army. It doesn't matter if you support PTI or the opposition. Enough is enough with the army and may the Almighty give them what they deserve so Pakistan can return to the days of our beloved Quaid-e-Azam.
1. Yes it is absoluelty true. Search PECA
2. PTI tried to buldozz the law. Basically one day they called up all the mnas and senators and passed 81 laws. Laws they couldn't pass, they got a presidential ordinance on it.
3. This is a bit vague, not sure, but usually what happens is that some random people in civilian clothes come to your house and pick you up and take you to a safehouse.
4. SSG did not make an arrest, it was rangers. Rangers are a paramillitary force, not sure if they can arrest or not
5. Yes torture is illegal

He will most likely be kept in custody unharmed. When political leaders are arrested they are not really harmed, their dignity is maintained. People will post all sorts of rumors. But they are kept unharmed.

No important figure in custody has been killed and torture happens to the smaller politicians with no back. Forces are reluctant to torture because they know the same guy can be in power one day

But yes torture does happen, one such case was when Nawaz Sharif had Zardaris tongue cut or maybe burned when he was in jail. He was placed in solitary confinement on bogus charges

Quaid-e-Azam's wife was tortured by the army.
The issue is Pakistan like other nations needs to be independent and not a client state of America. The Generals over the years have sold out Pakistan for a bag of French fries. No nation will improve or be prosperous until it first attains freedom.

But the UK, Australia and Israel are similar, yet their per capita GDP varies from “25 times richer than Pakistan (UK) to “35 times richer than Pakistan” (Israel) to “40 times richer than Pakistan” (Australia).

I think any country is doomed if it fails to separate religion from the state, and any nation is doomed if it allows the Army to have any day whatsoever in the running of the country.

I want to apologise for my comment earlier. I wanted to have a light hearted moment because everyone has telling me or making it seem like it's "Qiyamat" in Pakistan.

At this moment in time, we all need to put our political differences aside and unite against the army. It doesn't matter if you support PTI or the opposition. Enough is enough with the army and may the Almighty give them what they deserve so Pakistan can return to the days of our beloved Quaid-e-Azam.

i agree with this post.

we need to unite against the army here
btw that ihtesham ul haq is spreading fake news on twitter to increase his likes and engagement and followers.

He claimed IK was in PIMs than deleted that post just like all his other posts
The sad truth is our army establishment are the biggest backstabbers ever. The average GI Of pakistan is a patriot but some of the brass is rotten. They prove this time and again.
But the UK, Australia and Israel are similar, yet their per capita GDP varies from “25 times richer than Pakistan (UK) to “35 times richer than Pakistan” (Israel) to “40 times richer than Pakistan” (Australia).

I think any country is doomed if it fails to separate religion from the state, and any nation is doomed if it allows the Army to have any day whatsoever in the running of the country.

Imran over 20 years ago went against US in the terrorist war of terror. Since he has never bent down to their whims, which is the MAIN reason for the generals and crooks to attack him without worry.

Pakistan is not Israel or Australia, surely even you can figure out the difference. Those nations have been supported, helped to flourish, Pakistan has been used to ensure it stays weak, poor etc. Pakistan should join forces with Russia and China , not the Yanks or Zionists.
1. Yes it is absoluelty true. Search PECA
2. PTI tried to buldozz the law. Basically one day they called up all the mnas and senators and passed 81 laws. Laws they couldn't pass, they got a presidential ordinance on it.
3. This is a bit vague, not sure, but usually what happens is that some random people in civilian clothes come to your house and pick you up and take you to a safehouse.
4. SSG did not make an arrest, it was rangers. Rangers are a paramillitary force, not sure if they can arrest or not
5. Yes torture is illegal

He will most likely be kept in custody unharmed. When political leaders are arrested they are not really harmed, their dignity is maintained. People will post all sorts of rumors. But they are kept unharmed.

No important figure in custody has been killed and torture happens to the smaller politicians with no back. Forces are reluctant to torture because they know the same guy can be in power one day

But yes torture does happen, one such case was when Nawaz Sharif had Zardaris tongue cut or maybe burned when he was in jail. He was placed in solitary confinement on bogus charges

Thank you for answering my questions.

I still have further questions that perhaps you and others could answer:

1) I have looked at PECA (Prevention of Electronics Crimes Amendment 2016) and it appears that it was created by PML-N party in 2016 and finally approved in 2022, pushed by President Alvi. I can’t see Imran Khan mentioned as somebody wanted these laws passed? It appears from my second link below that PTI was against PECA?

PECA nevertheless is very draconian and makes Pakistan seem like a dictatorship as journalists can be arrested if they are seen as being libel.



2) It appears that the Pakistan constitution still has Defence of Pakistan Rules where military has power to detain and arrest without adequate investigation? One can assume that this is the basis on which Imran Khan was arrested by the rangers today?

3) Where is the information / source coming from that Imran Khan has a fever and how does the PTI solicitor know that Imran Khan was hit on his injured leg?

4) if such draconian laws such as defence of Pakistan rules and PECA exist then why did the military take a year to arrest Imran Khan? Surely riots are in nobodies interests?
Thank you for answering my questions.

I still have further questions that perhaps you and others could answer:

1) I have looked at PECA (Prevention of Electronics Crimes Amendment 2016) and it appears that it was created by PML-N party in 2016 and finally approved in 2022, pushed by President Alvi. I can’t see Imran Khan mentioned as somebody wanted these laws passed? It appears from my second link below that PTI was against PECA?

PECA nevertheless is very draconian and makes Pakistan seem like a dictatorship as journalists can be arrested if they are seen as being libel.



2) It appears that the Pakistan constitution still has Defence of Pakistan Rules where military has power to detain and arrest without adequate investigation? One can assume that this is the basis on which Imran Khan was arrested by the rangers today?

3) Where is the information / source coming from that Imran Khan has a fever and how does the PTI solicitor know that Imran Khan was hit on his injured leg?

4) if such draconian laws such as defence of Pakistan rules and PECA exist then why did the military take a year to arrest Imran Khan? Surely riots are in nobodies interests?

His lawyer was an eye witness to his assault.
Thank you for answering my questions.

I still have further questions that perhaps you and others could answer:

1) I have looked at PECA (Prevention of Electronics Crimes Amendment 2016) and it appears that it was created by PML-N party in 2016 and finally approved in 2022, pushed by President Alvi. I can’t see Imran Khan mentioned as somebody wanted these laws passed? It appears from my second link below that PTI was against PECA?

