Official commentary thread - india v pakistan (day 2) [8/03/05]

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Amjid Javed

PakPassion's 100,000 posts man
Mar 3, 2004
Post of the Week
Pakistan 312 all out

day 2 start time --> 0400am uk time

please place all match updates for day 2 on this thread when game restarts.

please continue to add discussion to "other thread" at moment please!

Mig, please make thread sticky and dont lose this thread

:-^ :-^ :-^
Amjid, as long as you do not mention Bob and Inzi... the thread will not be deleted by MIG |-G
Still over 6 hours to go till the match starts Amjid, slow down.

But again that saying is true, 'Wherever Amjid steps, a post is born.'

Regarding MIG deleting threads, sorry but his English is bad, so most often he ends up reading 'Delete this thread' as 'Date this brunette'. :p
mohali stats (all tests)

average scores

1st inns score - 353
2nd inns score - 402
3rd inns score - 286
4th inns score - 123
we should make a thread. "Official thread to stop AJ making official threads"
What is the weather forecast for 2nd day?
the match starts at 0430 GMT not 0400
and its gonna rain as well.
So is rain forecast for the whole day?
Pitch square is all covered up due to prior or current rain; can't tell. Looks very wet. I doubt there is going to be any play at all today. If the play does start. the conditions will be quite ideal for bowling.
thats wat cricinfo says:
Hello and welcome to the live coverage of the second day's play
Sadly the drizzle that had showered the ground since early morning
will delay the start of play here today

i though the rain was suppose to get heavier as the day goes on?
shastri interviewing balaji and rudi.

Light drizzle continues...if and when it stops it will take 45 minutes to clear up.

They can make up to 2 hrs in the remaining days.

Manjrekar's first question for Rameez : it is raining, good news for Pakistan

Rameeze's reply: good news for India..batting can be hazardous in this cloud cover
well the rain can stop, but cloud cover remains for long, so india maybe in for a rollercoaster ride
shikari said:
shastri interviewing balaji and rudi.

Light drizzle continues...if and when it stops it will take 45 minutes to clear up.

They can make up to 2 hrs in the remaining days.

Manjrekar's first question for Rameez : it is raining, good news for Pakistan

Rameeze's reply: good news for India..batting can be hazardous in this cloud cover

good response
Salman's interview: he speaks the best english in the team. Good grammar and vocabulary, even Manjrekar said in a diplomatic way that very sensible kid and speaks well
who speaks the worst english?

remember kamran akmals interview after he scored his century :eek:D :eek:D :eek:D :eek:D :eek:D :eek:D

he gave it a good try LOL !!!!
i don't mind is the boys give it a try despite their english being bad, it doesn't make our image look bad, in fact it shows how much we are involved in our culture that we don't have time for other languages :eek:D
45 minutes after the rain stops :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
anybody here using - is it working?
Salman said his feets were in the toilet when he got bowled by pathan
hahahahhah Kam Akmals interview was awsome man. He pushed the interpreter outta the way and started talking.
Mona,, that was the only half decent song on that CD. He rushed the album out the last one was WAYY better.
Re: Offical commentarythread - india v pakistan (day 2) @ mo

Amjid Javed said:
Pakistan 312 all out

day 2 start time --> 0400am uk time

please place all match updates for day 2 on this thread when game restarts.

please continue to add discussion to "other thread" at moment please!

Mig, please make thread sticky and dont lose this thread

:-^ :-^ :-^

I am guarding this with my life ....who goes there ?
rain rain go away,
come back some other day (preferably when we are playing Ozz)
Willow TV pics showing raindrops on the camera, overcast and partially empty stands....covers still on - no immediate chance of play...
Morning Richie...morning everybody.

So no play-nice dancing show on Sony at the moment.

Whats the chance of play before lunch (what i AM ASKING IS SHOULD i GO BACK TO BED?)
Oxy™ said:
Morning Richie...morning everybody.

So no play-nice dancing show on Sony at the moment.

Whats the chance of play before lunch (what i AM ASKING IS SHOULD i GO BACK TO BED?)

Go to bed - we will wake you up when its on again.....

still showing dark overcast skies and covers on - I would say post lunch is the earliest this will start....
man....i was looking forward to india;s batting
crucial stage

hope i have good news when i get up in the morning
Im gone.

