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The Russian invasion of Ukraine

wanna list all the provocations that the US has done re: Ukraine?

This should be fun. No rubbish like 'biolabs' etc

USA has surrounded Russia with their bases.

Would America be okay if an enemy country surrounds them with bases?

Also, not sure why you are dismissing biolab theory so easily. It is not impossible for America to do something like this (given their track records).
Also, not sure why you are dismissing biolab theory so easily. It is not impossible for America to do something like this (given their track records).

Nuland admitted it months ago, she picked an appropriate time clearly because everyone seems to have overlooked it.
No she didn't. Thats another lie thats been exposed.

She said Ukraine has biolab facilities (like all nations), not once was the US mentioned.

Ukraine has 4, all readily available to see online. All regarding infectious diseases. One is in Donestk so surely Russia would have released the info?
No she didn't. Thats another lie thats been exposed.

She said Ukraine has biolab facilities (like all nations), not once was the US mentioned.

Ukraine has 4, all readily available to see online. All regarding infectious diseases. One is in Donestk so surely Russia would have released the info?

So, America always tells the truth and Russia always lies.

European Manufacturing Sector Has Tipped Into Recession

“The eurozone goods-producing sector moved into a deeper decline at the start of the fourth quarter. The PMI surveys are now clearly signalling that the manufacturing economy is in a recession,” Joe Hayes, senior economist at S&P Global Market Intelligence, said.

Germany’s manufacturing sector has held up its economy for decades, largely funded by cheap Russian energy. "

Russia literally has the world by the nuts.

Nitpicking gain this and gain that is ludicrous. It is mostly coming from war mongering elitist wannabe’s.

The sooner the west take this L and understand supporting this war effort is doing us no good, the better will our day to day lives be.
We have now removed the previous thread as it had simply become unmanageable and was simply going nowhere.

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Seems people losing track again.

Here is a reminder.
Come to negotiation table instead of giving inflammatory statements or doing inflammatory things (like blowing up Crimean bridge and killing 3 civilians).

That should be the approach.
The Crimean Bridge is the route by which Russia sent its soldiers to invade, Rape, steal and murder.

You are writing drivel again. You may as well say that a woman takes inflammatory action if she locks the front door to keep rapists out of her house. And that she should instead negotiate how often the rapist is allowed to rape her.

You seem to have a real problem distinguishing between good and bad, between truth and lies and between facts and propaganda.

The content of some of your most recent posts basically supports evil by saying “but that’s ok because the USA once did something bad somewhere else.”
Exaggeration by Ukraine? if so by how much?

The Crimean Bridge is the route by which Russia sent its soldiers to invade, Rape, steal and murder.

You are writing drivel again. You may as well say that a woman takes inflammatory action if she locks the front door to keep rapists out of her house. And that she should instead negotiate how often the rapist is allowed to rape her.

You seem to have a real problem distinguishing between good and bad, between truth and lies and between facts and propaganda.

The content of some of your most recent posts basically supports evil by saying “but that’s ok because the USA once did something bad somewhere else.”

I was pointing out the root cause behind this Russian invasion. It is the result of years of American provocation.

Do you want Ukraine to continue this war? The longer this war continues, the more Ukrainian people die and the more Ukrainian infrastructures get demolished. Do you realize this?

Peace talk is the only solution.
We must end this war – saving Ukraine’s democracy is just one reason to do so
Phyllis Bennis

War and democracy have always been more comfortable bedfellows than they should be. Our own history makes that perfectly clear.

During the second world war, the US sent Japanese Americans to internment camps. During Vietnam, the FBI surveilled and attacked anti-war and civil rights movements. And the “war on terror” led to a massive assault on civil liberties, especially of Muslim and Arab communities.

Firefighters work to put out a fire at an energy infrastructure facility in Cherkasy region, Ukraine.
Ukraine faces ‘winter humanitarian crisis’ with energy grid on the brink
Read more
The longer wars continue, the harder it is to reclaim those lost liberties. More than 20 years after the US invasion of Afghanistan, the 2001 Patriot Act’s attacks on civil liberties remain and US police departments are more militarized than ever.

That reality is all the more true in an acknowledged fragile democracy like Ukraine.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine’s governments have often been marked by corruption and repression. And since Nato began its provocative eastward expansion, Ukrainians have also faced renewed Russian aggression, including the 2014 illegal seizure of Crimea and other parts of their territory.

The US, challenging Russian influence, has backed a set of political players in Ukraine including powerful far-right forces linked to neo-Nazi organizations, who were particularly influential within Ukraine’s military and to a lesser degree within its parliament.