PECA nevertheless is very draconian and makes Pakistan seem like a dictatorship as journalists can be arrested if they are seen as being libel.



2) It appears that the Pakistan constitution still has Defence of Pakistan Rules where military has power to detain and arrest without adequate investigation? One can assume that this is the basis on which Imran Khan was arrested by the rangers today?

3) Where is the information / source coming from that Imran Khan has a fever and how does the PTI solicitor know that Imran Khan was hit on his injured leg?

4) if such draconian laws such as defence of Pakistan rules and PECA exist then why did the military take a year to arrest Imran Khan? Surely riots are in nobodies interests?

1. The president of Pakistan is just a puppet he has no real powers and will follow what his pm will tell him. Imran got this passed through him to appease Bajwa and Faiz who bought him in power.

2. Yes its because these civilians passed such laws to appease

3. All these news are fake. Basically on twitter the best time to get likes and engagement is through starting false rumors and than deleting them later on.

4. Imran never really said anything, plus Bajwa was threading carefully. His retirement was up and he wanted to get out of the mess he created peacefully. Imran started making these statements just recently against the army and under a new COAS who despises him.

Also has for the corruption case, the corruption case is true, here is the link of it

At the time this came out i knew this can bring him down, his supporters thought it was a non issue.

Basically some backstory to it, Malik Riaz is a business tycoon who is part of the establishment along with Zardari and other millitary leaders. THe establihsment is a group of people that has mostly ISI and Millitary officials and ex presidents and pms along with businessman and many rich people. The policy of the country and direction is decided by them. THey dont have a formal existence which is why they stayed protected as they can never be targetted.

Basically Imran took Maliks corrupt money and gave it back to him

I want to apologise for my comment earlier. I wanted to have a light hearted moment because everyone has telling me or making it seem like it's "Qiyamat" in Pakistan.

At this moment in time, we all need to put our political differences aside and unite against the army. It doesn't matter if you support PTI or the opposition. Enough is enough with the army and may the Almighty give them what they deserve so Pakistan can return to the days of our beloved Quaid-e-Azam.

We need this change to be organic.

Army can't be displaced overnight but hopefully generals come into power who respect democracy. It will take some time for this to happen.

Despite what some people want, Pakistan is not a country ready for an arab spring type revolution. There is no money and no economy. The next PM will have to beg others just like every other PM has done in the past.

Army will need to moderate itself but sadly an "enough is enough" type solution is not viable for Pakistan in the short/medium term.
Fellow PPers in Pakistan

I have scrolled through the posts and can sense the anguish. I can understand some are upset and want to protest by democratic means…..but it looks a bit scary from outside, so STAY SAFE please … consider/reconsider going to protests etc. especially if you have people dependent on you.

Best of luck to you in these tough times. Hope Pak comes out of this quickly and democratically strongly
We need this change to be organic.

Army can't be displaced overnight but hopefully generals come into power who respect democracy. It will take some time for this to happen.

Despite what some people want, Pakistan is not a country ready for an arab spring type revolution. There is no money and no economy. The next PM will have to beg others just like every other PM has done in the past.

Army will need to moderate itself but sadly an "enough is enough" type solution is not viable for Pakistan in the short/medium term.
Dont see it happening organically.
1. The president of Pakistan is just a puppet he has no real powers and will follow what his pm will tell him. Imran got this passed through him to appease Bajwa and Faiz who bought him in power.

2. Yes its because these civilians passed such laws to appease

3. All these news are fake. Basically on twitter the best time to get likes and engagement is through starting false rumors and than deleting them later on.

4. Imran never really said anything, plus Bajwa was threading carefully. His retirement was up and he wanted to get out of the mess he created peacefully. Imran started making these statements just recently against the army and under a new COAS who despises him.

Also has for the corruption case, the corruption case is true, here is the link of it

At the time this came out i knew this can bring him down, his supporters thought it was a non issue.

Basically some backstory to it, Malik Riaz is a business tycoon who is part of the establishment along with Zardari and other millitary leaders. THe establihsment is a group of people that has mostly ISI and Millitary officials and ex presidents and pms along with businessman and many rich people. The policy of the country and direction is decided by them. THey dont have a formal existence which is why they stayed protected as they can never be targetted.

Basically Imran took Maliks corrupt money and gave it back to him

Thank you again

From what you’ve shared, it’s doesn’t seem conclusive that Imran Khan was for or against PECA law being approved. This bit of law clearly has human rights implications.

With regards to your link about Malik Riaz and corruption then it seems to be a great bit of investigative journalism. I am loosely aware of the Pakistan Establishment and I would say that the NCA money matter is a complex one involving the Sharif family too. Many political parties have done much worse then Imran Khan.

Ok, so how are we going to get proper answers and press releases?

Imran Khan has been arrested for either breaking PECA law or Defence of Pakistan Rules. The high court has deemed the arrest as legal but it doesn’t mean that a warrant was issued as you can arrest without a warrant and I suspect the majority of the crimes in the world are conducted this way.

If the arrest by the rangers was using the Defence of Pakistan Rules then how long can Imran Khan be detained without proper investigation?

This whole thing seems like a mess with Shabaaz Sharif shamelessly hiding in London when he should at least try to appear to be a leader.
We need this change to be organic.

Army can't be displaced overnight but hopefully generals come into power who respect democracy. It will take some time for this to happen.

Despite what some people want, Pakistan is not a country ready for an arab spring type revolution. There is no money and no economy. The next PM will have to beg others just like every other PM has done in the past.

Army will need to moderate itself but sadly an "enough is enough" type solution is not viable for Pakistan in the short/medium term.

Obviously it won't change overnight but the consensus has to be mutual among all sets of supporters and once it reaches momentum, that's when the army have to moderate itself.

The problem in Pakistan is there are so many ignorant people who have been brainwashed by all the pro-army propoganda. In fact there are guys with their backward pind mindset on here who openly support Zia-ul-Haq
Dont see it happening organically.

Imran will do a deal with the army imo.

Thr extent of the deal is what needs to be seen. He is quite happy putting issues like corruption to the side when it suits him...the PTI defectors were selected despite their backgrounds and the Punjab assembly topi drama is before our eyes.

