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The Russian invasion of Ukraine

Because you don’t know. You are making assumptions based on what you want to be true rather that what is evidential.

Assumptions? Go to the Biden thread and see the news and videos, the bloke is senile. To even suggest he is more aware than Hersh is embarrasing to debate with.

Stop now, you're only embarrasing yourself now.
Assumptions? Go to the Biden thread and see the news and videos, the bloke is senile. To even suggest he is more aware than Hersh is embarrasing to debate with.

Stop now, you're only embarrasing yourself now.

This is not about Biden. This is about your thought processes.
Remember folks, the liberals who wanted Biden in power (on PP), now do not want Biden to rerun for a second term. This is evidence that even the radical liberals are questing Biden's mental state.

Of course now that this report has come out, liberals are claiming there is nothing wrong with Biden despite the evidence, including, many of his party members are trying to force him to take cognitive tests.

One cannot debate or even reason with Liberals, they switch the goal posts and make up stuff as they go along to suit their agenda and ideology.
Assumptions? Go to the Biden thread and see the news and videos, the bloke is senile. To even suggest he is more aware than Hersh is embarrasing to debate with.

Stop now, you're only embarrasing yourself now.

I think you are wasting you time.

If Obama came out and said the pipeline explosion was the work of the West, you better believe Liberals will be attacking Obama.

The fact is, liberals have nothing here, other than a propaganda website called snopes.com - which is why the age of the journalist is brought into question.

If Richard Attenborough said the pipeline was destroy by the West, he too would be attacked by Liberals, and he is in his 90s. Lets use liberal logic here, the guy has no idea of how nature works because he is too old.

Point is, the age is not a factor here, the desperation these war mongering liberals will go to is the point. Remember, these are the same liberals who claimed Russia has run-out of missiles back in March 2022, and Putin has cancer. These lot are the champions of fake news.
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This is not about Biden. This is about your thought processes.

I have a thought process, Biden doesnt, this is the point. :)

I think you are wasting you time.

If Obama came out and said the pipeline explosion was the work of the West, you better believe Liberals will be attacking Obama.

The fact is, liberals have nothing here, other than a propaganda website called snopes.com - which is why the age of the journalist is brought into question.

If Richard Attenborough said the pipeline was destroy by the West, he too would be attacked by Liberals, and he is in his 90s. Lets use liberal logic here, the guy has no idea of how nature works because he is too old.

Point is, the age is not a factor here, the desperation these war mongering liberals will go to is the point. Remember, these are the same liberals who claimed Russia has run-out of missiles back in March 2022, and Putin has cancer. These lot are the champions of fake news.

The Yanks have practically admitted they planned to attack the Nord stream and admitted they were successful.

People need to think if Russia was behind it , firstly it would be self harm and secondly the likes of BBC, CNN wouldnt stop ranting about it but they have been hush ever since. BBC are not even reporting on Hersh's report. :))
I have a thought process, Biden doesnt, this is the point. :)

The Yanks have practically admitted they planned to attack the Nord stream and admitted they were successful.

People need to think if Russia was behind it , firstly it would be self harm and secondly the likes of BBC, CNN wouldnt stop ranting about it but they have been hush ever since. BBC are not even reporting on Hersh's report. :))

They lied about Nord stream just like they lied about WMD in Iraq.

Question is, do Yankees ever tell any truth?
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They lied about Nord stream just like they lied about WMD in Iraq.

Question is, do Yankees ever tell any truth?

They are lying now but are very arrogant now too. Both Biden and Victoria Nuland stated the pipelines would go away. Biden went further stating it will be done. One would think why would they be saying they want it gone when it would do serious damage to Germanys economy and industry.
They are lying now but are very arrogant now too. Both Biden and Victoria Nuland stated the pipelines would go away. Biden went further stating it will be done. One would think why would they be saying they want it gone when it would do serious damage to Germanys economy and industry.

This guy is right on the money.

Despite this incident, European countries continue to trust and work with the Yankees. Talk about being shameless.
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Putin and Biden to give competing speeches on Ukraine war

  • Vladimir Putin is due to set out his view of Russia's war against Ukraine in a State of the Nation address at 09:00 GMT
  • He is likely to depict the war as a struggle against the West as he tries to shore up support at home
  • The speech, which he postponed in December, comes ahead of the first anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine on Friday
  • Later today US President Joe Biden will give a speech in Poland, and say the war is a struggle between democracy and autocracy
  • Biden visited Kyiv yesterday and afterwards President Zelensky said he could see resolve from the US to end Russian aggression this year

I have a thought process, Biden doesnt, this is the point. :)

The Yanks have practically admitted they planned to attack the Nord stream and admitted they were successful.

People need to think if Russia was behind it , firstly it would be self harm and secondly the likes of BBC, CNN wouldnt stop ranting about it but they have been hush ever since. BBC are not even reporting on Hersh's report. :))

Interesting that Moscow immediately pointed the finger not at USN but at the Royal Navy!

Of course they are having a field day with Hersh’s report. They use our (relatively) free press against us to sow doubt and make us suspicious of each other, doubt our institutions, doubt what is real.

We all know what would happen to a Russian version of Hersh. Another high window accident.
Vladimir Putin has blamed the West for starting the war in Ukraine and claimed Russia responded with force "in order to stop it".

In a speech describing his aims as the first anniversary of the conflict nears, the Russian president said Ukraine was in talks with the West about weapons before Russia invaded its neighbour on 24 February last year.
Vladimir Putin has blamed the West for starting the war in Ukraine and claimed Russia responded with force "in order to stop it".

In a speech describing his aims as the first anniversary of the conflict nears, the Russian president said Ukraine was in talks with the West about weapons before Russia invaded its neighbour on 24 February last year.

Putin is right.

When you poke a bear over and over, do not cry if the bear attacks you back.