The 2019 election reduced some of the influence of those rightwing extremists and brought to power a more democratic leadership headed by President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. But challenges remain.

In 2020 alone, Ukraine’s Institute of Mass Information reported 229 free speech violations, including 171 physical attacks against journalists. In 2021 and 2022, Freedom House rated Ukraine at a low 39 on its democracy percentage for nations in transition. It noted that while “laws and strategies respecting civil society, ethnic minorities, and human rights” had been adopted, they were “accompanied by the imposition of sanctions on a record number of Ukrainian citizens, businesses, and media”.

Now things are much worse. Whatever democratic openings Zelenskiy’s election may have heralded, Ukraine’s democracy is clearly threatened – certainly by the Russian invasion, but also by the corrosive impact war has on all democratic structures.

Few countries mobilized for war, whether aggressive or defensive, have not faced losing many of whatever democratic freedoms had previously existed. In February last year, a year before the war, Zelenskiy’s administration banned TV stations, claiming they were part of Russian disinformation, and a month into the invasion banned 11 opposition political parties.

None of that is surprising for a nation at war. But it points to another reason for urgency in ending it: many analysts have already predicted Ukraine faces a long-term war of attrition, with neither achieving full victory. If accurate, what remains of Ukraine’s fragile democracy may not survive regardless of the final outcome.

The best way to ensure strengthened democracy in postwar Ukraine is to end this war as soon as possible, before more Ukrainians are killed, more Ukrainian cities are destroyed, and more of Ukraine’s already imperiled democracy is lost.

That means an urgent search for a diplomatic track. As Ukraine’s primary arms supplier and funder, Washington needs to call for immediate negotiations to begin that process.

This doesn’t mean twisting Ukraine’s arm to accept Moscow’s demands – decisions of what to concede or not in any negotiations is up to Kyiv, not Washington.

But the US could help diplomacy gain traction by immediately initiating its own direct talks with Russia on issues shaping bilateral relations between the nuclear giants. They could negotiate reopening all stalled or expired arms control and nuclear disarmament agreements. Washington could clarify that it will lift sanctions on Russia when a ceasefire takes hold. It could offer to discuss canceling, or at least pausing, work on the provocative new US military base currently under construction in Poland less than 100 miles (161km) from the Russian border.

There are many urgent reasons this war must be ended soon, and protecting the chances for Ukraine’s postwar democracy is only one of them. The war has been a disaster for the global economy, a danger to the environment as governments hunt for more fossil fuels as oil prices rise and a threat to millions facing famine as grain exports dry up. Militarization is rising in Washington DC, across Europe, and around the world. And the threat of a nuclear exchange between the world’s two primary nuclear weapons states has not loomed so close in 60 years.

Any one of those reasons, along with the need to stop the killing of Ukrainians, should be enough to end this war. Together, they demand an urgent call for an immediate ceasefire and negotiations – diplomacy, not escalation, to end this war.

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/comment...aine-democracy-russia-zelenskiy-us-washington.

Any sane person would say this war needs to be over to save human lives. People who want this war to continue either have mental problems or are just evil.
Even the propaganda outlets like Guardian are leaking out stuff from their establishment now that they face the grim reality:

"Reports suggest Putin mainly wanted Ukraine to renounce its ambition to join Nato and accept autonomy for Donetsk and Luhansk, in line with the Minsk agreements of 2015. Volodymyr Zelenskiy, the Ukrainian president, was willing to consider Russia’s demands in exchange for a ceasefire and a Russian withdrawal, while the status of Crimea was left for later discussion. ​

That did not happen. Enter Joe Biden and Boris Johnson, their interventions, and the sense that what had been a war to defend and restore Ukraine’s sovereignty had became a proxy war between the west and Russia.​"

Ukraine warns Iran of 'consequences of complicity'

We reported earlier as Iran finally acknowledged it had supplied Russia with "kamikaze" Shahed-136 drones Ukraine claims have been used in the war.

Hossein Amirabdollahian, the country's foreign minister, insisted that the transfer took place months before Moscow's war on Ukraine.

In response, Ukraine said Iran must recognise the "consequences of complicity" with Moscow would be "greater than the benefit".

Foreign ministry spokesman Oleg Nikolenko said: "Tehran should realise that the consequences of complicity in the crimes of the Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine will be much greater than the benefit of Russia's support."
Ukraine warns Iran of 'consequences of complicity'

We reported earlier as Iran finally acknowledged it had supplied Russia with "kamikaze" Shahed-136 drones Ukraine claims have been used in the war.

Hossein Amirabdollahian, the country's foreign minister, insisted that the transfer took place months before Moscow's war on Ukraine.