If he wants power then he will reconcile with Bajwa.

However there is a significant pro imran wing in the army and intelligence. If he does a deal that involves them then I think the change can be organic.

Burning Pakistan to the ground to get the army out will finish the country.
Imran will do a deal with the army imo.

Thr extent of the deal is what needs to be seen. He is quite happy putting issues like corruption to the side when it suits him...the PTI defectors were selected despite their backgrounds and the Punjab assembly topi drama is before our eyes.

If he wants power then he will reconcile with Bajwa.

However there is a significant pro imran wing in the army and intelligence. If he does a deal that involves them then I think the change can be organic.

Burning Pakistan to the ground to get the army out will finish the country.

atleast you see this, many dont see this.

fully agree with your post
Obviously it won't change overnight but the consensus has to be mutual among all sets of supporters and once it reaches momentum, that's when the army have to moderate itself.

The problem in Pakistan is there are so many ignorant people who have been brainwashed by all the pro-army propoganda. In fact there are guys with their backward pind mindset on here who openly support Zia-ul-Haq

Tbh bro Pakistan is shamelessmm there can never be consensus.

Bilawal is FM under a party that threw nude pictures of his mum from helicopters and is serving an establishment that killed his grandad and uncles and perhaps mother.

Shabaz is happy bootlicking the army cheif who ousted his brother from the country.

They will never unite and gain a consensus.

They are all shameless.
Obviously it won't change overnight but the consensus has to be mutual among all sets of supporters and once it reaches momentum, that's when the army have to moderate itself.

The problem in Pakistan is there are so many ignorant people who have been brainwashed by all the pro-army propoganda. In fact there are guys with their backward pind mindset on here who openly support Zia-ul-Haq

Losing half the country didnt bring us to a consensus. It wont happen this way. Unfortunately, we need to burn the whole thing down and then rebuild it.

I know i sound like an extremist but i honestly believe the establishment wont ever relinquish their power.
Losing half the country didnt bring us to a consensus. It wont happen this way. Unfortunately, we need to burn the whole thing down and then rebuild it.

I know i sound like an extremist but i honestly believe the establishment wont ever relinquish their power.

The last thing we need is to head towards the path of Afghanistan/Syria/Yemen.

I'm sure you don't want that. But for those who do, it just shows that they love PTI/IK more than Pakistan itself.
Since when do we start trusting lawyers for their own clients :))

So they smashed the windows for a picnic. This was planned as revenge because IK called dirty Harry for the attempted murder. Thankfully enough cameras captured the moment or you would have claimed that it never happened. Stick to worrying about Noora criminals getting abused
Tbh bro Pakistan is shamelessmm there can never be consensus.

Bilawal is FM under a party that threw nude pictures of his mum from helicopters and is serving an establishment that killed his grandad and uncles and perhaps mother.

Shabaz is happy bootlicking the army cheif who ousted his brother from the country.

They will never unite and gain a consensus.

They are all shameless.

Another reason why much change isnt going to happen is because PTI made everyone their enemy. The media, the journalist.

This protest that tarted out, it could had been a proper protest and more people could had been in it, but the factions PTI had created when in power are still existing today.

The protest has already died down and it has not even been 24 hrs. Roads are already clear and one can travel in Rawalpindi. It seems as if in a day or two everything will be back to normal
The last thing we need is to head towards the path of Afghanistan/Syria/Yemen.

I'm sure you don't want that. But for those who do, it just shows that they love PTI/IK more than Pakistan itself.

The path has been chosen by the Generals, not the public. These are sold Generals, they will be quite happy for more chaos.
Another reason why much change isnt going to happen is because PTI made everyone their enemy. The media, the journalist.

This protest that tarted out, it could had been a proper protest and more people could had been in it, but the factions PTI had created when in power are still existing today.

The protest has already died down and it has not even been 24 hrs. Roads are already clear and one can travel in Rawalpindi. It seems as if in a day or two everything will be back to normal

The media are sold, look at their pathetic owners selling themselves like prostitutes. PK and IK doesn't the 10% from the Nooras and PPP, it has 90% with them.
The issue is Pakistan like other nations needs to be independent and not a client state of America. The Generals over the years have sold out Pakistan for a bag of French fries. No nation will improve or be prosperous until it first attains freedom.

Imran over 20 years ago went against US in the terrorist war of terror. Since he has never bent down to their whims, which is the MAIN reason for the generals and crooks to attack him without worry.

Pakistan is not Israel or Australia, surely even you can figure out the difference. Those nations have been supported, helped to flourish, Pakistan has been used to ensure it stays weak, poor etc. Pakistan should join forces with Russia and China , not the Yanks or Zionists.
In 1971 Pakistan reduced its population from 127 million to 60 million, shedding the poorest 65 million Pakistani citizens along with 2 million middle and upper class Bengalis.

Pakistan was basically given on a plate the chance to become the Singapore of the Subcontinent, with a small population which could be rapidly highly trained and educated.

Instead the political and military elite opted to anaesthetise the population with religion as the Opium of the Masses.

I don’t think the relationship with the USA is the real issue, because Russian and Chinese satellite states also tend to consist of impoverished populations controlled by despots.

The real issue is that Pakistan’s political and military elites have rarely, if ever, wanted the inconvenience of having an educated, developed population to win over. It suits them to control a country of weak, impoverished masses.

I would love to see some sort of evidence that the Pakistan Army does more good for the Pakistani public than the Indian Army does for the Pakistani public. They don’t seem to do infrastructure projects and rather than defending democratically-elected governments they appear to have a history of overthrowing them.
So they smashed the windows for a picnic. This was planned as revenge because IK called dirty Harry for the attempted murder. Thankfully enough cameras captured the moment or you would have claimed that it never happened. Stick to worrying about Noora criminals getting abused

Can you share a video of Imran being assaulted? Not the break in, but the actual physical assault on Imran by a ranger or rangers
The last thing we need is to head towards the path of Afghanistan/Syria/Yemen.

I'm sure you don't want that. But for those who do, it just shows that they love PTI/IK more than Pakistan itself.

Taking things literally, i see.

I meant oust the bad actors first, dont compromise with any of them. I know its a tall order but you cannot keep doing samjhotas with crooks. They wint hold the elections.

Once in power, he needs to bring massive reforms to all our key institutions.