Be careful of the Russian bear. Ukrainian Azov Nazis are finding it out the hard way.

Vladimir Putin thought his enemies would "roll over" but instead he "met the will of America and nations everywhere who refused to accept a world governed by fear", Joe Biden has said.

The US president gave a speech from the gardens of Warsaw's Royal Castle in Poland a day after he made a highly-secretive and historic visit to Kyiv in Ukraine.

"I can report: Kyiv stands strong, Kyiv stands proud, it stands tall and, most important, it stands free," Mr Biden said this evening.

He continued: "When Russia invaded it wasn't just Ukraine being tested, the whole world faced a test for the ages... all democracies were being tested.

Vladimir Putin thought his enemies would "roll over" but instead he "met the will of America and nations everywhere who refused to accept a world governed by fear", Joe Biden has said.

The US president gave a speech from the gardens of Warsaw's Royal Castle in Poland a day after he made a highly-secretive and historic visit to Kyiv in Ukraine.

"I can report: Kyiv stands strong, Kyiv stands proud, it stands tall and, most important, it stands free," Mr Biden said this evening.

He continued: "When Russia invaded it wasn't just Ukraine being tested, the whole world faced a test for the ages... all democracies were being tested.


Mr. Biden thinks this conflict has tested the whole world. LOL.

He probably thinks whole world means just the West.

Also, not all countries have western-style democracies. There are different variants (based on cultures).
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Does anyone know whether Putin talked about how many missiles Russia has left, or whether Putin will be in palliative care soon due to his cancer?

Just wondering as the liberals seem to know more.
When the war started pro Russians trolls said it will last one month. We are at one year anniversary . Then they said winter will kill this war off and europe will go to the desk ages come winter. Nothing of that sort happened.
When the war started pro Russians trolls said it will last one month. We are at one year anniversary . Then they said winter will kill this war off and europe will go to the desk ages come winter. Nothing of that sort happened.

We have said many times this war was over a long time ago. Right now it’s like a team needing 150 off the last 10 overs with 1 wicket in hand. Nigh on impossible for them to win but they will keep going on for the sake of it.

This is a terrible idea because they have lost so many of their best soldiers already.
Does anyone know whether Putin talked about how many missiles Russia has left, or whether Putin will be in palliative care soon due to his cancer?

Just wondering as the liberals seem to know more.

Not sure. Think everyone fell asleep after 10 mins of rambling. He couldn't even muster a nuclear threat, think he even knows nobody is scared of him now.

The Russian politicians looked zombified. He bored the pants off everyone.
We have said many times this war was over a long time ago. Right now it’s like a team needing 150 off the last 10 overs with 1 wicket in hand. Nigh on impossible for them to win but they will keep going on for the sake of it.

This is a terrible idea because they have lost so many of their best soldiers already.

Stick to getting your opinions from war Gonzo and grey zone, you really are starting to become a bit embarrassing and desperate now.

As Gary Kasparov said tonight. U know who he is?...
After today, he thinks even Putin knows he's lost.
When the war started pro Russians trolls said it will last one month. We are at one year anniversary . Then they said winter will kill this war off and europe will go to the desk ages come winter. Nothing of that sort happened.

Quite the opposite... It's a spectacular failure from putin
Stick to getting your opinions from war Gonzo and grey zone, you really are starting to become a bit embarrassing and desperate now.

As Gary Kasparov said tonight. U know who he is?...
After today, he thinks even Putin knows he's lost.

I don’t know those sources you mention but Gary Kasparov is another paid puppet.

Tell me, has NATO returned Ukraine to 2022 or 2014 borders yet? Oh right they haven’t, so who’s winning again?
Quite the opposite... It's a spectacular failure from putin
he controls a huge territory of Ukraine still, despite not utilising his mobilised forces. Most of the Ukrainian best army is in tatters and nato is scrambling to find weapons and ammunition. If it’s a spectacular failure for him then goodness knows how you describe the situation for the comedian.
he controls a huge territory of Ukraine still, despite not utilising his mobilised forces. Most of the Ukrainian best army is in tatters and nato is scrambling to find weapons and ammunition. If it’s a spectacular failure for him then goodness knows how you describe the situation for the comedian.

You are absolutely deluded, it's quite remarkable. I can kind of understand you liking Putin or admiring Russia etc but your grasp on reality is striking.

Russia has burned through its best troops... Lost half it's tanks. No way of replacing them, no allies willing to do it. Has an ageing population that doesn't particular want this fight.

Ukraine has taken russias best blows... And will soon be rammed full of top notch NATO gear, has 1000's of troops being trained abroad and has the full backing of the US President who seems to have grown tired of Russia.

Putin's performance today should be ringing alarm bells for you, a defeated man clinging to power. He wants a way out... No doubt hoping the Chinese peace deal gives him that. It won't
You are absolutely deluded, it's quite remarkable. I can kind of understand you liking Putin or admiring Russia etc but your grasp on reality is striking.

Russia has burned through its best troops... Lost half it's tanks. No way of replacing them, no allies willing to do it. Has an ageing population that doesn't particular want this fight.

Ukraine has taken russias best blows... And will soon be rammed full of top notch NATO gear, has 1000's of troops being trained abroad and has the full backing of the US President who seems to have grown tired of Russia.

Putin's performance today should be ringing alarm bells for you, a defeated man clinging to power. He wants a way out... No doubt hoping the Chinese peace deal gives him that. It won't

And yet Russia controls 15-20% of Ukraine. They held referendums and the west could do nothing but watch on.

It wasn’t the Russians who said we are going to run out of ammunition. It was Wallace, Austin and Stoltenberg.
Russia is running out. Begging n Korea and now Wagner at war with the Kremlin over it.

The west ramped up weapon supplies, got their houses in order (rid themselves of Russian energy dependence) and Ukraine has already taken back one of those regions.