In response, Ukraine said Iran must recognise the "consequences of complicity" with Moscow would be "greater than the benefit".

Foreign ministry spokesman Oleg Nikolenko said: "Tehran should realise that the consequences of complicity in the crimes of the Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine will be much greater than the benefit of Russia's support."
Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law to conscript citizens with unexpunged or outstanding convictions for murder, robbery, larceny, drug trafficking and other serious crimes under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation to be called up for military service to mobilize.

This makes it possible to mobilize hundreds of thousands of people who have been sentenced to probation or have recently been released from colonies who were previously forbidden to serve.

Putin on Friday signed a law that allows citizens convicted for serious crimes to be drafted for military service.
Putin on Friday signed a law that allows citizens convicted for serious crimes to be drafted for military service.

The only group of criminals exempted from the decree are those who committed sex crimes against minors, treason, spying or terrorism. Also excluded are those convicted of the attempted assassination of a government official, hijacking an aircraft, extremist activity and illegal handling of nuclear materials and radioactive substances.

President Vladmir Putin said Friday that the Kremlin had already mobilized an additional 18,000 soldiers above its goal of 300,000 to fight in its war in Ukraine from the general male population of Russia.

Earlier this week, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that all partial mobilization activities, including summons deliveries, had been suspended after officials said the draft’s target of recruiting 300,000 personnel had been met.

Moscow has mobilized a surplus of 18,000 soldiers alongside its goal of 300,000 to fight in its invasion of Ukraine, according to Putin.
Moscow has mobilized a surplus of 18,000 soldiers alongside its goal of 300,000 to fight in its invasion of Ukraine, according to Putin.

However, Putin’s partial mobilization order will only end when the Russian President signs in an official decree. Until then, he reserves the right to recruit more people into military conscription in the future.

The head of Russia’s notorious Wagner forces, Yevgeny Prigozhin, has apparently summoned prisoners from Russian jails to join the mercenary group in fighting the Kremlin’s war in Ukraine.

The amendments signed by Putin are unrelated to these alleged recruitments. Instead, the law applies to prisoners who were conditionally convicted or released from colonies. These people usually must remain under the supervision of the authorities for eight to ten years until the conviction is canceled.

They are not allowed to leave their place of residence and must comply with various restrictions.
Russia Becomes India’s Top Crude Oil Supplier

"Russia overtook OPEC heavyweights Iraq and Saudi Arabia to become the largest crude oil supplier to India in October, with record shipments of

946,000 barrels per day (bpd), the Economic Times reported on Wednesday, quoting estimates from energy analytics firm Vortexa.

Before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, India was a small marginal buyer of Russian crude oil. After Western buyers started shunning crude from Russia, India became a top destination for Russian oil exports alongside China.

Indian refiners haven’t expressed hesitation to deal with Russia—their primary incentive to buy has been the much cheaper Russian oil than international benchmarks and similar grades from the Middle East and Africa."

Biden administration ‘privately encouraging Zelensky to show willingness to hold talks with Putin’

US media reports said Ukraine’s ban on negotiating with Russia was risking reduced support from parts of Europe, Africa and Latin America.

The Biden administration is privately encouraging Ukraine to signal a willingness to hold talks with Russia as its policy of non-engagement with Vladimir Putin is at risk of reducing support from other nations, US media reported on Sunday.

The Washington Post cited unnamed sources as saying the request by American officials was not aimed at pushing Ukraine to the negotiating table, but a calculated attempt to ensure Kyiv maintains the support of other nations.

Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian president, has ruled out direct talks with Mr Putin as it is “impossible” to negotiate with him in good faith but has left the door open to Ukraine-Russia talks.

However, US and Ukrainian officials said that Mr Zelensky's ban on talks with Mr Putin had caused concern in parts of Europe, Africa and Latin America, where the war’s effects on costs of food and fuel are felt most sharply, the Washington Post reported.


A clear win for Putin; NATO is now desperate to avoid a bleak and dark winter.
Ukrainian refugees push German cities to their limits

" "Welcome culture" runs into resource realities: Already short-staffed and stretched thin, regional officials around Germany say their refugee efforts are getting to be too much.

12 of Germany's 16 states reported that they were at their breaking point, according to the Federal Interior Ministry.

Earlier this month, Cottbus made national headlines when it announced it would no longer accept refugees without a more "equitable" resettlement policy. The announcement prompted "no official response" from state or federal authorities."

Ukrainian refugees push German cities to their limits

" "Welcome culture" runs into resource realities: Already short-staffed and stretched thin, regional officials around Germany say their refugee efforts are getting to be too much.

12 of Germany's 16 states reported that they were at their breaking point, according to the Federal Interior Ministry.