Thats what i meant. Dont mean we should hang them all and literally burn everything.
Can you share a video of Imran being assaulted? Not the break in, but the actual physical assault on Imran by a ranger or rangers

Khwaja Haris said that in 45 years in law he had never seen anything like it
They assaulted not just him, but lawyers, court officials and the police. They had no right to be there and what's worse is that ISI are holding him. Why is that?
Things have been blown out of proportion. There was an arrest warrant issued for Imran on May 1st. Rangers had to be used to ensure that Imran does not hide behind his supporters like last time. There's no proof that he was tortured or there's any threat to his life. He will be presented in front of a corruption court tomorrow.

Imran is not the first politician to be arrested. Both Nawaz and Zardari have gone through it. I don't understand why PTI supporters always expect preferential treatment for their leader.
Former prime minister Imran Khan, who was arrested on Tuesday, is likely to remain under the custody of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) for four to five days, as the bureau requests the court for his maximum remand allowed under the law.

A NAB source told Dawn on Tuesday that Mr Khan will be presented before the accountability court today (Wednesday).

“We will do our best to keep him under custody for at least four to five days,” the source said.

Under new amendments to the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999, the duration of physical remand has been cut from 90 days to 14 days, granted by any court.

“We will seek the maximum physical remand of 14 days from the court,” he said, adding that the court was expected to grant at least four to five days remand.

Accountability watchdog justifies PTI chairman’s arrest through Rangers

When asked about the condition of the PTI chief, the source said Mr Khan was detained in NAB’s Rawalpindi/Islamabad regional headquarters “in a comfortable atmosphere”.

Mr Khan will not be “treated harshly”, rather he will only be questioned regarding his alleged involvement in the case and seeking monetary benefits.

In an official statement, the bureau has also given the details about the case against Mr Khan.

Qureshi says PTI’s senior leadership ‘fighting’ to meet Imran

PTI’s Shah Mahmood Qureshi has said that the party’s senior leadership is in Islamabad and is “fighting” to meet Imran Khan in order to have him released from “this illegal abduction”.

“We continue to call @PTIofficial family workers, supporters, and the people of Pakistan onto the streets for peaceful protest against this unconstitutional behaviour. No one, absolutely no one, should be allowed to ride roughshod over the law,” he said.

He added that PTI’s Ali Haider Zaidi had also been “picked up” while the party’s workers were “fired upon indiscriminately, killed and water cannoned with chemical water”.

“Today, my offices in Multan were raided and my staff, beaten up,” he alleged.

“Let me make it very clear, we will never succumb to these dark forces, and will always fight for Jinnah’s Pakistan,” he said.
ISLAMABAD: In a change of plan, Rangers arrested former prime minister Imran Khan from the premises of Islamabad High Court (IHC) even though the task had earlier been given to the capital police, Dawn has learnt.

After the arrest, protests erupted all over Islamabad which resulted in law and order situation and road blockades.

Police officers told Dawn that earlier the quarters concerned had tasked the police with arresting Imran during his appearance in the high court in connection with separate cases.

In response, a plan was chalked out in which it was decided that he would be arrested at the main entrance in connection with a NAB case.

However, the police were later told to take him into custody from inside the court building, the officers said.

Former prime minister brought to NAB building in G-6, likely to be shifted to safe place, say police officers

The senior command agreed with the directions, but the supervisory officers, who were assigned the task of the arrest, opposed saying the police would pay the cost if the arrest was made from inside the premises.

Arrangements were also made to detain Mr Khan either at the Secretariat police station, Counter-Terrorism Department or Criminal Intelligence Agency building, the officers said, adding that the Secretariat police station was the first choice to detain the PTI chief as it was the safest being located inside the Red Zone.

The police and the Frontier Constabulary were deployed in and around the high court and other security measures were also put in place, they said. Besides, a contingent of Rangers was deployed at the court who later took charge of the security measures.

A number of sports utility vehicles (SUVs), including Vigos installed with antennas and jammers, were also brought to the high court and parked on Service Road South G-10/1, the officers said, adding that the teams of Rangers swarmed towards the diary branch when Mr Khan, accompanied by his counsel, and some PTI leaders entered the premises for biometrics.

The personnel broke the window with batons and asked the staff inside to open the door as it was locked from inside.

Later, they entered the room and arrested Mr Khan, took him towards an SUV and bundled him inside. A number of personnel also embarked on the vehicle and some stood on the footers along the doors.

The vehicle came out of the gate on the Service Road and moved to an undisclosed location. Hours later, he was brought to the NAB building in G-6.

It was being considered to shift the PTI leader to a safe installation instead of keeping him at the NAB building, the officers added.

One of Mr Khan’s guards talking to the media said he was a retired SSG personnel and those who arrested the former prime minister were trained soldiers, not Rangers personnel.

Some of the PTI leaders managed to leave the court premises to avoid arrest, but a few, including Fawad Chaudhry, remained there and went inside a courtroom to avoid arrest.

After the development, PTI workers and activists poured onto different roads and highways in the capital and Srinagar Highway and Islamabad Expressway at different points.

About 250 people gathered at G-9 Chowk and set fire outside the PWD office and damaged a police picket.

Another gathering also blocked G.T. Road at Rawat while over 250 people assembled at Rawat Bazaar and set tyres on fire and chanted slogans against the arrest of their leader.

Moreover, about 230 people blocked G.T. Road at Chungi No 26. The expressway was also blocked at 111 stop by around 300 protesters.

Protests were also held at Faizabad where PTI supporters set tyres on fire and damaged public property, the officers said, adding over 70 protesters were detained from different parts of the capital. They included a PTI lawmaker who was also brought to the Secretariat police station.

Published in Dawn, May 10th, 2023
Former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan's dramatic arrest by Rangers paramilitary force at the Islamabad High Court on Tuesday has not only shaken Pakistan but also garnered international attention.

Media outlets around the world are highlighting the potential consequences of Khan's arrest, painting a picture of escalating tensions between Khan and the civil-military leadership, as well as the implications for Pakistan's political landscape and international relationships.

Time reported on the arrest as a catalyst for potential friction between Khan and the country's civilian and military leadership.

Michael Kugelman, director of the South Asia Institute at the Washington-based Wilson Center, stated that the arrest represents a significant escalation in the long-standing confrontation between Khan and the power structures in Pakistan.