Ukraine is playing a long game, they've exhausted Russia in bakhmut, a city with ZERO importance.. all in preparation for their counter attack
Russia is running out. Begging n Korea and now Wagner at war with the Kremlin over it.

The west ramped up weapon supplies, got their houses in order (rid themselves of Russian energy dependence) and Ukraine has already taken back one of those regions.

Ukraine is playing a long game, they've exhausted Russia in bakhmut, a city with ZERO importance.. all in preparation for their counter attack

So the west ramped up supplies just a few days after many of the leaders said we have no more.

Bakhmut has Zero importance? Lol . The Ukrainians have lost thousands there, look at a map and see why it is important.

We have evidence of Zelensky begging everyone. Show me a video of lavrov shoigu or Putin begging anyone.
Russia is running out. Begging n Korea and now Wagner at war with the Kremlin over it.

The west ramped up weapon supplies, got their houses in order (rid themselves of Russian energy dependence) and Ukraine has already taken back one of those regions.

Ukraine is playing a long game, they've exhausted Russia in bakhmut, a city with ZERO importance.. all in preparation for their counter attack

I get your passion. However there are two things you need to understand logistics and maintenace. Ask yourself how quickly can Ukraine replace its list men and equipment? So let's say your right and Russia has lost half its tanks. Let's say that's 500 tanks. Have they now got enough to relaunch their counter offensive? So they say they are producing about 40 to 50 t90 a month. And that was end of last year. Add in repaired tanks armatas and order tanks and they already have replaced their losses. As for ammunition well wagner are wholly expendable. They will be used to break bakhmut..the Russians are in the city. Once that falls ukraines second line of defence is gone. Your third line is the weakest. Russias lines of comms gave been repaired.

Coming to maintenance Russian weapons ate easier to fix and they have spares galore. Ukraine doesn't. Sooner or later there will come a breaking point. You can perhaps launch a counter offensive. Russia will simply withdraw and pound it via the air and artillery. You will then run out if ammunition again. How long before the west says enough bro..you can't build fast enough. Remeber all wars are about logistics.
Russia isn't producing anything like that, pre war it was 250 tanks per year. They don't have the capability to produce 50 a month, its more propaganda. I honestly can't believe you swallow it so easily.

Ukraine has access to more soldiers than Russia. They are at war.
Russia isn't producing anything like that, pre war it was 250 tanks per year. They don't have the capability to produce 50 a month, its more propaganda. I honestly can't believe you swallow it so easily.

Ukraine has access to more soldiers than Russia. They are at war.

The irony of you using the words "sallowing propaganda".

Ukraine's pre 2022 population was 40 million. 2 million were abroad working. 10 million left as refugees in in early 2022 to Europe and Russia. Those who went to Russia will never fight for Ukraine and many of those who left for Europe aren't going to return anytime soon, even though people are fed up with hosting them.

That leaves around 28 million people. If you consider many of them are not going to qualify, such as older people, young children and pregnant women etc, it leaves the pool to fight even smaller.

So the question is, now that their best army is defeated, do you really expect them to be able to replace it quickly? That too in the middle of a war and that too with a whole hodge podge of weapons collected by the west. You have Norweigian, Swedish, British, American, Israeli, Polish, German, Spanish, French etc etc weapons being supplied, but without the facilities to repair them or supply them quickly.

Remember the Russians can quickly repair/service their equipment near the front. Ukraine can only do that for their soviet era equipment. Anything from the west has to travel all the way back to Poland/Germany. Is that an effective way to fight a war?

The only one swallowing propaganda is you.
you keep 'claiming' Ukraines best soldiers are defeated. i'm telling you, you are wrong. And swallowed that rubbish 'mossad' leak like it was gospel.

Russia have lost their best troops, and are replacing them with conscripts and criminals.

You have been wrong on everything in this thread... and here you are... still going
Russia isn't producing anything like that, pre war it was 250 tanks per year. They don't have the capability to produce 50 a month, its more propaganda. I honestly can't believe you swallow it so easily.

Ukraine has access to more soldiers than Russia. They are at war.

Pre war. They are now in a war footing. I can only go on reports I have read. 250 tanks in a pre war economy would indicate about 20 a month. Doubling that in a war economy is not impossible.

Secondly they are producing other armaments. We know this from the usage statistics and reports from kyiv.

Now you can sit here and hope. That's good. Hope is a good thing but it can also be the first step to dissapointment. Bakhmut is going to fall. It may take alot of dead wagner but they are expendable. Once it falls and if your not convinced just read tge ominous accounts from the beeb etc, the defence line will break. Then you will see the main Russian force advancing. Slowly grindigly but advancing. They are going to pound every inch of Ukraine then move...pound it then move..they literally don't care about casualties..

Hence why a peace agreement once bakmut falls is imperative..ukrops should withdraw and move to a new defence line..hold it and negotiate. This will Bide time..at the moment its simply pound and grind..
you keep 'claiming' Ukraines best soldiers are defeated. i'm telling you, you are wrong. And swallowed that rubbish 'mossad' leak like it was gospel.

Russia have lost their best troops, and are replacing them with conscripts and criminals.

You have been wrong on everything in this thread... and here you are... still going

Sorry but if it were true that Ukraine hadnt lost your best troops you would not be begging for a new army..you've lost the majority of your airforce and tank force
Your navy is gone too. If that's not your best troops what is. You've lost brigades of men..brigades..out of a standing army at the start of 250k you've lost over half of that number..

If you think that's propaganda why doesn't Ukraine launch a counter attack now? With tanks and aircraft? Why are they in defensive positions? Because you dont have the man power or equipment..why because your pre war equipment is gone. Facts on the ground don't lie..
Ukraine has more tanks now than what it started the war with. FACT. They will soon be getting Leopards and Challenger tanks. Bradleys and Leclercs.