Earlier this month, Cottbus made national headlines when it announced it would no longer accept refugees without a more "equitable" resettlement policy. The announcement prompted "no official response" from state or federal authorities."


This will only become worse for Germany and Europe as millions more are likely to leave.

Ukraine war: Kyiv Mayor Klitschko warns of evacuations if power lost

Kyiv residents should be prepared to leave the city if there is a total loss of power, its mayor has said.

In recent weeks millions of Ukrainians have intermittently been left without electricity and water, as Russian air strikes target vital infrastructure.

Rolling power cuts are also in place to avoid overloads and to allow for repairs.

Some 40% of Ukraine's energy system has been damaged or destroyed by Russian attacks on power plants and lines.

Another city official has warned that, in the case of a total blackout, water supply and sewage would also stop working.


Its beyond my understanding why some feel Ukraine or Natos proxy war is winning here?
Different thread for Economic impact of the Ukraine thing on Europe.

Leave this thread alone.
Lets hope this is acceptable as its a Ukraine issue. :wg

Blackout Kyiv: Haunting images show Ukrainians walking through capital in total darkness as Zelensky warns 4.5MILLION face bleak winter without power as Russia 'plans MORE strikes on war-torn country's energy infrastructure'

Around 4.5 million people are without electricity, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in his nightly video address to the nation on Sunday.

He called on Ukrainians to endure the hardships and said: 'We must get through this winter and be even stronger in the spring than now.'

Russia has focused on striking Ukraine's energy infrastructure over the last month, causing power cuts and rolling outages across the country.

Kyiv was having hourly rotating blackouts in parts of the city and the surrounding region on Sunday.

Rolling blackouts were also planned in the Chernihiv, Cherkasy, Zhytomyr, Sumy, Kharkiv and Poltava regions, Ukraine's state-owned energy operator Ukrenergo said.

Kyiv plans to deploy about 1,000 heating points but it is unclear if that would be enough for a city of three million people.

The mayor of Kyiv is warning residents to prepare for the worst this winter if Russia keeps striking the country's energy infrastructure.

It means having no electricity, water or heat in the freezing cold cannot be ruled out in the Ukrainian capital.


Ukrainians need to stand up and get rid of their leader and find someone who cares for them, will make a peace deal.
Assault detachments of PMC Wagner broke through the enemy(Ukrainian) defenses and entered the city of Artemovsk (Bakhmut).
As a result of a missile attack by the Russian Aerospace Forces, a railway bridge in the Kharkov region was damaged. The supply of the Armed Forces of Ukraine along the railway line to this direction was disrupted.
Russia flew €140m and a selection of captured UK and US weapons to Iran in return for dozens of deadly drones for its war in Ukraine, a security source has claimed.

A Russian military aircraft secretly transported the cash and three models of munition - a British NLAW anti-tank missile, a US Javelin anti-tank missile and a Stinger anti-aircraft missile - to an airport in Tehran in the early hours of 20 August, the source told Sky News, speaking on condition of anonymity to share sensitive information.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky on Monday called on world powers “to force Russia into real peace negotiations,” and set out his own conditions for resuming talks.

His remarks follow reports that US officials have been pushing Ukraine to show willingness to engage in dialogue with Moscow.

“Once again: restoration of territorial integrity, respect for the UN Charter, compensation for all war damage, punishment of every war criminal, and guarantees that this will not happen again. These are completely understandable conditions,” he said in a video address.

American media earlier claimed the White House was privately asking top Ukrainian officials to show it was open to peace talks. The Washington Post reported, citing its sources, that the US goal was not to push Ukraine to negotiate an end to the fighting, but to alleviate foreign backers’ concerns about a long conflict.

Previously, Zelensky repeatedly stated that his only goal in the conflict was to defeat Russia on the battlefield and retake control of all territories that Kiev considers to be under its sovereignty.


Ukraine and NATO caving in to Russian superiority! Putin's previous attempts at peace were ignored, now Ukraine wants the West to 'force' Putin into peace negotiations.

Despite the fallacious claims of Russia running out of Missiles, Russian economy collapsing, and Russian army retreating, it is clear as daylight that Russia wins - NATO loses.

And were not even in winter season yet!
It does feel recently that there have been some small steps towards a negotiated conclusion.

<b>Ukraine says talks with Russia hinge on ‘territorial integrity’</b>

<I>Kyiv calls for the restoration of Ukraine’s borders as a precondition for negotiations while ruling out any talks with Putin.</I>

Kyiv’s main precondition for entering negotiations with Russia on ending the war is the return of all captured Ukrainian land, according to a high-ranking security official.