Kugelman suggested that the military likely played a direct role in Khan's arrest, with possible support from the civilian leadership, given their acrimonious relationship with the former prime minister.

The New York Times framed Khan's arrest as part of an ongoing confrontation between him and the military establishment, portraying Khan as an existential threat from the military's perspective.

Meanwhile, Reuters highlighted Khan's popularity, referring to him as "Pakistan's most popular leader" according to opinion polls, and connected his arrest to the power struggle between the former prime minister and the armed forces of Pakistan.

CNN depicted a scene of chaos, reporting that paramilitary forces forcefully entered the Islamabad High Court premises and arrested Khan while he was submitting his biometric data for a court appearance. They broke a window to apprehend him, leaving a dramatic image of the incident.

The Guardian labeled Imran Khan as "the most divisive man in Pakistan" and traced the deteriorating relationship between Khan and the military to cracks that began to emerge in 2021.

The report highlighted Khan's resistance to what he perceived as control by the military and the government's declining economic situation. The Guardian also suggested that Khan's enduring popularity, evident in the immediate protests following his arrest, poses a threat to the current government, leading to calls for early general elections.

The international coverage of Imran Khan's arrest reflects concerns over the deepening divide between Khan and the civil-military leadership, potential unrest, public fury, and its impact on Pakistan's bilateral relationships.

As the situation continues to unfold, the international community is closely watching how these developments could shape Pakistan's political future and its relationships with key partners like China, the United Sates and the International Monetary Fund.

Can anyone share PTI's side of story / case ? Why was Malik's I'll gotten money allocated to pay off penalties to SC of Pakistan ?
Can anyone share PTI's side of story / case ? Why was Malik's I'll gotten money allocated to pay off penalties to SC of Pakistan ?


Malik riaz is part of the establishment and at that time imran was there puppet. Did you notice how imran never says anything about zardari cause hw is part of the establishment too.

Hence he decided to assist them.

Funny thing is here the army or nab who ever arrested him or got him arrested also got to judiciary in one go..
Qureshi says PTI’s senior leadership ‘fighting’ to meet Imran

PTI’s Shah Mahmood Qureshi has said that the party’s senior leadership is in Islamabad and is “fighting” to meet Imran Khan in order to have him released from “this illegal abduction”.

“We continue to call @PTIofficial family workers, supporters, and the people of Pakistan onto the streets for peaceful protest against this unconstitutional behaviour. No one, absolutely no one, should be allowed to ride roughshod over the law,” he said.

He added that PTI’s Ali Haider Zaidi had also been “picked up” while the party’s workers were “fired upon indiscriminately, killed and water cannoned with chemical water”.

“Today, my offices in Multan were raided and my staff, beaten up,” he alleged.

“Let me make it very clear, we will never succumb to these dark forces, and will always fight for Jinnah’s Pakistan,” he said.

Oh plz, fight my butt. The leadership failed and didnt do a thing.

All the protest is being done by supporters. Leadership to scared of the armys wrath, this is what hapens when you choose a cabinent of the army.

Peaceful protest serve nothing
Location for Imran's hearing switched last minute
Notification states Imran to appear at New Police Guest House, instead of F-8 Court Complex and Isb Judicial Complex

In a notification dated May 9, the government announced that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chief Imran Khan's court hearings location has been changed.

The former prime minister was arrested by the Rangers paramilitary force at the Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Tuesday, in a dramatic move.

Despite protests erupting across the country condemning the arrest, the government has backed the development maintaining it was in accordance with law.

Meanwhile, the IHC on Tuesday declared that Imran Khan’s arrest from the court's premises was carried out legally.

As per law, the PTI chairman is to appear before an anti-graft court today for a crucial hearing. He was arrested by Rangers officials yesterday in the National Accountability Bureau's (NAB) Al-Qadir Trust case.

Imran was also scheduled to appear before a local court in the federal capital set to indict the former prime minister on May 10 in the Toshakhana case, filed by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP).

Additional Sessions Judge Humayun Dilawar on Friday had dismissed two petitions filed by the PTI chief, challenging criminal proceedings against him in the Toshakhana case, after hearing arguments from both sides.

The reference was filed by the ECP in November last year, praying the court to proceed against the PTI chief under criminal law for allegedly misleading officials about the gifts he received from foreign dignitaries during his tenure as the prime minister.


Malik riaz is part of the establishment and at that time imran was there puppet. Did you notice how imran never says anything about zardari cause hw is part of the establishment too.

Hence he decided to assist them.

Funny thing is here the army or nab who ever arrested him or got him arrested also got to judiciary in one go..

So basically Imran didn't have a choice ? But how does one establish quid pro quo. What did Malik provide as return offer to this gesture by PTI govt ?
So basically Imran didn't have a choice ? But how does one establish quid pro quo. What did Malik provide as return offer to this gesture by PTI govt ?

He did have a choice. He was the pm. He could had taken action and expose the establishment. But because they rigged elections for him and promised him to keep him in power and control the NA for him, he decided to act as there puppet.

Malik ended up providing land to make a Uni which the case is about. University grts made but has only 35 students
He did have a choice. He was the pm. He could had taken action and expose the establishment. But because they rigged elections for him and promised him to keep him in power and control the NA for him, he decided to act as there puppet.

Malik ended up providing land to make a Uni which the case is about. University grts made but has only 35 students

Ok clear. Thanks.
Looks like things are already fizzling out, and it hasn't even been 24 hours yet.

Come on Pakistan - is that all you've got? Take inspiration from Sri Lanka 2022/Iran 1979/Bangladesh 1971 etc.
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">PTI Chairman <a href="https://twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@ImranKhanPTI</a> has been denied his fundamental rights. First they abducted him, now his legal team is not being allowed to see him. Whatever is happening in Pakistan today is completely disgusting. People of Pakistan, only you can save this country! <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ReleaseImranKhan?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#ReleaseImranKhan</a> <a href="https://t.co/XgCTCWUHPO">https://t.co/XgCTCWUHPO</a></p>— PTI (@PTIofficial) <a href="https://twitter.com/PTIofficial/status/1656180316132851713?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 10, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Looks like things are already fizzling out, and it hasn't even been 24 hours yet.

Come on Pakistan - is that all you've got? Take inspiration from Sri Lanka 2022/Iran 1979/Bangladesh 1971 etc.

Probably easy for people like you and me to say this when we are far removed from the scene.