All Zelensky has 'begged' for is weapons for his troops, NOT soldiers.

looks like Ukraine has some shiny new toys... they hit Russian positions last night with a 'new' weapon. 10+ explosions in Mariupol alone.... thats way out of HIMAR reach
Ukraine has more tanks now than what it started the war with. FACT. They will soon be getting Leopards and Challenger tanks. Bradleys and Leclercs.

All Zelensky has 'begged' for is weapons for his troops, NOT soldiers.

looks like Ukraine has some shiny new toys... they hit Russian positions last night with a 'new' weapon. 10+ explosions in Mariupol alone.... thats way out of HIMAR reach

Before typing Fact can you present an independent source where you read this information. They had nearly 800 tanks at the start of the war. If this is now the case they do not need Challengers or abrams. And they should be ready to retake crimea and the donbass. Prior to the war they amassed about 60k troops near the donbass.

Can you give us a break down of the current order of battle?
Interesting that Moscow immediately pointed the finger not at USN but at the Royal Navy!

Of course they are having a field day with Hersh’s report. They use our (relatively) free press against us to sow doubt and make us suspicious of each other, doubt our institutions, doubt what is real.

We all know what would happen to a Russian version of Hersh. Another high window accident.

You said Putin would be dropped from a window months ago, not sure which windows you are seeing.

The western media would be the ones having a field day if Russia was behind it, it would daily news but they hardly report on it knowing its the Yanks who were behind it.

You think it was Russia which blew up its one pipeline which costs them billions? lol
Thousands protest the US involvement in Ukraine and demand NATO's dissolution during the Rage Against War Machine rally in Washington D.C.

Protesters against the war in Ukraine descended on Washington, DC on Sunday, demanding that the US stop sending weapons to Kiev, disband NATO, and join China and Russia in creating a multi-polar world, among other things.

A thousand people attended the Rage Against the War Machine rally, which included former State Department speakers, politicians, journalists, and activists. Former Senators Ron Paul (R-TX) and Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), as well as former Representative Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), headlined the event, calling for anti-war unity.

“I know some people, who wouldn’t show up to this peace rally, this anti-war rally, because of some of the speakers they had lined up on stage,” Jimmy Dore, a comedian and popular podcast host said on stage.

“I get what they are saying ‘hey, I want to stop a nuclear war, but not with those people' […] The people who won’t be attending today never had any intention of doing so. If it wasn’t one of the speakers, it would have been the weather. It would have been because they have more important things to do than survive. They will be at home watching CNN not cover this all day.”

“We basically shifted from Afghanistan to Ukraine and it needs to be stopped. Too many people are dying,” Tara Reade, a former Senate aide, author, actress, and producer of The Kim Iversen Show told Sputnik at the rally. “The enemy is the military-industrial complex and a very corrupt regime, the Biden regime.”

Although official estimates of rally attendees have not yet been made public, it appeared that there were between 1,000 and 3,000 people there.

“I’m here for the cause of avoiding nuclear war,” one protester from the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania who held a "Drop Acid, Not Nukes" sign told Sputnik.

'Stop the war, negotiate peace'
The demonstration took place in front of the Lincoln Memorial, and participants marched to the White House to present President Biden with a list of ten demands, including a stop to funding for Ukraine, peace talks with Russia, and the dissolution of NATO.

Retired US Army colonel and former State Department official, Mary Ann Wright told Sputnik at the event that as a result of the US' wars, millions of people are either killed, wounded, their homes are destroyed, or are refugees, stressing that it is wrong and that the American people must pressure the membes of Congress to say "no more weapons, but negotiatie."


Good on these guys for standing up for the truth.

There is similar rally in London in the next few days.

Much of the public are attacked if they oppose Nato or dont want to be helping Ukraine.

Good on these guys for standing up for the truth.

There is similar rally in London in the next few days.

Much of the public are attacked if they oppose Nato or dont want to be helping Ukraine.

Unfortunately according to the latest survey these guys are a minority. Check the guardian they have a story on support for the war amongst the west vs other major powers like Russia India China and Turkey. Support is high jn Europe and the US but low in the rest.
This is fantastic to see. It shows not everyone is a brainwashed sheep.

Military-industrial complex needs to be dismantled so that world becomes more peaceful.

Unfortunately according to the latest survey these guys are a minority. Check the guardian they have a story on support for the war amongst the west vs other major powers like Russia India China and Turkey. Support is high jn Europe and the US but low in the rest.

Great speech by Jimmy Dore here. Yes its sad to see how brainwashed the western public is. You may have noticed we have so called Muslims who claim to pray to God also being apologists or supporting the wars along with other rubbish policies of the West. I hope it doesnt happen because I live here but until the western public suffer like others they will continue to live in a bubble thinking its only others who will suffer.

[MENTION=43583]KingKhanWC[/MENTION] I think you need to see this video. It will settle the argument with regards to who is senile. Seymour or Biden.


Thanks, ive watched his interviews but will check this out too.

Its shocking the white house has dismissed this without any detail. Why not allow Hersh to debate openly and for them to reply to each point? Because we all know they are behind the biggest terrorist attack on any infrastructure in modern history.

Putin and Biden both made speeches, one was articulate , intelligent , the other tried to make a speech but was mumbling most of the way.

I personally believe the deep state in the US who is in charge is taking the P out of their people on purpose, laughing the people are so stupid to accept a senile man who cant talk. Its a good test for them to see how far the sheep are willing to go.
Reading some of the delusional posts a year on you would think the Russians are controlling the whole of Ukraine.

Truth is they are barley controlling only the eastern flanks. Maybe some have the memory of a goldfish but Russia lost swathes of territory only 5 months ago and the only key city they captured Kherson 3 months ago.

The Russian loses have overall been catastrophic for them.

The Russian Air Force is barley non existent because the Ukrainian air defence system is more than adequate to take them down.