Oleksiy Danilov, the secretary of Ukraine’s National Security and Defence Council, said on Tuesday that the Ukrainian side also needed the “guarantee” of modern air defences, aircraft, tanks and long-range missiles.

Kyiv has repeatedly called for additional arms from its Western backers following Russia’s invasion in late February.

“The main condition of the President of Ukraine is restoration of Ukrainian territorial integrity,” Danilov tweeted.

“Guarantee – modern air defence, aircraft, tanks, and long-range missiles. Strategy – proactive steps. Russian missiles must be destroyed before launch in the air, on land and at sea,” he said.

Danilov’s remarks came after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in his overnight address on Monday that he was open to “genuine” negotiations with Russia that would restore Ukraine’s borders.

He also called for compensation following devastating Russian attacks, and demanded those responsible for alleged war crimes are punished.

Talk of a negotiated end to the conflict has risen in recent days, after the Washington Post newspaper reported that the United States has privately encouraged Ukrainian officials to signal an openness to talk with its neighbour.

US officials reportedly want Ukraine to take the moral high ground and appear more interested in negotiations, amid concerns Kyiv might soon lose international support if it remains resolutely against discussions.

After Russia announced the annexation of four partly occupied regions of Ukraine at the end of September, Zelenskyy said Kyiv will not hold talks with Moscow as long as President Vladimir Putin remains in power.

Government figures have restated this position in recent days, saying that Kyiv would however be willing to negotiate with a successor to Putin.

On Monday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Moscow is open to talks but that Kyiv is refusing them. Russian officials have repeatedly said they will not negotiate over territory they claim to have annexed from Ukraine.

Apart from Russia-ally North Korea, no countries recognise the latest annexations. Most of the world also refuses to recognise Crimea, annexed in 2014, as Russian land.

Meanwhile, the US, Ukraine’s main backer, is holding mid-term elections for Congress on Tuesday.

Although most candidates from both parties strongly support Kyiv, some right-wing Republican candidates have expressed doubt about the cost of US military aid while others on the left faced backlash after calling for “vigorous” diplomacy to end the war.

The White House says US support for Ukraine will be “unflinching and unwavering” regardless of the outcome of Tuesday’s votes.


The Kherson push has begun.... the installed puppet is also dead!

Russian troops say \\Kherson is surrended... will be announced later
Russia might be better for now economically but my goodness the losses ,this is exactly the problem with inability to change the leaders of a country.
could get real ugly for Russia this. It will be a miracle if they mention to get all their heavy equipment over the river, whilst Ukraine has carte blanche shooting them with HIMARS.
What is the reason for the Russian withdrawal?
This misadventure is going from bad to worse for Russia. Kherson was the only major city they have captured and rather than fight for it they are running away like rats abandoning a sinking ship and I don’t blame them in some sense as I wouldn’t want to die for a lunatic either.

Let’s see how Putins lapdogs will spin this humiliation.
Russia seeks peace; withdrawing from Kherson is a good will gesture towards the West, just like Amreeka withdrew from Turkey during the Cuban missile crisis. Especially knowing Europe is about to be plunged into the dark ages during winter. 2 words - Check and Mate.

5 Million Ukrainians, will all the funding from NATO, still need electricity and of course, warmth and food.

Billions from NATO funding the war instead of the welfare of Ukrainian proves that NATO has lost the proxy war which is why NATO is urging its puppet Zelensky to negotiate peace.

Once again, Russia makes the first move towards peace.

NATO humiliated. So much for the size of NATO economies and defence spending!

Remember what I have been saying, wars of today are not fought with missiles and bullets; but economies and resources.

Time for your Weetabix.
Hahahahaha. Russia getting their backside whopped. The trolls here still going at it. 😝
I needed to get information from all sides about what is happening in kherson. It appears as if it's a strategic withdrawal by the Russians because of the continued shelling and sabotage attempts on the Khakovka dam. To avoid being trapped they have pulled back. It really is as simple as that, they are protecting the lives of their men.
I needed to get information from all sides about what is happening in kherson. It appears as if it's a strategic withdrawal by the Russians because of the continued shelling and sabotage attempts on the Khakovka dam. To avoid being trapped they have pulled back. It really is as simple as that, they are protecting the lives of their men.

And getting their back side whipped
And getting their back side whipped

With 1/3 of men that Ukraine have, with all those sanctions and with all the military and economic funding coming from the collective West towards Ukraine it's fair to say Russia are doing more than fine.

The problem with the MSM and the public is that they really are utterly clueless or are just lying about what's happening out there.