In this case, the people have to go against the powerful military - don’t think the people stand a chance if the army decides to squish it out by force. Best to take down the temp a notch or two, and pursue the case in courts.
Probably easy for people like you and me to say this when we are far removed from the scene.

In this case, the people have to go against the powerful military - don’t think the people stand a chance if the army decides to squish it out by force. Best to take down the temp a notch or two, and pursue the case in courts.

Did the peoples of Sri Lanka/Iran/Bangladesh succeed by "pursuing the case in courts"?
Establishment has played a mega game here by initially making top judiciary angles infront of PTI supporters. Now they will ban PTI and IK and PTI supporters have to agree with them
Guesthouses being declared courts
Open fire on protestants in Pindi
Asad Umar arrested

Pakistan ka iss waqt Allah hi hafiz ha.
Guesthouses being declared courts
Open fire on protestants in Pindi
Asad Umar arrested

Pakistan ka iss waqt Allah hi hafiz ha.

PTI senior leader Asad Umar has been arrested from the Islamabad High Court.

His arrest comes a day after PTI Chairman Imran Khan was arrested from the Judicial Complex, and later the party’s Sindh leader Ali Zaidi was also arrested in Karachi.

PTI Secretary General Asad Umar was accompanied at the high court by fellow party leaders Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Ghulam Sarwar, Babar Awan, and other leaders and lawyers where they had appeared to file an application seeking permission to go to the Police Lines to meet PTI Chairman Imran Khan.

The PTI leaders were to leave for the Supreme Court from here, however before that the former minister was taken into custody.

The authorities have, however, not explained which case he has been arrested in.

As per reports, the PTI leader was arrested by the anti-terrorist squad of the Islamabad police. His arrest was resisted by party lawyers.

Reportedly, Asad Umar has been shifted to the Ramna police station.

The former minister was among the first to call party supporters and workers for protest

Authorities had earlier allowed PTI lawyers Khawaja Haris, Barrister Gohar and Ali Bukhari to meet Imran Khan at the New Police Guest House, Police Lines.

Former prime minister and PTI chief Imran Khan has been presented at the Islamabad Police Lines, which has been given the status of a court venue as a “one-time dispensation”, a day after he was arrested from the premises of the Islamabad High Court in relation to the Al-Qadir Trust investigation by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB).

DawnNewsTV reported that at the outset of the hearing, the NAB requested the court to grant 14-day physical remand.

A late-night notification issued by the Islamabad commissioner’s office said the ex-prime minister would be appearing in two cases at the venue, where sources say he is being detained.

One of the cases is in relation to the Toshakhana, in which Imran’s indictment is pending. The other case, which relates to the Al-Qadir Trust, will be heard by an accountability judge.

Ahead of the NAB hearing today, strict security arrangements were seen outside the police lines office by a Dawn correspondent, and nearby roads have been blocked off by placing containers.

PML-N’s Mohsin Shahnawaz Ranjha, who was present at the Police Lines office, asserted that the PTI chief’s arrest was made after “fulfilling all legal requirements”.

Separately, the Islamabad Police said in a tweet that strict security would be in place ahead of the hearing and only permitted persons would be allowed inside the court.

“Strict action will be taken against those causing damage to state and private property,” it warned. The police further said that armed security had been kept on “high alert” considering the “risks of terrorism”.

Separately, PTI leaders claimed that Imran was being denied legal representation and party leaders were not being allowed to meet him.

“So [Imran’s] lawyers and senior leadership not allowed to meet him in the hastily set up makeshift NAB court in Police Lines Guest House. Many leaders and lawyers not allowed inside premises. All signs of another kangaroo court set up,” said PTI’s Shireen Mazari.

PTI leader Babar Awan, while speaking to Geo News, termed Imran’s arrest a “state abduction” and said that party leaders were being denied access to the PTI chairman.
WASHINGTON: The top diplomats of the United States and Britain together called on Tuesday for adherence to the “rule of law” in Pakistan after former prime minister Imran Khan’s arrest triggered nationwide violence.

“We just want to make sure that whatever happens in Pakistan is consistent with the rule of law, with the constitution,” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told a joint news conference in Washington.

Foreign Secretary James Cleverly, speaking alongside Blinken, noted that Britain enjoyed “a longstanding and close relationship” with Commonwealth member Pakistan. “We want to see peaceful democracy in that country. We want to see the rule of law adhered to,” Cleverly said.

Both declined to comment in further detail, with Cleverly saying he had not been fully briefed on the situation.

UN says it’s monitoring political situation in the country

“As we have said before, the United States does not have a position on one political candidate or party versus another,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said when asked about the situation in Pakistan.

Fair treatment

The United Nations said on Tuesday that it would monitor the political situation in Pakistan following Imran Khan’s arrest to make sure that all political figures in the country were treated fairly, Anwar Iqbal in Washington adds.

“Our concern is making sure that all of the political figures in Pakistan are treated fairly and, of course, that the due process is followed,” said deputy spokesman for the UN Secretary-General Farhan Haq when asked to comment on Imran Khan’s arrest.

“So, we will follow this process as it goes on to make sure that our concerns are being addressed,” Mr Haq added while addressing a Tuesday afternoon news briefing at the UN headquarters in New York.

In Washington, Amnesty International, a London-based rights group, shared a statement issued by its headquarters. “The clashes unfolding between Imran Khan’s supporters and security enforcement following the former prime minister’s arrest risk several human rights violations,” Amnesty warned in its statement.

“We call upon authorities to show restraint, and ensure any response is in line with the principles of proportionality, legality, necessity, and non-discrimination,” it added.

Michael Kugelman, a Washington-based scholar of South Asian affairs, noted in a tweet that the situation in Pakistan was getting messier day by day.

“Today it appears the Pakistan army has reached an ‘enough-is-enough’ moment re Khan. After several false starts/unsuccessful arrest attempts by the police, this time the mil took matters into its own hands,” he wrote. “What a mess!”

Jeremy McLellan, a social media personality who often comments on events in Pakistan, claimed in his tweet that “Imran Khan wasn’t arrested, he was illegally kidnapped … because he got too popular”.

“The Pakistani people will not take this lying down,” he warned.

Madiha Afzal, another scholar of South Asian affairs associated with the Brookings Institution, Washington, pointed out that “while things unravel in Pakistan, PM Shehbaz Sharif has stayed on in London for one more day “on [his brother] Nawaz’s instructions” — as per the information minister.