The Russian millitary has turned out to be a paper tiger. Abysmal performance because Putin allowed endemic corruption at every level to occur so of course this would also eat at his military as well.
Reading some of the delusional posts a year on you would think the Russians are controlling the whole of Ukraine.

Truth is they are barley controlling only the eastern flanks. Maybe some have the memory of a goldfish but Russia lost swathes of territory only 5 months ago and the only key city they captured Kherson 3 months ago.

The Russian loses have overall been catastrophic for them.

The Russian Air Force is barley non existent because the Ukrainian air defence system is more than adequate to take them down.

The Russian millitary has turned out to be a paper tiger. Abysmal performance because Putin allowed endemic corruption at every level to occur so of course this would also eat at his military as well.


You wrote on here Russia lost 9+ months ago. But they are still in Ukraine controlling the land they went to control, which belongs to the Russian federation now. You supported the Nazis but most are in hell. The Irony is those same Nazis you support(ed) would not think twice torturing or killing you because of your skin colour.

Ukraine is a broken nation only standing with foreign aid. Where do you get your research from the slow spin bowling department of Ukraine? 60mph is far more suitable.
UN head António Guterres has condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine as an "affront" to the world's collective conscience at a meeting of the General Assembly nearly one year on.

The meeting was debating a motion backed by Ukraine and its allies demanding Russia pull out immediately and unconditionally.

Ukraine hopes that by supporting the motion countries will show solidarity.

The Kremlin has accused the West of wanting to defeat Russia at any cost.

Vasily Nebenzya, the Kremlin's ambassador to the UN, said the US and its allies were prepared to plunge the entire world into war.

Reading some of the delusional posts a year on you would think the Russians are controlling the whole of Ukraine.

Truth is they are barley controlling only the eastern flanks. Maybe some have the memory of a goldfish but Russia lost swathes of territory only 5 months ago and the only key city they captured Kherson 3 months ago.

The Russian loses have overall been catastrophic for them.

The Russian Air Force is barley non existent because the Ukrainian air defence system is more than adequate to take them down.

The Russian millitary has turned out to be a paper tiger. Abysmal performance because Putin allowed endemic corruption at every level to occur so of course this would also eat at his military as well.

Broadly I agree. Except the air force part. Only a small part of the Russian air force was ever committed to Ukraine. Most of it is to the North ranged against NATO. They lost a lot of low level attack jets and helicopters, but can still bomb from altitude without fear of losses if they so choose because most of the Ukraine air force is gone and they have few high-altitude SAMs.

But yeah, the Russian army is rubbish. Low motivation, badly led, very poor maintenance and logistics. All they can really do now is keep sending in conscripts under a mass of tube artillery and hope that Ukraine collapses from attrition. WW1 tactics basically.
[MENTION=43583]KingKhanWC[/MENTION] I think you need to see this video. It will settle the argument with regards to who is senile. Seymour or Biden.


For the record I never claimed Hersh is senile. I made a point about KKWC deriding a 78-year-old but uncritically accepting every word from a 85-year-old. So my point was about KKWC’s prejudicial thinking not Hersh.

I also said that Hersh’s recent articles have come under increasing criticism - he says “Believe me because sources, which I won’t name” and presents no evidence. So all you have is another conspiracy theory.
For the record I never claimed Hersh is senile. I made a point about KKWC deriding a 78-year-old but uncritically accepting every word from a 85-year-old. So my point was about KKWC’s prejudicial thinking not Hersh.

I also said that Hersh’s recent articles have come under increasing criticism - he says “Believe me because sources, which I won’t name” and presents no evidence. So all you have is another conspiracy theory.

But we know the usual conspiracy theorists types like Alex Jones and for news just lie. Are you saying Seymour is a liar? Surely a reknowned journalist like him is more credible.

Also with regards to the nordstream Biden said it quite openly that they would end it. So if one of the most powerful men in the world says so and it happens why is it a conspiracy theory?
Reading some of the delusional posts a year on you would think the Russians are controlling the whole of Ukraine.

The delusion is only from sheep who follow MSM. The Russians never set out for the whole of Ukraine. They never even wanted to west of the Dnieper River. If you could be bothered to listen/read/research you would see that quite clearly Putin said, the objective was to liberate the Donbas. Find a quote from any leading official in the Kremlin that talks about the whole of Ukraine if you can.

Truth is they are barley controlling only the eastern flanks. Maybe some have the memory of a goldfish but Russia lost swathes of territory only 5 months ago and the only key city they captured Kherson 3 months ago.

Actually they have captured Melitopol, Mariupol and many other cities in the South. How about Lysychansk, Severdonestk and the heavily fortified Popasnaya? Perhaps what you're actually saying is, when Russia captures any city it is not a key city, but when Ukraine re-captures it then it suddly is one? You see the stupidity of your statement?

The Russian loses have overall been catastrophic for them.
Actually based on most sources the Ukranian losses outnumber the Russian losses by about 8 to 1. So far the Russians have lost around 20k men, the Ukranians around 160k. There is a simple reason for this - artillery. This is an artillery battle and he Russians have at least 8 times more artillery on the frontline. It doesn't matter how brave the AFU you are. Bravery isn't going to save you from 50k artillery shells being launched every day.

The Russian Air Force is barley non existent because the Ukrainian air defence system is more than adequate to take them down.

Actually the Ukranians have close to no AD left. But there are still hundreds if not thousands of shoulder held rocket launchers capable of taking planes down. Why would any air force risk losing multi million dollar jets and helicopters against $50k manpads? It's stupidity as is your statement. Just like the MSM you get your information from, you have bothered to think about what's happening on the frontlines.

The Russian millitary has turned out to be a paper tiger. Abysmal performance because Putin allowed endemic corruption at every level to occur so of course this would also eat at his military as well.

The Russians have made mistakes, plenty of them. The biggest ones on the intel front. But so have the west and so have the Americans in the past in Iraq/Afghanista/Vietnam etc. It's war and you are bound to have things go wrong.