I remind you this is the same MSM that reported Russian drones and missile stockpiles which were empty in April somehow are still getting entirety knocked out of the sky in November and are somehow still knocking out Ukrainian electricity and other infrastructure.
I needed to get information from all sides about what is happening in kherson. It appears as if it's a strategic withdrawal by the Russians because of the continued shelling and sabotage attempts on the Khakovka dam. To avoid being trapped they have pulled back. It really is as simple as that, they are protecting the lives of their men.

So... They are losing now? Can you finally start to admit it?

The timeline from the Ukrainian military guy has been spot on so far. BTW Russians are digging trenches around crimea
Russia always moves out civilians & troops to reduce casualties. . Ukrainians will sadly die in huge numbers again in Kherson , Russia will then return all citizens.

Ukraine is now forcing women to fight , has no power for millions , can’t retake any significant territory, Europeans want end to aid for them . Yet people still want to meld them & bbc feel better by delusions of Russia losing.
With 1/3 of men that Ukraine have, with all those sanctions and with all the military and economic funding coming from the collective West towards Ukraine it's fair to say Russia are doing more than fine.

The problem with the MSM and the public is that they really are utterly clueless or are just lying about what's happening out there.

I remind you this is the same MSM that reported Russian drones and missile stockpiles which were empty in April somehow are still getting entirety knocked out of the sky in November and are somehow still knocking out Ukrainian electricity and other infrastructure.

So they are losing now?
They control about 15% of Ukranian territory and have destroyed almost all of Ukraine's best army. If that's losing then sure.

so they've lost a quarter in the last 2 weeks? you kept claiming that had over 20%.

So they are now losing?
i swear i made quite a few posts in this thread months ago, did they get deleted or was that another thread? i like checking up on my predictions to see how right they were, i don't know what i said but pretty sure it wasn't a million miles off the mark.

fwiw the general discourse in this thread is like something from the twilight zone.
So you have no idea what's happening on the battlefield or with Ukraine's economic situation but claim Russia is losing?

I aim pretty current on the events. I was just wondering what your thoughts were:akhtar
i swear i made quite a few posts in this thread months ago, did they get deleted or was that another thread? i like checking up on my predictions to see how right they were, i don't know what i said but pretty sure it wasn't a million miles off the mark.

fwiw the general discourse in this thread is like something from the twilight zone.

It was a good thread but was binned for some reason.

Ukraine is in tatters now, very limited electricity and power in most major cities.

Millions of Ukrainians are still running away from cities.

The Ukrainian army has been decimated, their are reports of many Polish fighting as Ukrainian soldiers. Women are now being forced to pick up a gun.

Its crazy we still have people following BBC and CNN in delusion Ukraine is winning. If this is winning, I dont want to see what they think is losing. But when its no your country and you're safe and warm, cheerleading war is easy. No Yanks or Brits care for a Ukrainian life, for them its a James Bond Fantasy, Evil Russia is being harmed while their granny's are freezing due to high gas costs etc.
Russia controls 20% of Ukraine, even Zelensky admits it. Kherson will be shelled with massive amount of artillery once Ukrainian army moves in, Russia has dug in with loads of preparation on the other side, it will be a massacre.
Russia controls 20% of Ukraine, even Zelensky admits it. Kherson will be shelled with massive amount of artillery once Ukrainian army moves in, Russia has dug in with loads of preparation on the other side, it will be a massacre.

Plenty of boobytraps also laid.

We must remember Ukraine's main skilled troops are mostly killed off, these are farmers, mechanics, cleaners , Polish and others taking up arms for an offensive.

Meanwhile many European nations are seeing protests against sending aid for arms to Ukraine, Italy one of them now.
The flag of Russia is again raised in Pavlovka.

The marines of the 155th brigade, the fighters of the 40th brigade and the Kaskad OBTF, were able to push through the defenses of the 72nd brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Is there any more info on this? Info is really sparse atm..

Ukrainian military officer on the situation in Bakhmut: Russian troops are advancing, there are shooting battles in the city, shelling and air raids; we pray, it's hard for us.
It was a good thread but was binned for some reason.

Ukraine is in tatters now, very limited electricity and power in most major cities.

Millions of Ukrainians are still running away from cities.

The Ukrainian army has been decimated, their are reports of many Polish fighting as Ukrainian soldiers. Women are now being forced to pick up a gun.

Its crazy we still have people following BBC and CNN in delusion Ukraine is winning. If this is winning, I dont want to see what they think is losing. But when its no your country and you're safe and warm, cheerleading war is easy. No Yanks or Brits care for a Ukrainian life, for them its a James Bond Fantasy, Evil Russia is being harmed while their granny's are freezing due to high gas costs etc.