Zalmay Khalilzad, a former US diplomat who negotiated the peace deal with the Taliban, also commented on the situation following Iran Khan’s arrest.

“The arrest of Imran Khan is deplorable and will have far-ranging consequences. I condemn it in the strongest terms,” he wrote in a tweet. “It’s painful to watch a country so rich in potential, with an ancient heritage of culture, natural resources, an entrepreneurial spirit and hard-working people, repeatedly be thrown into chaos by its own dysfunctional elites — civilian and military — with some exceptions.”

He also urged Pakistan’s allies — like China, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE — to step in and help defuse the situation. “Countries with strong ties to Pakistan must help its leaders reach an agreement that averts the imminent meltdown,” he wrote.

Published in Dawn, May 10th, 2023
He did have a choice. He was the pm. He could had taken action and expose the establishment. But because they rigged elections for him and promised him to keep him in power and control the NA for him, he decided to act as there puppet.

Malik ended up providing land to make a Uni which the case is about. University grts made but has only 35 students

Stop lying, it makes you look stupid. They rigged elections against him. Remember all the allegations of Billo and SS, but Bajwa told them to stay quiet because they benefitted from the rigging. The PTI lost between 20 and 30 seats and the reasons became clear last year.
Establishment has played a mega game here by initially making top judiciary angles infront of PTI supporters. Now they will ban PTI and IK and PTI supporters have to agree with them

Yup. They got judiciary and pti in one go.

General munir is very cunning
Former prime minister and PTI chief Imran Khan has been presented at the Islamabad Police Lines, which has been given the status of a court venue as a “one-time dispensation”, a day after he was arrested from the premises of the Islamabad High Court in relation to the Al-Qadir Trust investigation by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB).


At the outset of the hearing, NAB requested the court to grant 14-day physical remand of Imran.

The PTI chairman’s lawyer opposed the request and said that the case did not fall within the bureau’s ambit. He further said that NAB had not shared the inquiry report either.

“Everyone has the right to a fair trial,” he said, calling for the hearing to be held in an open court.

Subsequently, DawnNewsTV reported that the hearing had been adjourned for a brief period.

When it resumed, the NAB prosecutor told the court that Imran was shown the warrant at the time of his arrest. He also assured Imran’s lawyer that the necessary documentation would be provided.

“This is a corruption case which the UK’s National Crime Agency has probed,” he said, adding that the money received was meant to be transferred to the government of Pakistan.

“Instead of the government, the funds that were received were transferred to Bahria Town,” he said.

Meanwhile, the PTI chief told the court that he was shown the arrest warrant when he was taken to the NAB office and not at the time of his arrest.

A late-night notification issued by the Islamabad commissioner’s office said the ex-prime minister would appear in two cases at the venue, where sources say he is being detained.

One of the cases is in relation to the Toshakhana, in which Imran’s indictment is pending. The other case, which relates to the Al-Qadir Trust, will be heard by an accountability judge.

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Looks like things are already fizzling out, and it hasn't even been 24 hours yet.

Come on Pakistan - is that all you've got? Take inspiration from Sri Lanka 2022/Iran 1979/Bangladesh 1971 etc.

Yup. Things died down by yesterday night.

Issue was that PTI made too many enemies during their govt. Had they not made enemies this protest could had been very big.

Than ptis own leaders fled. They were wetting themselves and were asking for peaceful protest even though their own leader has been arrested. They didnt have the guts to come out and lead the protest.

Which is why by 12 hours protest had died down. Roads are now clear
Yup. Things died down by yesterday night.

Issue was that PTI made too many enemies during their govt. Had they not made enemies this protest could had been very big.

Than ptis own leaders fled. They were wetting themselves and were asking for peaceful protest even though their own leader has been arrested. They didnt have the guts to come out and lead the protest.

Which is why by 12 hours protest had died down. Roads are now clear

Not according to my friends and family in Lahore.

This won't die.

Will get worse because the Govt cannot stop twitter because Maryam wants to tweet as well.
Former prime minister and PTI chief Imran Khan has been presented at the Islamabad Police Lines, which has been given the status of a court venue as a “one-time dispensation”, a day after he was arrested from the premises of the Islamabad High Court in relation to the Al-Qadir Trust investigation by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB).

At the outset of the hearing, NAB requested the court to grant 14-day physical remand of Imran.

The PTI chairman’s lawyer opposed the request and said that the case did not fall within the bureau’s ambit. He further said that NAB had not shared the inquiry report either.

“Everyone has the right to a fair trial,” he said, calling for the hearing to be held in an open court.

Subsequently, DawnNewsTV reported that the hearing had been adjourned for a brief period.

When it resumed, the NAB prosecutor told the court that Imran was shown the warrant at the time of his arrest. He also assured Imran’s lawyer that the necessary documentation would be provided.

“This is a corruption case which the UK’s National Crime Agency has probed,” he said, adding that the money received was meant to be transferred to the government of Pakistan.

“Instead of the government, the funds that were received were transferred to Bahria Town,” he said.

Meanwhile, the PTI chief told the court that he was shown the arrest warrant when he was taken to the NAB office and not at the time of his arrest.

A late-night notification issued by the Islamabad commissioner’s office said the ex-prime minister would appear in two cases at the venue, where sources say he is being detained.

One of the cases is in relation to the Toshakhana, in which Imran’s indictment is pending. The other case, which relates to the Al-Qadir Trust, will be heard by an accountability judge.


You must appear in court they said to a guy that had been wounded in a murder attempt. So where is the IHC CJP today. The coward setup the arrest and suddenly appearing in court isnt so important. The mafia state and its puppets will pay a price. If the humiliation of Mush and NS isnt a lesson, then nothing will be.
Not according to my friends and family in Lahore.

This won't die.

Will get worse because the Govt cannot stop twitter because Maryam wants to tweet as well.

It has in pindi islamabad. Here it shouldnt had and they should had stormed ghq. The fact that roads are open shows ita dieing sown
Did the peoples of Sri Lanka/Iran/Bangladesh succeed by "pursuing the case in courts"?

It's a different situation. Not all countries are the same. This is a battle of attrition. It is not going to happen overnight. Also there are still alot of people like [MENTION=135038]Major[/MENTION] in the country. Essentially lazy hypocrites who still worship these old politicians.