That said, however bad it is for the Russians it's umpteen times worse for Ukraine and their masters. Their masters spent the last week scrambling around for ammunition. Don't believe me? Watch the speeches of Ben Wallace, Lloyd Austin, Gen Miley, Stoltenberg and Borrell. They start by saying Ukraine is winning and Russia will be defeated then they go on to say the Ukrainians are burning through ammunition at a rate we can't keep up with. I mean the contradictions are laughable.

Ukraine is in tatters. Their armed forces have been obliterated to the point they are conscripting just about anyone that can walk. 10 million have the country and most will never return. Their energy infrastructure will take years to restore. They'll lose billions because their agriculture for last year and this coming year will be non-existent. They're piling on debt owed to their masters in Washington and last but not least they're about to lose the south and east of their country forever. The richest and most resource abundant region of their country is disappearing.

All of this and the Russians still haven't started to bring their mobilised forces to the front lines. Those forces are ready. NATO knows it, hence why they are running around trying to find a way to either end this or extend it.

Yet some have the nerve to tell us "Russia" is losing lol.
But we know the usual conspiracy theorists types like Alex Jones and for news just lie. Are you saying Seymour is a liar? Surely a reknowned journalist like him is more credible.

Also with regards to the nordstream Biden said it quite openly that they would end it. So if one of the most powerful men in the world says so and it happens why is it a conspiracy theory?

I’m sure Hersh believes it.

I need to see evidence before I do.

What you mention is not evidence, it’s coincidence.
Liberals are embarrassing themselves now, and frankly lying to themselves and the rest of us.

They keep talking of evidence, pretending to be objective. They read the Hersh report, would not accept it, despite the evidence and cited sources, ran along to snopes.com, and believed snopes instead.

Selective, bias, and prejiduce - all rolled into one.
Liberals are embarrassing themselves now, and frankly lying to themselves and the rest of us.

They keep talking of evidence, pretending to be objective. They read the Hersh report, would not accept it, despite the evidence and cited sources, ran along to snopes.com, and believed snopes instead.

Selective, bias, and prejiduce - all rolled into one.

Radical liberals only accept reports if those reports suit their degenerate agendas. If not, they discredit.

Even an award-winning journalist like Seymour Hersh wasn't spared. Good on Mr. Hersh for exposing Yankee crime.
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These American hypocrites cry about climate change yet they blew up the pipeline. The Nord Stream sabotage has released 778-million cubic metres of methane (biggest burst of greenhouse gas on record).

Russia has called for UN meeting.

Russia calls UN meeting on Nord Stream pipeline ‘sabotage’

The attack is estimated to have released 778 million cubic metres of methane – the biggest burst of the potent greenhouse gas on record, raising new fears of the effect on the climate emergency.

Russia called a Security Council meeting over the bombing of the Nord Stream pipelines after circulating a resolution calling for an urgent UN investigation.

In advance of the meeting on Tuesday, the ambassadors of Denmark, Sweden and Germany sent a letter to council members saying their investigations have established the pipelines were extensively damaged “by powerful explosions due to sabotage”.

The letter said further investigations are being conducted in all three countries and it is unclear when they will finish. Russian authorities have been informed about the continuing investigations.

Security Council experts held closed consultations on Monday on the Russian draft resolution and council diplomats said there was opposition to it. No vote was expected at Tuesday’s meeting, council diplomats said.

Nord Stream 1 carried Russian gas to Germany until Moscow cut off supplies at the end of August 2022. Nord Stream 2 never entered service as Germany suspended its certification process shortly before Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

The explosions on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines took place on September 26.

Russia has alleged the US was behind the attack, and the country’s resolution said the sabotage “occurred after the repeated threats to the Nord Stream by the leadership of the United States”.

The US has denied the allegation. US Department of State spokesman Ned Price last week called it “pure disinformation” that the US was involved in targeting Nord Stream.

‘Substantial and worrisome’
In their letter to the council, Denmark, Sweden and Germany reiterated that acts of sabotage against the pipelines were “unacceptable, endanger international security and give cause for our deep concern”.

Concerns about the indirect effects on greenhouse gas emissions are “substantial and worrisome”, the letter said.

The Russian draft resolution expressed serious concern at the “devastating consequences to the environment” from the acts of sabotage, which also “pose a threat to international peace and security”.

The attack is estimated to have released 778 million cubic metres of methane – the biggest burst of the potent greenhouse gas on record, raising new fears of the effect on the climate emergency.

In Germany, the federal prosecutor has launched a criminal investigation to establish if a crime of sabotage under section 88 of the criminal code was committed.

The Russian draft asked UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to urgently establish an independent international investigation of the sabotage to identify “its perpetrators, sponsors, organisers and accomplices”.

Pipeline operator Russia and other interested parties have been barred from national investigations into the matter, it said.

Reference: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/2/21/russia-calls-un-meeting-on-nord-stream-pipeline-sabotage.

[MENTION=149166]Technics 1210[/MENTION] [MENTION=43583]KingKhanWC[/MENTION]
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These American hypocrites cry about climate change yet they blew up the pipeline. The Nord Stream sabotage has released 778-million cubic metres of methane (biggest burst of greenhouse gas on record).

Russia has called for UN meeting.

Reference: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/2/21/russia-calls-un-meeting-on-nord-stream-pipeline-sabotage.

[MENTION=149166]Technics 1210[/MENTION] [MENTION=43583]KingKhanWC[/MENTION]

Greta Thunberg should be calling this out!

Amreeka doesn't care about the environment anyway, they dropped 2 nukes which released radioactive substances into the atmosphere but still go on about Chernobyl!
These American hypocrites cry about climate change yet they blew up the pipeline. The Nord Stream sabotage has released 778-million cubic metres of methane (biggest burst of greenhouse gas on record).