That's not correct. Women are volunteering in their tens of thousands. I would back a Ukrainian volunteer women over a Russian conscripted felon every time. Women make good snipers and artillery controllers and are arguably better combat pilots than men. The only thing they do less well than men is hump gear. The Ukrainian women need gear - uniforms that fit, shaped ballistic protection, underwear, sanitary items - which is starting to come through.

Fascinating interview with Ukraine's First lady on CNN. We have had enough of Moscow, she said. The Russian Empire, the USSR, now Putin. All the purges, the famines, the deportations to Siberia, being treated as second-class citizens, told Ukraine's language is just badly-spoken Russian. That's why they keep fighting. So their land is being ruined. They don't care. Their backs are to the wall - this is their nation's final stand. I can only admire them.
Meanwhile many European nations are seeing protests against sending aid for arms to Ukraine, Italy one of them now.

I expect more and more protests/oppositions to this war.

It is illogical and foolish to arm Ukraine indefinitely. Zelensky has to come to negotiation table to end this war.
That's not correct. Women are volunteering in their tens of thousands. I would back a Ukrainian volunteer women over a Russian conscripted felon every time. Women make good snipers and artillery controllers and are arguably better combat pilots than men. The only thing they do less well than men is hump gear. The Ukrainian women need gear - uniforms that fit, shaped ballistic protection, underwear, sanitary items - which is starting to come through.

Fascinating interview with Ukraine's First lady on CNN. We have had enough of Moscow, she said. The Russian Empire, the USSR, now Putin. All the purges, the famines, the deportations to Siberia, being treated as second-class citizens, told Ukraine's language is just badly-spoken Russian. That's why they keep fighting. So their land is being ruined. They don't care. Their backs are to the wall - this is their nation's final stand. I can only admire them.

From what I read , they are being conscripted to join. I dont know as many Ukrainian women as you do Robert and not suggesting women will also be worse fighters than men, it certainly wasnt the case for the Viking women who made easy work of the British soldiers when they invaded many years ago.

But the point was Ukraine is becoming very desperate now.

The puppet leaders in charge are doing the bidding of the US and UK, they are rich , will run of just as the Afghan puppets did but the nation will be left in ruins. Easy for her to say but did Ukraines first lady insist of joining the fight herself? I think not.
Russia controls 20% of Ukraine, even Zelensky admits it. Kherson will be shelled with massive amount of artillery once Ukrainian army moves in, Russia has dug in with loads of preparation on the other side, it will be a massacre.

More delusion. It's becoming amusing now.

Ukranian special forces have entered Kherson city. And when it's cleared it will become HIMARS time.

It will be a massacre..... For the Russians
Ukrainian military officer on the situation in Bakhmut: Russian troops are advancing, there are shooting battles in the city, shelling and air raids; we pray, it's hard for us.

They've only been trying to take it for 8 years...
From what I read , they are being conscripted to join. I dont know as many Ukrainian women as you do Robert and not suggesting women will also be worse fighters than men, it certainly wasnt the case for the Viking women who made easy work of the British soldiers when they invaded many years ago.

But the point was Ukraine is becoming very desperate now.

The puppet leaders in charge are doing the bidding of the US and UK, they are rich , will run of just as the Afghan puppets did but the nation will be left in ruins. Easy for her to say but did Ukraines first lady insist of joining the fight herself? I think not.

You literally have no idea about Ukraine. Desperate they are not... Taking Kherson is about as big a boost for an army already on the march as u can get.
You literally have no idea about Ukraine. Desperate they are not... Taking Kherson is about as big a boost for an army already on the march as u can get.

They havent taken Kherson, it was evacuated so civilians can be saved and the Russian troops can regroup at the river. They will return to fight.

Please stop now, you claimed 6 months ago Russia lost and has no more missiles but you should accept both of your crystal ball predictions have been proven to be just that.
They havent taken Kherson, it was evacuated so civilians can be saved and the Russian troops can regroup at the river. They will return to fight.

Please stop now, you claimed 6 months ago Russia lost and has no more missiles but you should accept both of your crystal ball predictions have been proven to be just that.

You literally swallow the propaganda. They have taken Kherson. They have destroyed the Russian supply lines and have starved them out.

It's classic tactics. How's the missile attackd gone this week?. Ukraine is now pumped full of air defence and Russia has roughly 120 left according to ukranian intel.

Just face facts.. the war is going south very quickly for Russia. Just as was said
From what I read , they are being conscripted to join. I dont know as many Ukrainian women as you do Robert and not suggesting women will also be worse fighters than men, it certainly wasnt the case for the Viking women who made easy work of the British soldiers when they invaded many years ago.

But the point was Ukraine is becoming very desperate now.