Not a single minutes play was lost in Pak last year!!!

And some jerk in India cancelled the Tsunami Relief game because he thought it would be too hot next month.

Back to bed!!
yes sajjad you will have some good news- india would have scored no runs.
and some bad news- pak would have taken no wickets

cuz it looks like its gonna be a wash out today
yeah i dunno what happened with the tsunami game

sad to hear
some bhindian suddenly realized that it gets hot that time of year.....

man these guys are bad at lying.
kashif77 said:
yes sajjad you will have some good news- india would have scored no runs.
and some bad news- pak would have taken no wickets

cuz it looks like its gonna be a wash out today

hahaha not exactly what i wud want to hear

i think there will be 30-40 overs

india shud be @ 130-4
how is the drizzle? is it still light, has it increased, or has it dissipated?
Update (10:50 IST - 5:20 GMT) - it stopped drizzling for a brief
period but now it has started again, outfield is still relatively
dry, the playing area is still under covers.
5:40 gmt..
it seems rain has stopped!
it looks a lot brighter aswell!
if it is not just a change of camera views...
the true passionist said:
5:40 gmt..
it seems rain has stopped!
it looks a lot brighter aswell!
if it is not just a change of camera views...

how do you know about this?? are you lookin at live pictures or somethin ?
i guess he is, but its been 15 minutes since he poster that, and cricinfo still hasn't mentioned a word.
here is ur lame joke of the day

why does snoop dog carry an umbrella?
valid point, but not humorous

correct answer: fo drizzle
Update (11:35 IST - 6:05 GMT) - nothing much has changed in the
past half-an-hour, it's still drizzling lightly out here and all
the covers are in place.
Willow TV recieve a feed where the camera is running....

The rain seems to have stopped and it is looking brighter but covers are on ...
well i guess MIG is mroe reliable than cricinfo, hoping to see the match start soon
octavian said:
the true passionist said:
5:40 gmt..
it seems rain has stopped!
it looks a lot brighter aswell!
if it is not just a change of camera views...

how do you know about this?? are you lookin at live pictures or somethin ?
yes i'm...
but no further progress..
well if the rain has stopped, y aren't the groundstaff preparing to get the game underway? y are they so slow?
Actually, I cant tell if the rain has stopped!! but its brighter and by the way people are running around in the stands and the Pak Flag fluttering in the back - looks pretty decent all around.
hmmmmmmm i woke up about 45 mins ago ran donw 2 the tv put it on sony and some guys were having a singing contest

i hope theres some play 2day
Nothing - unless they all hide wheneve I connect !! wait a minute someone is digging up the pitch

just joking...
Although from the rise in the level of noise from the crowd - seems that people are quite hopeful...
It is still drizzling there and the covers are still on
Due to the rain delay, players have decided to take an early lunch

Rudi Koertzen has said that it will take about 45 minutes to start once the covers are taken off
Status at 12:15 PM IST: It is still drizzling a little bit. Once the drizzle stops it will take about 30 minutes for play to resume

thats from
Willow TV showing covers not just on the pitch but across more than the whole square.

A little golf cart now driving around - plus the bugles and trumpet men are excitable again.

I'd say should start by 8:00 am UK time if it doesnt rain again.
Funny scenes...

Groundstaff who are wearing "greens"" ?? on their knees and drying out the top of the covers with the sopper thingy going up and down now !
yeh they r absorbing waters of the covers...
probably want to prevent the water to flow onto the field..
An Aussie voice on TV was preparing to start the commentary but just said "now its still raining!"
talking of that...
light has got poor again..
another patch of cloud seem to be over the ground..
hopefully it does not have lot of water in it..
The Aussie voice was all ready - telling when to get people back into the box etc, but I reckon its drizzling again.

The bugle and trumpet boys have become a tad quieter. Umpires walking off more purposefully.

I'd say chaps go back to your homeworks and exam prepartions- and MIG you go back and justify your loads greenbacks job!

(Btw, thanks for this Willow link - not too bad)
Darryl Hair says he will have a look again in 20-40 minutes.
Hey ppl just got back in from work. Doesnt look like ive missed much does it?!
the cloud getting darker...
not much play would be achieved nevertheless..
we might even be looking for a washout!
i think...i should think of going to bed now..
salam, no you haven'tf it, we might be in for some cricket very soon Inshallah
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