Russia has called for UN meeting.

Reference: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/2/21/russia-calls-un-meeting-on-nord-stream-pipeline-sabotage.

@<a href="http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/member.php?u=149166" target="_blank">Technics 1210</a> @<a href="http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/member.php?u=43583" target="_blank">KingKhanWC</a>

Its also been called environmental terrorism, which is true.

Yes Greta wont say anything because this little smug girl is nothing more than a puppet for the WEF.

I love the Irish people, many still wont sell out to the lies. They have spoken many a time about Israeli terroism. This is a good little speech.

Led By Donkeys has painted the whole street where the Russian Embassy in Londn is in yellow and pale blue.


Strange people getting locked up for criminal damage and making no difference to the war on the ground.

I wonder if they know, Russia is on the assault now, many troops have entered towards the front line.

Bakhmut is under serious siege now. Zelensky has changed his tune on this town, he knows it will fall soon.

In an interview with Italian media on Sunday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that while defending the city of Bakhmut is important to Ukraine, the country isn’t willing to defend it “at all costs.”

Zelensky explained that Bakhmut is a relatively small city, and that maintaining control over it is not worth “everybody dying,” but that Ukraine will fight for the city “as long as it remains rational” to do so. “We’re resisting, and at the same time preparing for our next counteroffensive,” the president said.

A year onwards yet no end in sight

'This will be the year of our victory,' says Zelenskiy
Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy has just posted on Telegram saying, “On 24 February, millions of us made a choice. Not a white flag, but a blue and yellow flag. Not fleeing, but facing. Facing the enemy. Resistance and struggle.

“It was a year of pain, sorrow, faith and unity. And this is a year of our invincibility. We know that this will be the year of our victory!”

Strange people getting locked up for criminal damage and making no difference to the war on the ground.

It’s called peaceful protest. Ordinary Britons telling the Russian Embassy that this is not ok.
Criminal damage is not peacful protesting.

Liberals in the West are totally bonkers thinking crime equates to peace.

Arrest them for criminal damage and throw away the key.
Poland says it has delivered four Leopard tanks - and is prepared to deliver more quickly - on the anniversary of Russia's invasion
Ukraine is hoping its allies will deliver dozens of the German-made tanks - and that this could prove a game-changer on the battlefield
Protesters in Berlin have positioned a knocked-out T-72 right in front of the Russian Embassy, with cannon pointed at the building.

I really find it hard to believe that the Ukrainians have held out for a whole year. Was it really a year ago that I watched a flashmob orchestra play The Great Gate of Kiev in my town square? What resilience!
A sign of things to come.

LONDON, Nov 13 (Reuters) - Russia's Yevgeny Prigozhin, a close ally of President Vladimir Putin, said on Sunday that a former mercenary who was filmed being executed by a sledgehammer blow to the head after changing sides in the Ukraine war was a traitor.

Prigozhin, a Russian businessman who founded the Wagner private military group, was responding to an unverified video distributed on Telegram that showed a man identified as a former Wagner mercenary being executed after admitting that he had changed sides in September to "fight against the Russians".
In the footage, the man, who gave his name as Yevgenny Nuzhin, 55, was shown with his head taped to a brick wall. He said he was abducted in Kyiv on Oct. 11 and came around in a cellar.
"I got hit over the head and lost consciousness and came around in this cellar," he said. "They told me I was to be tried."

As he said those words, an unidentified man loitering in combat clothing behind Nuzhin, smashed a sledgehammer into the side of his head and neck.
It’s called peaceful protest. Ordinary Britons telling the Russian Embassy that this is not ok.

Are you supporting breaking the uk law Robert? The people whose car tyres were painted yellow should be ok with it ? If my car tyres were being painted , I’d make sure i stop these imbeciles
Are you supporting breaking the uk law Robert? The people whose car tyres were painted yellow should be ok with it ? If my car tyres were being painted , I’d make sure i stop these imbeciles

I wouldn't have done it. I just found the trolling of the Russian Embassy amusing.
How about the peacenow protests across Europe at the moment. London, Milan, Genoa and Moldova. Not a peep from MSM.


I wouldn't have done it. I just found the trolling of the Russian Embassy amusing.

Criminal damage is not trolling. Ordinary citizens driving were subjected to paint on their tyres.

The anti war protesters around the globe are far more intelligent. Cheerleading Ukrainians to death and risking a nuclear war is as idiotic as it gets. The pro-Ukrainian Brits would be the first to hide or run if Russians started a war with UK and tbh it would be self defence.
The anti war protesters around the globe are far more intelligent. Cheerleading Ukrainians to death and risking a nuclear war is as idiotic as it gets. The pro-Ukrainian Brits would be the first to hide or run if Russians started a war with UK and tbh it would be self defence.

I just see them as naive at best, and Putin’s useful
Idiots at best for his agents are in their midst. They don’t realise that freedom isn’t free. In the end it must be protected by men with guns.
I just see them as naive at best, and Putin’s useful
Idiots at best for his agents are in their midst. They don’t realise that freedom isn’t free. In the end it must be protected by men with guns.

But you cant/wont go over but instead cheerlead Ukrainians to their deaths? If the west care so much and think its vital, why sit back and watch others. The brave west were quick to rush to poor nations like Afghanistan or nations with no power to fight back like Syria, Libya, Iraq. Put the money where the mouth is Robert?

The anti-war and anti-Nato terrorism protestors understand this and also realise there is a risk of an escalation, their care about their children's future, even if you and the road painters dont?
Previously, pro-Ukrainian activists set up a destroyed tank in central Berlin, pointing its muzzle at the Russian Embassy to stage an event in support of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Local residents objected to this and began laying flowers on the combat vehicle, thereby expressing their disagreement with the supply of arms to Ukraine. To protest against the escalating conflict in Ukraine, participants in the biggest demonstration in recent years also laid flowers on the float. The Berlin police did not intervene in what was happening.