The puppet leaders in charge are doing the bidding of the US and UK, they are rich , will run of just as the Afghan puppets did but the nation will be left in ruins. Easy for her to say but did Ukraines first lady insist of joining the fight herself? I think not.

You give the Ukrainians so little credit. They have agency. They are dying for their land and their families, not Washington, London and Warsaw - who are admirably stopping so many of them dying.

Viking women? Britons resisted the Viking invaders, who pillaged and took us as slaves.
You literally swallow the propaganda. They have taken Kherson. They have destroyed the Russian supply lines and have starved them out.

It's classic tactics. How's the missile attackd gone this week?. Ukraine is now pumped full of air defence and Russia has roughly 120 left according to ukranian intel.

Just face facts.. the war is going south very quickly for Russia. Just as was said

The civillians were evacuated because Ukrainians shell civilians because they are aligned with Russia. Believe BBC which has made you look silly many times.

120 left :))) :)))

So no more missiles by Sunday? According to you NOT a SINGLE missile will be fired by Russia after these 120?
You give the Ukrainians so little credit. They have agency. They are dying for their land and their families, not Washington, London and Warsaw - who are admirably stopping so many of them dying.

Viking women? Britons resisted the Viking invaders, who pillaged and took us as slaves.

He knows absolutely nothing about Europe. Those 'viking women' helped create a nation that defeated the Vikings Nd went on to pilage most of the world (sadly)
You give the Ukrainians so little credit. They have agency. They are dying for their land and their families, not Washington, London and Warsaw - who are admirably stopping so many of them dying.

Viking women? Britons resisted the Viking invaders, who pillaged and took us as slaves.

They are sadly dying for US interests. Ukraine wanted a peace deal back in April in Turkey but Boris the puppet ran over with his fat belly to sabotage peace talks. Ever since Ukrainians have been doing what their masters insist.

Shield Maidens came over and took over many parts of England inc York. It could a long time for England to beat them. Those women are as strong as men, no woman today is near the same. Ukrainians wanting women to fight shows their are struggling badly, as you dont see Russian women in the battlefield in such numbers?
The civillians were evacuated because Ukrainians shell civilians because they are aligned with Russia. Believe BBC which has made you look silly many times.

120 left :))) :)))

So no more missiles by Sunday? According to you NOT a SINGLE missile will be fired by Russia after these 120?

Keep believing the Kremlin... Although I don't think they are even as deluded as you!

Next you'll be telling me India are the best side in the world
They are sadly dying for US interests. Ukraine wanted a peace deal back in April in Turkey but Boris the puppet ran over with his fat belly to sabotage peace talks. Ever since Ukrainians have been doing what their masters insist.

Shield Maidens came over and took over many parts of England inc York. It could a long time for England to beat them. Those women are as strong as men, no woman today is near the same. Ukrainians wanting women to fight shows their are struggling badly, as you dont see Russian women in the battlefield in such numbers?

I never read of Viking warrior women attacking York.

There were plenty of Red Army and Red Air Force women in WW2. There was a unit the Wehrmacht called the Night Witches who dropped grenades from low flying biplanes to deprive Germans of sleep. Maybe tge Kremlin should ask for volunteer women now. Except in 1942 they were being invaded, while now they are doing the invading, so the patriotic motivation is not there.
Keep believing the Kremlin... Although I don't think they are even as deluded as you!

Next you'll be telling me India are the best side in the world

India are best side .....in not being able to take a wicket in an innings.

We have opposing views but please dont fall for such outragous lies such as only 150 missiles. They have tens of thousands, Russia knew this was coming since 2014 and have been preparing.

But sure, Ill not post ever on this thread if Russia only has 150 missiles which should run out in a week? But if they dont...
I never read of Viking warrior women attacking York.

There were plenty of Red Army and Red Air Force women in WW2. There was a unit the Wehrmacht called the Night Witches who dropped grenades from low flying biplanes to deprive Germans of sleep. Maybe tge Kremlin should ask for volunteer women now. Except in 1942 they were being invaded, while now they are doing the invading, so the patriotic motivation is not there.

Shield Maidens were vital in the Battle of York (867).

Interesting thanks will read of this unit.

Women fighting isnt a bad thing, its normal in history but in the modern era for women to go on the frontline means the army is desperate. Sadly Ukraine is in such a mess, many know its too late for victory so will leave in their millions this winter when the Russian offensives begins.
The civillians were evacuated because Ukrainians shell civilians because they are aligned with Russia. Believe BBC which has made you look silly many times.

120 left :))) :)))

So no more missiles by Sunday? According to you NOT a SINGLE missile will be fired by Russia after these 120?
Hahahhahahaa. I will have what you are drinking