Yesterday was a momentous day either way as it has planted a seed. But don't expect a sudden change. It took Iran nearly two decades after the seed was planted..

The powers that be have a plan to install Bilawal into power and they are carrying on with their objective like militaries do. Its upto the people to try and stop them.
It has in pindi islamabad. Here it shouldnt had and they should had stormed ghq. The fact that roads are open shows ita dieing sown

They are on srinagar highway at the moment..lots of shelling..People are waiting to see what the next move is..lots of people from Peshawar are still heading to Islamabad. We will see what happens next..but sounds like your really happy. Don't worry. Bilawal will be the pm soon and you will get your wish.
You must appear in court they said to a guy that had been wounded in a murder attempt. So where is the IHC CJP today. The coward setup the arrest and suddenly appearing in court isnt so important. The mafia state and its puppets will pay a price. If the humiliation of Mush and NS isnt a lesson, then nothing will be.

People forget what has been exposed. Seeds have been planted. A reckoning is coming. Khan is still alive hence why the Cork is still in the bottle just about but the anger is still there..
The reality is the establishment is too strong in Pakistan, and has been ruling unopposed for over 70 years. There isn't any human rights in Pakistan the army would kill all the protestors if need be.
The most dangerous situation would be if factions of the army built their own militia and fought against the establishment like in Sudan. In theory would be great if establishment was fought as they could be toppled but the reality is their power is immense with backing from superpowers like the US.

Imran Khan seems to be going down the route of Donald Trump. Immense support for him as well but eventually things settle down and he will simply be humiliated and jailed for life while the establishment enjoys their continued annexation of Pakistan.

Ain't no way the establishment gonna risk supporting popularists like Imran Khan again. Popularists are the only hope for Pakistan as they can turn the masses against the establishment, like what Erdogan did in Turkey. But after Imran Khan popularists will have no chance and we will be back to the faces of the Zardaris and the Sharifs who will alternate every 3-4 years.
“Why will US intervene here? They dont have any reason, infact US backs the millitary dictators of our countyr more than the politicians as the millitary of Pakistan is pro USA.“

Give them a sniff and watch them crawl in [MENTION=135038]Major[/MENTION]

The US only intervenes when a foreign govt becomes an obstacle to their own designs. From that point of view, an army General is usually easier to persuade than a democratically elected govt.
They are on srinagar highway at the moment..lots of shelling..People are waiting to see what the next move is..lots of people from Peshawar are still heading to Islamabad. We will see what happens next..but sounds like your really happy. Don't worry. Bilawal will be the pm soon and you will get your wish.

Im not happym, and you dont have to trust me.

This is a once in a chance to destroy the agencies. But the turn out has been dieing with many roads open. Srinagar Highways has afew protestors but every other road ad main areas taht should hadd been targetted are alright.

Doing a protest at D chowk serves no purpose.
It has in pindi islamabad. Here it shouldnt had and they should had stormed ghq. The fact that roads are open shows ita dieing sown

Army deployed in Punjab to maintain law and order situation

The Ministry of Interior has authorised the deployment of Pakistan Army troops in Punjab to maintain the law and order situation in the province “in aid of civil power”.

“The exact numbers of troops/assets, date and area of deployment will be worked out by the provincial government in consultation with the MO Dte, GHQ,” a notification, available with Dawn.com, said.

It added that the date of de-requisitioning of the said date would be decided subsequently after mutual consultation among both stakeholders.
The reality is the establishment is too strong in Pakistan, and has been ruling unopposed for over 70 years. There isn't any human rights in Pakistan the army would kill all the protestors if need be.
The most dangerous situation would be if factions of the army built their own militia and fought against the establishment like in Sudan. In theory would be great if establishment was fought as they could be toppled but the reality is their power is immense with backing from superpowers like the US.

Imran Khan seems to be going down the route of Donald Trump. Immense support for him as well but eventually things settle down and he will simply be humiliated and jailed for life while the establishment enjoys their continued annexation of Pakistan.

Ain't no way the establishment gonna risk supporting popularists like Imran Khan again. Popularists are the only hope for Pakistan as they can turn the masses against the establishment, like what Erdogan did in Turkey. But after Imran Khan popularists will have no chance and we will be back to the faces of the Zardaris and the Sharifs who will alternate every 3-4 years.

what you have is soo true, But the millitary will never go against its own COAS. They are loyal to him
Pakistan military said it was busy too conduct elections in Punjab but has all the time to come into Punjab to curb unrest.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The arrest of former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, is a dark day for democracy.<br><br>Solidarity with protestors in Pakistan and beyond demanding his immediate release. <a href="https://t.co/qXgQGjhfe2">pic.twitter.com/qXgQGjhfe2</a></p>— Jeremy Corbyn (@jeremycorbyn) <a href="https://twitter.com/jeremycorbyn/status/1656209851070963714?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 10, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) on Wednesday requested a 14-day physical remand of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan in the Al-Qadir Trust case.

Accountability court judge Muhammad Bashir conducted the hearing of the case at the New Police Guest House, wherein the NAB presented the reasons behind the arrest of the former prime minister.

Imran's legal team, however, has opposed the NAB's request. His lawyer Khawaja Harris has maintained that the PTI chief will cooperate in the investigation and that there was "no need for a physical remand".

During the hearing, the NAB prosecutor told the accountability court that the arrest warrant was shown to Imran Khan at the time of his arrest.

However, the PTI chief maintained that he was shown the warrant when he reached the NAB office.
TI Vice Chairman Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Tuesday said he would announce the party’s next course of action keeping in view the instructions from its chairman, Imran Khan.

“If I am also arrested, someone else will take over the leadership of the party,” the former foreign minister told the media in Karachi.

Earlier in the day, Imran, who was ousted from the post of the prime minister in April last year, was arrested by Rangers personnel from the Islamabad High Court’s premises – a move that was later in the day declared legal by the court.

He was rounded up in connection with the Al-Qadir Trust case, wherein the PTI chief and his wife, Bushra Bibi, faced charges of acquiring billions of rupees from a real estate company for legalising a laundered sum of Rs50 billion that was identified and returned to Pakistan by the UK during the former premier’s tenure.

Qureshi, in his media talk, continued that he condemned the party chief’s arrest.

“This move is unethical, illegal and unconstitutional. Imran Khan's arrest is linked to London,” he maintained.