Glad to see the Germans waking up to this US proxy war, which is ruining their once great nation. How embarrassing the tank is now a sign of care for the Russians.

Glad to see the Germans waking up to this US proxy war, which is ruining their once great nation. How embarrassing the tank is now a sign of care for the Russians.

People in France have been demonstrating against France's membership of NATO today! But is the BBC or any Amreekan channel reporting this news? No.

I am loving it! The EU is crumbling! Love it!

If I were to place a wager my bet is the EU will be finished before Russia!
People in France have been demonstrating against France's membership of NATO today! But is the BBC or any Amreekan channel reporting this news? No.

I am loving it! The EU is crumbling! Love it!

If I were to place a wager my bet is the EU will be finished before Russia!
More than likely you will lose the bet
The view from dissident Russian socialists. They see Putin as a gangster-capitalist imperialist who has killed hundreds of thousands of Russians for nothing.


A Putin victory would mean not only the subjugation of Ukraine, but also the bending of all post-Soviet countries to the Kremlin’s will.

Within Russia, a victory for the regime would preserve a system defined by the security and fossil-fuel oligarchy’s rule over other social classes (above all the working class) and the plundering of natural resources at the expense of technological and social development.

In contrast, the defeat of Putinism in Ukraine would likely lend momentum to movements for democratic change in Belarus, Kazakhstan, and other former Soviet countries, as well as in Russia itself.

Glad to see the Germans waking up to this US proxy war, which is ruining their once great nation. How embarrassing the tank is now a sign of care for the Russians.

From the Russian socialist statement:

Unfortunately, not all the “peace” rallies taking place next weekend will be actions of solidarity with Ukraine. A large part of the left in the West does not understand the nature of this war and advocates compromise with Putinism.

We have written this statement to help our comrades abroad understand the situation and take the right stand.

The 2014 seizure of Crimea and hostilities in the Donbas were a response by the Kremlin to the “revolution of dignity” in Ukraine, which overthrew the corrupt pro-Russian administration of Viktor Yanukovych, as well as to Russians’ mass demonstrations for fair elections in 2011–12 (known as the Bolotnaya Square protests).

Annexing the Crimean Peninsula was a domestic policy win for Putin. He successfully used revanchist, anti-Western, and traditionalist rhetoric (as well as political persecution) to expand his social base, isolate the opposition, and turn the Maidan into a bogeyman with which to frighten the population.

But the popularity boost that followed the annexation was short-lived. The late 2010s saw economic stagnation, an unpopular pension reform, and high-profile anti-corruption revelations by Alexei Navalny’s team that dragged Putin’s ratings back down, especially among young people. Protests swept the country, and the ruling United Russia party suffered a series of painful defeats in regional elections.

This context has driven the Kremlin to place all its bets on conserving the regime. The 2020 constitutional referendum (which required rigging unprecedented even by Russian standards) effectively made Putin a ruler for life. Under the pretext of containing the COVID-19 pandemic, protest gatherings were finally banned. An attempt was made to poison extra-parliamentary opposition leader Alexei Navalny, which he miraculously survived.

The popular uprising of summer 2020 in Belarus confirmed the Russian elite’s belief that the “collective West” is waging a “hybrid war” against Russia, attacking it and its satellites with “color revolutions.”

Of course, such claims are nothing more than a conspiracy theory. Social and political discontent in Russia has been growing due to record social inequality, poverty, corruption, rollbacks of civil liberties, and the obvious futility of the Russian model of capitalism, which is based on a parasitic fossil-fuel oligarchy appropriating natural resource rents.”
^ I would have been interested in hearing why Germans refused to join in against the hate of Russians and instead laced the tank with flowers in support of Russia esp its past.

Putin is more loved and favoured than ever, dont fall for this western propaganda he is somehow going to fall out of some window the west keeps seeing in the dreams.

Many Europeans are now waking up, seeing west spending their tax money of weapons to Ukraine while their own citizens are freezing, hungry, losing jobs, paying through the roof etc.

Strong protests around Europe and USA, great to see. West also has some great people in positions of influence who havent sold out, such as this chap. He's older than Biden but has his own mind still.

Must Watch

Even Trump is admitting the US was behind the bloody coup in 2014. Calling out the globalists etc. He's saying this because many Yanks are waking up and realising this.

Russia owns Ukraine and its violent friends in the UN. Ukraine attempted to call for a standing min silence for those killed in the aggression. Russia stopped it, added they will stand for all people who have died. Ukraine and their mates couldnt decide whether to stand with this but did in the end. :)))

Russia owns Ukraine and its violent friends in the UN. Ukraine attempted to call for a standing min silence for those killed in the aggression. Russia stopped it, added they will stand for all people who have died. Ukraine and their mates couldnt decide whether to stand with this but did in the end. :)))

The Ukranian rep was owned big time, in fact, humiliated.

As for the rest who were reluctant to stand, well it proves they are not interested in the loss of innocent lives.
The Ukranian rep was owned big time, in fact, humiliated.

As for the rest who were reluctant to stand, well it proves they are not interested in the loss of innocent lives.

Russians are far too smart for the west. One is a culture which believes in family structure, right to prosper without oustide attacks, sanctions etc. The other is living in some cuckoo land thinking it will always be the wealthiest and can live and attack others as they wish, the wake up call is about to sound.

Interestingly one of Zelenskys aids stated men are forced to fight, the so called freedom no longer exists for them. Yet the liberals still support Ukraine and Nazis?
The view from dissident Russian socialists. They see Putin as a gangster-capitalist imperialist who has killed hundreds of thousands of Russians for nothing.
Seriously, do you have any idea how much tougher most of the Russian politicians are compared to Putin? Compared to Medvedev for example, he is certainly more patient and measured.

Be careful with what you ask for.